Ryan/Jonathan #9: 'Way ToGo'

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Is anyone else's screen stretched beyond belief?

Oh, I forgot:

Thanks to whoever said they liked my banner. I made it.

Man, I am most definitly putting him in my binder! And if my friends ask who he is, I'll say, "you're not my friend anymore." :lol: :p
wow Shadowfax you really did great there, good calculations.

I just read in a thread about the problems Ryan will face this season and I sure hope the informant isn't reporter bitch and he doesn't have a thing for her again, gosh he needs to stay away from her and Boa, 2 strikes their gone. I'm worried that since he has to work with Boa sparks might fly, plus it looks like Eric has gotten over Boa so he won't be in the triangle.
The season hasn't started and I'm already chewing my nails. Sry off topic.
Aaaww! For me? Thank you, thank you, thank you cinegirl!!! *hugs and happy dance* I guess a little math doesn't hurt, especially when the payoff is a wonderful pic of Ryan and his adorable smirk! :lol:

sandersidle - Really? That's cool you guys are the same height. :D
Twiz, im totally scared for the same reasons. the reporter bitch better not come back and thats what i was thinking. i hope by him helping natalia he doesnt fall for her :(

hehe thanks ShadowFax :D
cinegirl said....Oh yes, that's it. Thank you very much! *gives cookie and a big hug*
But wow, 1.80 m aren't that small!

aw thanks for the cookies and hug. Hugs back and munches on cookie. :D

sandlesidle said.... Twiz, im totally scared for the same reasons. the repoter bitch better not come back and thats what i was thinking. i hope by him helping natalia he doesnt fall for her

we've had to put up withe the reporter bitch way too long in that last 2 seasons, gosh I hope the last ep she was in was it. Haveing her was bad enough and now they are putting Boa in there too eh.
Thanks Twiz! I guess I don't mind doing some calculations... especially when they involve Ryan/JT :devil: :lol:
This thread is really on fire! :lol:
Ah well, no wonder... *still staring at the pics*
Can't stop. And Twiz - I'm the same. The edit button and I are best friends because I can't type :lol: And my backspace loves me, too.

Who can blame us?! I mean... gah!
I'd be on the honor roll.... I can do togo math, regular math I suck at.

I've already used up 3 drool buckets and now i'm using bags, thanks Togoholic.
OOO just took another peek at chest hairs..adfds;ljd;fiodfjd
cleaning the floor now, bag broke.
lol - with that math would have make fun! (too late for me, crap...)
You're welcome Shadowfax and Twiz! For me Jon has the perfect size: I'm only 1.63 m (sorry, can't calculate like Shadow ;) ) - oh, I have an idea! Have to create something ;)
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