Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Actually... I like your theory better. It would PAIN Horatio to have to fire Ryan. Especially if it was because Stetler was forcing him to fire Ryan. I can already see the glint of happiness in Stetlers eyes as Horatio sighs, "Ryan, I'm sorry I have to do this, but you are fired. Effective immediately." Ryan bows his head and Horatio walks away putting his sunglasses on. Then I can see the shocked face as Ryan walks back into the lab, "What the hell is he doing here? He was FIRED!" Yeah... I do like your theory better.. lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Yahs. Like Stetler all like "If you don't fire that man, I will, and I will be sure to mention it was your idea." And then, when H fired Ryan, he would have to give up his badge, gun, and all that. Then it would flash to Ryan walking out of the lab with a little tear in his eye (he looks so hot when he cries..) and H just staring at the badge in his hand. (Sorry, over-active imagination, but that is how I think it would be like. Lols!)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yeah you guys are probably right.. but then how come last time i asked him he gave me info?? hmmmm......interesting
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I saw what your 'connections' are and it's Myspace.. I have the same 'connections'. He has answered every message I have sent to him too. I even asked him if he could talk to the writers and tell them to create more of a backstory on Ryan seeing that his fans can only speculate about his childhood/past. He (Jon) inturn forwarded my long message to him to the writers themselves and thanked me for being such a faithful watcher of the show.

Oh and he also complimented me on having "cute babies" after looking at my Myspace page. :lol:

And to be honest the question that you asked him last night was a very general question... like is the show ending. He can give out that information. Specific details about characters he cannot. BUT I can't tell you what to do.. ask him if you think he will answer. I just wouldn't bombard him with too many messages (I see in another thread you have sent him like 7 or 8 already).

Just sayin.......
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok guys...*puts on mod hat*...I have some things to say:

First of all, y'all are posting entirely way too fast. You're bordering on chatting again and quite frankly we (speed_cochrane and myself) are growing weary of asking y'all to slow down and/or add more content to your posts and basically being ignored. I posted this link earlier, but here it is again, as well as the link to the Board Rules. I suggest everyone read or reread them both beacuse if the chatty/spammish type posts don't start decreasing soon, we will start handing out Official Warnings.

Seriously guys...more than 20 posts in about an hour and a half is far too much. There's a big difference between discussing the character/actor and chatting and we are getting far to much chat in here (as well as other threads). It's hard for those who can't spend a lot of time online to keep up with the thread if it's moving faster than the speed of sound, and we are getting complaints about it.

Next...Spoliers: There is also far too much spoiler code in this thread. Y'all are free to discuss last night's episode without spoiler code as it's been more than 24 hours since the episode has aired. And while it's ok to discuss spoilers for upcoming episodes in the character/actor threads (using the spoiler code, of course), please do so in moderation. The bulk of spoiler dicsussions should take place in the spoiler lab thread out of respect for our spoiler free members who would like to participate in the character/actor threads. Please see this thread--the first and last posts especially-- for more information about spoilers and how to handle them.

Now...the spoiler that was posted a couple of pages ago stated it's for an episode in the 6th season. I wouldn't think that tptb are thinking that far ahead right now, as they haven't even finished the 5th season yet, and as there was no source listed, we can't verify it's accuracy. Besides...even if they are outlining potential storylines for next season, I doubt they have anything other than vague plots and certainly not anything of any great detail. So, maybe we should just stick to spoilers for the current (5th) season for now, ok?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ok np...and RaCK2ThOuSaNd6. he doesn't answer every one's messages. my firend hasn't gotten any from him yet. but he answered all of mine and you said he answered all of yours...hmmm maybe he reads peoples profiles and sees if he has anything in common to make for more interesting messages? who knows....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

hmm .. maybe we should just cool it on the myspace talk for now ... because i think its getting out of hand and i dont want anyones feelings getting hurt.

