Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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hehehe :lol: I think we'd all be on the honor roll when it comes to Togo math, Twiz! :devil:

And that would be 13 Togos, sandersidle, hehehe! :D Of course, we'd prefer to have more than 13 because we'd never get enough of Togo hotness! :devil: :lol:
mmmhmmmm togo math :devil: i would be amazing a togo math..and i love science but togo science would be even better :D

very good ShadowFax! ;) ok more then 13? then whats 1287439 togos x 9857392 togos? :devil: muahahaha
I'm only 5 "1" so he's perfect for me, my ex was 5 "11" and I came to his chest...my face would be in JOn's chest hairs...THUD.
I have geometry this year, and I'm gonna be going, with the calculations, "32 Jons + 5 Togos = 37 Jon Togos!" and then I'll be giddy. :lol: And to make a triangle, well... *drools*
:lol: LMAO sandersidle! Damn! I just misplaced my calculator! *looks around* Sorry, can't find it. But what the heck... it doesn't matter how many X number of Togos we multiply by X number of Togos, I'm gonna go for the all-encompassing answer and just say: Togofinity!! :lol: muahahaha!

And I agree... Togo science would be even better!

Wait! I found my calculator! *happy dance* ha-ha! :devil: And that would be = 12690790899088!! Ha! You didn't really think I'd do all of that in my head now, did you? :lol: But please... no more math questions. All the multiplying and adding is giving me a migraine! hehe... :lol:
dancing ...THUD on the floor.

OOOO I just noticed TBonz is on the board. I think our pest is going to get exterminated.....hey we need the thumpinator for this...where is she?
hehehe...actually the quotent would be 1271964801088 haha i have a calculator on my computer! :D but you were close :lol: :D

ok finee no more togo math for today...but tmrw..:devil: hehe just kidding :D
szmandatogoholic said:

Is anyone else's screen stretched beyond belief?
Ah yes :rolleyes: Thanks to whoever the nice person who couldn't spam the board then take refuge here :rolleyes:
I almost thought somebody posted a HUGE hot pic of Jon so I scroll down to find it. I even brought along an extra drool bucket! Imagine how dissapointed I was :lol:
Really, I think she needs Sandle positivity cookies ;)

Ooh some Togo calculations? I'm not good with Math... but, hmm 5'11''... That's perfect for me ;)

Agree with you, hollie... Ryan/Jon is so much hotter than Adam/Eric :D
Twiztid4Togo said:
OOOO I just noticed TBonz is on the board. I think our pest is going to get exterminated.
*Not meaning to step on toes here* Just saying that thanks to bonz peace is reigning now. :)
I used the same calculator on my computer, too sandersidle, but I guess I must've mistyped the numbers. *shrugs* Oh well... But I got close! :D

5'll" is perfect for me, too! :D
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