Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Does anyone else have thoughts on these and his other mistakes?

At first I didn't mind Ryan making mistakes. He was new, used to doing things one way, and didn't know that in some cases the way he was used to doing a procedure is not the correct way a CSI would do it. Like in Recoil, he was used to being told what to do and to follow through.

It took Ryan a while to realize that Patrol Cop Procedure does not equal CSI procedure.

In season 4, I can't recall him making any real big mistakes. Three-Way comes to mind, but all three made mistakes in that episode. After "Nailed," he was making mistakes, but they were associated with his eye.

It seems his mistake making ways picked up again in season 5. I agree with Ally, and everyone else who said the same thing: He is used to people thinking he's the replacement. He's too proud to admit that he doesn't know what he's doing, and he still feels he has to prove himself to be part of the team.

Now that we are almost ending our third season with CSI Ryan, we need to move away from him making all of these newbie mistakes. Granted, a mistake will happen now and then. It happens to all of us, even when we've done something countless times. Still, Ryan is making far too many, and they are too close together.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Like I said before, I can't help but think all these "sort og little, kinda big mistakes" are going to lead to one giant mistake. (I know what mistake, but I have said it so many times before in a spoiler box, I am getting tired of typing it. Lols!)

Yes, as Heather pointed out, he needs to start moving away from all the mistakes he is making. Now, I know he didn't make one in the new epi, but that doesn't he won't go make a huge one in the next epi.

Ryan is by far the most fun to watch just because we all can really all relate to him and his mistakes (but I hope none of us relate to the gambling mistake he has made. :lol: ) and we can say that we have been where he is right now, just, hopefully, not as dramatic.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Guys...I'm going to interrupt here long enough to ask that the myspace discussion stop before things get out of hand, ok? It's gone on far too long as it is.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Guys your going too fast with these pages. Please slow down!!

My birthday tomorrow.... arrgghhh it's scary.....

I know it was like a few pages back but cool pics Athlov!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lols, ThumpyG42. Thankies very much.

Sorry about that, RyanAddict, we just have alot of thoughts. :lol:

By the by, happy "early" birthday! Hope ya have an awesome one!!! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ForgottnEvidence ,I love your icon so much.Ryan is HOT!! :D
I will really happy to see a storyline about Ryan's background.(maybe two eppys. :p)
He is still a mystery since S3.
As long as I can see more Ryan,I don't mind other people's love interests. :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Lols! Why thankies CHIAWOLFE!!!! This icon was made by cainesugar!!!

I agree that it is very nice to see a little background starting to pop up about Ryan around these parts!!! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I know Im not a Mod, but can I please ask you guys to add more to your posts! It took me like 20 minutes to read through all the posts and to see what was replied to my post. Its getting hard to follow but Im trying :)

Like someone metioned before, if the writers keep making Ryan mess up, the team is not going to like him. That will put a damper on the whole show! I hope they start turning his character around. No more mistakes! Anyway Im not sure if someone answered me or not because I couldnt find my previous post, but is Monday's episode a new one??

Happy Birthday RyanAddict! I hope you have a terrific day, and dont let the fact that its Friday the 13th get you down :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

We have all new episodes all the way to the season finale.

Happy birthday RyanAddict! Because it's Friday the 13th- make it interesting ;)

Hopefully the upcoming mistake will be his last, and we will see a new Ryan emerge.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Don't worry, ILuvJonathanTogo! If for some reason Ryan's mistakes cost him big, which I assume they will, I think they will give that epi a good plot, including a good, emotional scene where Ryan learns that the team accepts him for who he is and not what he does. ;)

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

We know that JT isn't leaving the show anytime soon, so I think that anything, good or bad, would be great for his character because it'd give him more depth. We still don't know much about Ryan, ya know. Howeverm the mistakes have gone too far. I'd love to see more of him being an amazing, very professional and dignified CSI. (still looking for the right word :lol:)

I had the weirdest thing happen today. There's this guy at my school named Ryan and he sits near me in Science and I was talking to him and Ryan popped into my head and I called him Wolfe. I'm really losing it. :lol: He looked at me funny but laughed it off. Man, was that crazy or what?

The only case I'd be happy to see Ryan make a mistake would be if he did something wrong and then broke down about it. This would give the team a chance to really fully accept and love him, and show that they do. He's still sort of the new guy and even though he doesn't act like it, theres tension. I'd love an emotional scene between Horatio and Ryan or Delko and Ryan where they admit how much they mean to each other and what a valube asset they are to the team. That'd make me pretty damn happy.

Anyways, let's get this coversation slowed down a bit before we get yelled at again. Thumpy told us we need to add more content and we do- we're already at page 9 and it's getting harder and harder to read through these short posts. Thanks guys!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

The only case I'd be happy to see Ryan make a mistake would be if he did something wrong and then broke down about it. This would give the team a chance to really fully accept and love him, and show that they do. He's still sort of the new guy and even though he doesn't act like it, theres tension. I'd love an emotional scene between Horatio and Ryan or Delko and Ryan where they admit how much they mean to each other and what a valube asset they are to the team. That'd make me pretty damn happy.

I so agree. We have already seen teary eyed Ryan in a couple episodes, but maybe if a mistake he makes costs him him job, *wink wink, nudge nudge*, we will finally see a crying Ryan and the team would realize that he considers them his family and notice he really isn't as "tough" as he has pretended to be.

I think really, the audience and not the team, are the only ones that know Ryan isn't as "bad boy-ish" as he's made out to be. Remember in "From The Grave" where he was all teary just because he told Erica Sikes to get lost? That showed he cared about her, but he couldn't stay with her because he feared of what the team, or what he considers his family, would think about him. ( And good, because I don't like her..)

I do think it is time for H and Ryan to have "their little moment" together because they don't seem all that close.

Or, if Ryan finally spills something about what happened to him when he was younger, I think it would be smart for him to admit it Delko, who, as we all know, are not the closest of friend's on the team, but it would give, like Lilly said, each of the characters depth and they would realize that even though they tend to have their squabbles and all, they really are friend's deep down and they care for eachother like brother's would.

I know it' a long post, but I could spend days talking about this kind of stuff. :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

ThumpyG42 said:
Guys...I'm going to interrupt here long enough to ask that the myspace discussion stop before things get out of hand, ok? It's gone on far too long as it is.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. ;)

I just want to offer a suggestion to this situation. Sorry mods if I am out of line. This discussion could move to the myspace accounts. We all have profiles and the use of PM. If you have a myspace account - why don't you list it and this discussion could move to a different forum. I have an account that I never use but I would love to learn how to use it - not to talk to JT but to learn more about the cyberworld in general.

I am now going to go back on topic so our wonderful mods don't get too mad at me! ;)

I still have not seen Mondays eppy completely yet. BUT - I did rewatch his scenes with the baby (Shootout?)and my heart just melts!
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