so lets just lay out there ...
- jon has a myspace
- we msg him on myspace
- sometimes he writes back
- sometimes he doesnt
- maybe he reads our profiles
- maybe he doesnt read our profiles
- maybe people send him the same questions over and over again and hes tired of answering them
- maybe he just wants us to love him and keep our distance

who knows ... because we dont actually KNOW him.

i dunno how i feel about this right now ...
but i do know one thing ...

we dont know him, and he doesnt know us ... we get a few msgs here and there from him but thats it ..

what we have is each other on here and i think we need to just not judge each other and fight with each other over someone that none of us actually know and/or speak to on a regular basis. because lets face it, we think about him a heck of a lot more then he thinks about us ...

its a sad reality ... we dont actually know him.

it seems like every single time someone mentions getting a msg from him, instead of being like "yay!! you got a msg from jon! thats awesome!! im happy for you!" we start in with the claws ...

am i seriously the only one who doesnt care if someone else gets more emails from him then i do?

lets just share the jon love ...

here's some jon love to kind of calm down my unhappy rant.
its some lovins!!

seriously pple ... im really not trying to sound like a bad person here, its just that in my daily life i deal with so much drama at work and with guys and friends and family and i really just want to come on here and talk about a common love we all share ... jonathan togo.

i just really dont want to sit here and sort through drama while im trying to talk about someone so perfect.

theres only room for love when we're talking about someone as perfect as jon ...

if you wanna pm me ... feel free :)

<3 <3 <3
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Thank you Jen and thank you hot4jontogo. I've been unactive in this thread for a while because of the above stated reasons of the thread moving too fast, and all this talk about MySpace. I do not have MySpace so he can't even send me messages, but I don't mind and I don't think I'm going to get one anytime soon. If it's the real Jon on there than that's good, and it's nice of him to send out messages. But I know he has that MySpace to stay in touch with his friends, and not his fans. He might have added fans, but it was not the original goal of his MySpace. It's great if you've all received messages from him, but if you didn't, that doesn't mean he hates you. Because like hot4jontogo said: let's face it: we don't know him, and we probably never will. And that's the way it's supposed to be, we come here to talk about an actor and his characters, about what we like and don't like about him, and what we think has/could happen to his characters. :)

So, to get back to that, here's a question for y'all. Over the seasons, Ryan has made some (more than I'd like to say) mistakes. Do you think there's a hidden reason for those?

I think for some of them there is. Take Recoil, when he took the vial of blood to court, the reason is obviously that he didn't know the protocol yet, and no one was there to help him. Then again he didn't ask for help, but I can quite understand that as he wanted to prove himself.

The death pool mistake, I can think of one too. His friend dragged him into it, he thought it was legal (it was, the pay-outs weren't) and he thought 'what could go wrong?'. Well...a lot. I think maybe Ryan wanted to prove himself to his friend, he seems like the type to me that wants to be liked by everyone, and tries to please them.

Does anyone else have thoughts on these and his other mistakes?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I think maybe Ryan wanted to prove himself to his friend, he seems like the type to me that wants to be liked by everyone, and tries to please them.
Now that I thinking about it, the episode(grr its on the tip of my toungue, I just cant remember the title, grr I almost have it!!) where he messed up the evidence for the guy thats following him and taping him. It seems like he just wanted to please him. Thats so very observent of you Dutchie!!

I forgot to post this earlier, my thoughts for Monday's episode. His outfit, very cute, as always! I loved how it didnt really match, it was very awesome. I also loved his hair, a little different than usual. Him and Eric dressed a little too alike though, they both had on shirts and jackets. Usually Eric has on just a shirt that sometimes matches Ryan, now they both had on shirts and jackets, but they didnt really clash so it didnt bother me :D Im excited for next weeks episode! (I fell asleep at the end of the episode so I missed the preview for the next episode), is it a new one? Im excited anyways :)

Such a busy day today, I love coming home to read this thread! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hi y'all. Had a society meeting at school today, that's why I arrived here pretty late...

