Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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(I misunderstood cinegirl for a bit. I thought she said she 'wish' Ryan would do more things like that :lol:)

Well sandersidle, at least if not fluent enough to speak it, he understands it enough that he could translate it. In the scene when they were replaying the tape, he was like "Hold on, replay that..." and began translating.
I was like :eek: :eek: *adds one more point to how perfect Ryan is* :lol:

Anyway, yesterday it was the second episode of S4, about the yatch club case. When the yatch started sinking, I was hoping that maybe, uh, he'd need to jump out of that sinking boat and swim ;)
Sadly, didn't happen :rolleyes:
ughh im so jealous. i was stupid and didnt watch miami season 4...only like 4 episodes so i have no clue what your talking about but, that sucks he didnt swim ;)
First of all: I left at 12.45 my time and there were 3 pages. I come back at 19.30 my time and there are 5! WTF? :eek:

Second: Somewhere I have the bad feeling that wasn't the real Ryans_Erica. My msn has been hacked once, by a friend, thank god, so he gave me my new pasword. I don't know, it just didn't sound like her at all. Does anyone here know her personally? If it was her...what was that all about? :confused:

Third: I'm 1.70, how long is that in inches? No idea. :(

Fourd: sandersidle, I don't have to say I love that puc, do I? :lol:
i dont know if that was the real ryans_erica kus i dont know her :lol:

how long is 1.70 in feet?(like 5"7) or something?

haha no Dutchie, you dont :) but seriously i didnt pick it kus of that. i drew a blank but i remembered he smiled there :)
I don't know if that was the real Ryans_erica but dammn she had issues. Saying all that crap didn't bother me, I found it funny, but when she stretched the page I was flippin.

Hey Dutchie, shame on you bumping Natalia into me...ugh.

Tall guys are sexy when they have to bend down for a kiss or look down at you, ah.. All my b/f's have been way taller then me.
Morning, Dutchie :) (yep, it's 1 in the morning here)

I don't know Ryans_Erica personally. I've never even met her before. But you have a good point there. The matter's been taken care of now, thanks to the mods :)

Yeah us togoholics do post fast! Hmm I'm gonna sleep now, let's see if it has reached page 7 when I wake up :lol:
oh my gosh, all I did was go to bed for less than 6 hours and theres already 2 new pages :eek:

teehee! I love Felony Flight...the shirt without the blazer? *drools* *faints*
Whoa Silhouette, it's 1 am where your at, where's that? It's only 2:40 pm here in OhIo. This time zone difference is so weird for me. LIke when I post it gives me a later time and I'm like huh and I look at my clock cause I think I've been online way too long.

Goodnight Silhouette, sweet dreams. :D
OMG!!! I've just left the thread for 6 hours and a half and you'written three more pages!!! :eek: :eek: I'll comment everything here :)sighs: it's gonna be a long post)

cinegirl what is synchronously? :confused: Thanks for your comment about mine, but what's that (synchronously)!!!

athlov I love your drool icons :lol: how do I post an icon that moves? :confused: is that an animated gif? :confused: and then you post it with the image tag? :confused: Thanks!!!

I first noticed his chest!!!! :p :p :p I think I liked guys with a hairless chest but I've changed my mind. Well I like them when there isn's much hair, like Jon's chest :eek: :drooling-again:, OMG!!! my mother is gonna punish me because of the drool on the floor :lol: Where is my bucket? :looking-for-it:

What's a binder? :confused: is it something for school?

Twiztid4Togo :lol: I think I'll do the same if I were at school :lol: but wait a minute, I'm studying my postgraduate studies, I can put him on my notebooks, greaaaaaat!!!!!!!

cinegirl he is about 1 meter 85 cm. tall you can look for it in google, just write there: Jonathan Togo height, and you'll find it, 'cause I did it but I don't remember. In my country we use meters and cm. too :p I'm Calleigh's height: 1,60cm. (I thought she was taller), so I look at them and I imagine myself in Cal's place :lol: :lol: it's good to step on my toes to kiss him, it is like he's protecting me :sighs:, and if you're shorter you can feel his smell better, btw, how would he smell?

szmandatogoholic you're right. Some people doesn't know him and just ask: aahh it's handsome who is he? I can't believe they don't know him :( :(

I don't want him falling for Natalia. I would prefer Valera although I'm a CaRWash fan, but thinking with my head (not my heart), Valera is more probably (Sorry about the ships :blushed:)

Destiny!!!, Destiny!!! :lol: Thanks!!! ;)

Spanish???? My language!!!! Has he spoken spanish in CSI Miami??? I mean like Cal or Horatio????? I can't believe it!!! What episode? I have to buy it!!!!! :eek:

Sorry for the long porst :blushes:
yeah, 1am huh? here it's almost 5am, but I couldn't sleep so now I'm up attempting to do my science homework, but it's very confusing, so I'm just looking at pictures of Togo to make me feel better :lol:

I wonder how my teacher would react if I gave in my homework and it went a little something like this:
What is the surface tension of water? Togo
Explain in terms of intermolecular forces why a drop of water has a spherical shape? Jonathan Togo

haha, he'd probably send me out of class then give me a zero :lol:
its 2:49 pm here :)

CalleighWolfe, i dont think he spoke spanish from what i understand. but i think he translated it :)

a binder is what you put all your notes in. so yeah its for school :D

Silhouette, we'll try to get to 6 pages ;)
sandersidle where are you? here it's 3:00 pm. (August 10th) almost your hour!!!!

I love Ryan's shirts. I love men's shirts they're so hot!!

OMG!!! I feel very bad today :(
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