Ryan/Jonathan #8: 'Togo-A-Go Go'

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CalleighWolfe said:
Way To Go is not the name of a CSI LV episode? Maybe we could name the new thread 'Gator bait' or 'Kiss me ToGo on dreaming'

True...'Way To Go' is the name of an LV episode, but we have a bit of a story as to how we settled on 'Way ToGo' for a possible title for the next thread. It all started one day when quickbeam posted about something she'd seen during the day:

posted by quickbeam_cw:
So, I saw "Way Togo" written on the side of a bus today.

Ok, I lie, it really said "Way to go," but you know that all I saw was "Way Togo"

Dutchie then commented on the fact that 'Way Togo' would make a pretty cool thread name, and then I later suggested typing it as 'Way ToGo' to illustrate the play on words in the title. ;)

But as always we're open to suggestions if anyone else has anything they'd like to suggest.

And Shadowfax is correct, the POTD is from the movie 'Mystic River'. :D

Oh...and guys, if you'd like to direct a member to a thread in Shipper Central, it's fine to post the link for them to follow. :) That way we can stay on topic in here and the member who asked about the thread can find it with ease. PM'ing it to them would be another option.

Shadowfax said:
Ooooh Thumpy, I just read from CBS.com that the next CSI: Miami episode is Vengeance from S3... the one about the high school reunion gone bad. Aren't you excited? Ryan's gonna say your name in that episode!!!

Is it really? :D I hadn't yet checked to see what episode was coming on next. And yes...I'm very excited!
Oh...and guys, if you'd like to direct a member to a thread in Shipper Central, it's fine to post the link for them to follow. That way we can stay on topic in here and the member who asked about the thread can find it with ease. PM'ing it to them would be another option.

right. sorry Thumpy! wont happen again ;)

ohh i just had to add that theres only 23 more posts until the new thread!!! :D
Right... um, thanks for clarifying that Thumpy. :D

Anyway, I for one will be looking to see if my name comes up in S5. Maybe I'll get lucky and Ryan will say my name, heheheheee. :p :lol:
No worries, sandersidle, there's nothing to apologize for. I wasn't trying to chastise anyone at all...I apologize if it came across that way. I just wanted to point out that Lucy or I wouldn't jump all over anyone for posting a link to a Shipper Central thread. ;)

edited to add: You're welcome, Shadowfax. :)
nooo dont apologize!! i just kinda went of topic and posting a link would prob be better :D

if he said my name i would faint. his voice is soo sexy. i love to imagine him saying my name...*katie katie katie katie....comes back to real life* hehe i got carried away :D
:lol: It seems that we keep chasing each other sandersidle. You are too funny! :D

And I agree... sexy voice, sexy man!!! A girl could still dream, right? heheh! :p
haha yup i guess we are chasing eachother. :D but people are actually on now so im posting lots :lol:

omg yes..haha thatd be hilarious if he looked the way he did but he had a girls voice!! wow ok sorry its late at night here! ;) :D
Well, it's been real... it's been fun... it's been really fun posting here and talking about Ryan/JT hotness, but I gotta go to bed. More deadlines to meet, and I need my beauty sleep.

Maybe I'll get lucky again and have another dream about Ryan/JT. :devil: Hey, maybe he'll even say my name, and the dream would actually make sense, unlike last time. Hee! :lol: G'night, and later dudes and dudettes!! *waves good-bye*
sandersidle said:
nooo dont apologize!!

That's very sweet of you to say, and I do appreciate your understanding. ;)

Here's a general question for everyone, and I know we've discussed it before, but we do have lots of new members in here now, so I thought it'd be a good idea to ask it again.

Is CSI: Miami the only thing you've seen Jonathan Togo in? If so, please tell us what else you've seen him in.
I've been gone for a few months but wanted to stop back in. I missed you guys :D

For your question Thumpy, I've also seen him in Mystic River. I believe that's it though. For some reason my mind is going blank on me but I loved him in Mystic River...our Marlboro Man ;)
I promise this is the absolute last post for tonight... :p

Sweet dreams to you too sandersidle! :D

Thumpy -- Yes, CSI: Miami is the only thing so far that I've seen JT in, though I've seen caps of him in Mystic River and SU2 (wish I could watch those sometime) *sight* Okay, that's it. Good-night everyone! And it's for real this time! :lol:
I first saw Jonathan Togo in 'Mystic River'. I knew he was going to be on CSI:Miami, so I wanted to get a feel for what I was to expect.

At first, I thought to myself "So this is the guy." and then I didn't like him very much at first. I couldn't really picture him being on CSI:Miami at all. I guess it's because I hadn't really been exposed to any of his other 'works'. But really, he hadn't been in much that I could get my hands on so I didn't have much to go on. (No pun intended) :p

But I must say, he's made a great addition to the Miami cast, and I wouldn't want anyone else to play Ryan Wolfe. :)
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