Yes a big thank you to Dutchie, ThumpyG42, & hot4jontogo! I do agree that this thread is 'moving like planet Jupiter' (it's the fastest moving planet with fast-moving storms :lol:) because there are lots of us Togoholics, but I'd just like to say ppl - try to make ur posts longer, & with more content. It'll really help in that way, & some of us here'll be able to keep up. :)

Dutchie said:
I think maybe Ryan wanted to prove himself to his friend, he seems like the type to me that wants to be liked by everyone, and tries to please them.

About Ryan's mistakes, I agree with Dutchie. & I'm sure a dark, hidden past has made him become so emotional at times. Even Eric hardly loses his temper like that.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i would like to see ryans character get more depth to him, but im also scared that its going to be something i dont like ... i really dont want to see pain and abuse in his past ... although it would tie him a little closer to H who was also abused as a child. so who knows eh?
if we see abuse then i want it to be straight up like "my dad yelled at me a lot when i was a kid" ... i dont want to see anything like he was beaten or anything because i think that would change my opinion of him a little. as much as it would show strentgh, i would feel sorry for him.

i like thinking of ryan as my hero .... weird huh?
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

All righty. Thankies for reminding us about the rules, ThumpyG42. We all were kind of excited about the talk, but after the *nudge*, we'll chill out. :D

As for Dutchie. I agree with what you said about Ryan trying to prove himself to his friend's because, as I am sure many have notitced, he is still trying to find his place within the team because he doesn't seem to think he is in "it" just yet.

As we all have seen before, Ryan can make some careless, but BIG mistakes, but, as was mentioned before by Dutchie, he doesn't seem to ask for help when he needs it. Maybe he thinks he can do everything by himself, but if he wasn't so...what is the right word...insecure about the way his team sees him, maybe he wouldn't have made those "more than mistakes" in the first place.

But, on the other hand, Ryan is always there doing his job to the best of his abilities, and though it may look like he is the "bad boy" of the team, I think the reason for that is because he doesn't want people to see him for who he really is because, again, he is unsure about how others will think of him. (That also may be a good reason to bring Jon's tatoo into the show.) ;)

Those are just some of my thoughts. :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Hi guys - remember me??? Geez....gone for a few days and it took me so long to go through all these posts. Several I want to comment on - but I won't because the post would be a mile long! I still have not seen Monday's epsiode....saw a bit and I did not like that jacket at all....ugh what were they thinking???
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Ok, we were really moving too fast! Thank you for the reminding, ThumpyG42 ;)

About Ryan having a tatto, I don't really think that is possible to happen. It might, but I do not think it's probable, he just doesn't seem the type of person who would have a tatto, maybe it's just me, but I don't see Ryan having one. I guess people in the lab would be as surprised as me (or me as them, anyway :p) if he actually had one :rolleyes: [sorry for the out of topic here, but I think I read here somewhere Calleigh has a tatto? I didn't know it. When did they show it? What is it?]

As for his background and his childhood, I personally wouldn't like to know that Ryan had a terrible one, like being abused or such horrible things, because I think then it would be too much. Like Calleigh had a though one because of the alcohol problem of parents, then Horatio has lots of problems, and so on. I just think they can't all have had tragic lifes, someone there deserves a normal happy family. Well, not that I wouldn't like to see Ryan telling someone somehting really sad about his life, then crying...Can you imagine how cute?!. (I actually know in who's shoulder he would cry on, but I can't tell it here, it goes to another thread :p). But I think that normal CSI's can also have a normal/good life, and that one maybe lasts for Ryan because he is the one who does not have a background story yet...Or not, hopefuly we'll have a chance to discover it, and maybe soon *crosses fingers*

For last but not least, about Ryan's mistakes. I guess everyone can make them, it's natural, especially CSI's that have to pay attention to so many details, they can forget something once in a while. But yeah, Ryan has made too much, even more comparing with the other CSI's. I guess the fact of didn't call for help when he feels he needs it, might be a reason for that, as said before. And I don't know that storyline from season 5, but I agree that Ryan seems to try to fit in the lab.
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