Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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*hugs* Oh don't worry about that myfavetogoholic, I have a folder where I keep all my newspaper articles and printouts and stuff, and most of the printouts are of Togo...actually, I printed out 2 copies of this sheet of all the photoshoot pics, and I showed one of my friends and she squealed and asked if she could have it, and now she keeps it in the front of her school folder :lol: :D
So, at least I have my pics to tide me through the day...

Well, I'm off to school *waves*
I have a couple Q's since it's a new thread and I love asking Q's. I see that szmandatogoholic is making a pic for her binder and Carlz31 prints up pics of Togo, I was wondering if anyone else makes things with his name on them? I raise my hand. I have made a calendar, yes I'm ready for the new year, I have stickers, and pics galore printed up. I am in the process of making a t shirt but I haven't found the right pic for it yet. I also made bumper stickers and here's the pics of them. MY hubby loves driving around in a car with "I heart Jonathan Togo" on it. :devil: web page web page

NOW I know why there were so many pages posted on here already! It was those GIANT-sized pictures that Togoholic brought!! *faint* You definitely know how to make an entrance. ;) Welcome back! :D

Ok, so there were so many different topics going on here, I can't keep straight what I was going to say, but I'll start with saying that I've seen Jon in SU2, Law & Order, The Jury, and I've seen his parts in Mystic River, but not the whole movie. PLUS! I watched his episode of 'ED' last night! I give you: Sex on Legs

athlov, I loved when you called Photobucket "Droolbucket" ...I laughed out loud for like 5 minutes over that. :lol:

sandersidle, you're from Canada too? So am I! :D Good to hear it. :)

Anyways, that's all from me for now... I'm being summoned away from the computer. :( TTFN! :D
I have to back up what both Lucy and Destiny have said in here today. You guys were awesome! You didn't give in to temptation when I know how badly you wanted to respond. Not 'feeding the troll' was actually the best form of support you could have shown our Lucy today. You all kept things from getting worse than they already were. You have all made me very proud of our Miami Forum regulars.

I was offline as well...at work.

togoholic...great to see you back, you've been missed around here.

I will post a longer reply when I log back on later tonight, I still have some things I need to do, so I'm just going to get straight to the good part.

Thumpy's Pic Of The Day

(We haven't had a photoshoot pic in awhile)


(credit: JTO)
I certainly feel proud to be a Miami regular today. ;)

That's a great pic Jen :D I like his random white shoes. They match the couch. :p He just seems really happy to be at that photoshoot. :lol: ...Oh gosh it's like attack of the smileys in this post. Okay, I'll stop abusing the smilies. But gosh darn it that is a lovely picture.
Hehe, I noticed that the shoes he was wearing in the pics from that CBS party (the ones we've been drooling excessively over) were the same ones from the photoshoot.^ :D Or at least very similar. :D They just look a little more worn-in in the new pictures.
sandersidle I'm from Venezuela :D and yes, I reviewed we have the same hour!!! :D So here, there aren't a lot Togo fans, in fact I don't know any :( I've tried to introduce him to my friends but they just say: ah ok, handsome, who's he? although they watch CSI: Miami.

By the way, I've got the exact height in meters and centimeters if someone wanted to know them, so here I go :p

1 foot = 30.48 cm.
1 inch = 2.54 cm.

If Jon is 5'11'', so he is...
(5*30.48)+(11*2.54)= 179.94 -> 1.80cm.

I thought it was more, but... it's enough for me. And crmscnnvstgtr101 when you say 'make out' do you mean what I think you mean? :devil: :eek: wow!!! I haven't thought about Jon in that way :eek:
aww i love that picture from Ed. It made me fall in love with him all over again.

now that i can drive, i want to adorn my ancient beat-up civic (named george...like the beatle...and nick stokes :p) with "i love jonathan togo" art. although i share it with my brother and i dont htink he'd appreciate that.

ps. one word: THUD

pps. as far as the height debate goes, i am 5'8", which, for you metric system-lovers (im from canada, myself, so i try to use both), is 170 cm or 1.7 m. i used to try to only date guys who were 6 feet tall (1.8m) or taller, which i know is shallow, but it prevented me from feeling like a beast. but then i met this guy (he's a little person: 4'10" or 1.35 m), and he's just amazing. now i don't really care one way or another about height. i am, however, still a total snob about teeth. which is why its good that jon has perfect pearly whites.

I've seen that pic! And I love it. He's totally hot.

And I have a pair of black shoes that PROBABLY match his. :p They are REALLY comfortable. I wear mine every chance I get, to break them in for school.

*makes pics for binder... and makes T-shirt because aunt has iron-on transfers*
I also made bumper stickers and here's the pics of them. MY hubby loves driving around in a car with "I heart Jonathan Togo" on it. :devil:
O M G!!! thats soo friggen awesome!! i want one! :D but my mom probably would let me put it on the car..its new :( but still! you rock Twiz!! or as ryan would say..."You're fantastic!" :D

sandersidle I'm from Venezuela and yes, I reviewed we have the same hour!!! So here, there aren't a lot Togo fans, in fact I don't know any I've tried to introduce him to my friends but they just say: ah ok, handsome, who's he? although they watch CSI: Miami.
wow wheres Venezuela?? :)
sandersidle said:
CalleighWolfe, i dont think he spoke spanish from what i understand. but i think he translated it :)

Silhouette, we'll try to get to 6 pages ;)
Lol wish came true... I've just wake up, it's page 6 now. :D

Yup, he didn't speak Spanish, but he translated it. Though then it means there's a chance that we might actually hear him speak someday ;)

180 cm? *whistles* That is SO perfect.

Anyway, I'll be going away for 3 days... let's see how many pages I'll be missed :lol:
He's 5' 11"? Omg! He's so tall! So much hottness!! :D :D :D

And, BTW I love the bumper stickers Twiztid! If I could drive and had a car, I would soo make bumper stickers. lol. Meybe i'll just try and make some and stick them on my bedroom door.
He translated Spanish. I can do that. :p

(Off-topic, but somewhat related)
I translated what George eads said in that one episode, "Snakes". But I can't speak Spanish to save my life. But I'm taking Spanish 2 for Freshman year. (I was only in 8th grade and I translated! :eek:)
inge said:
I like this kind of pics too.
He looks so cute with his thinker's brow.

Thinker's brow! I like that phrase, lol. :D *thumbs up*

togoholic!! Those pics are amazing! We'd seen smaller versions of them, but none of them were that large. Thanks for sharing them with us. Don't be surprised if some of them don't end up as a POTD in the future. ;)

Dutchie said:
but can you post that much pics? Shouldn't you post links? Ah well. Not sure.

Just to clarify, you can post upto 6 thumbnail images per post. We request that it not be more than that so that the pages will load in a timely fashion for those that still have dial up. ;)

:eek: Lucy...what an amazing 'thank you' pic. Yummy! :D

quickbeam...the 'Ed' pic is gorgeous. Sadly, I have yet to see that episode as well. :(

Oh...and since everyone else has listed their heights, I'll just add that I'm 5'1". :D

*whew* Ok...I think I'm finally caught up now.
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