Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Dutchie said:
So, to get back to that, here's a question for y'all. Over the seasons, Ryan has made some (more than I'd like to say) mistakes. Do you think there's a hidden reason for those?

Hm, interesting question! :D

Like you said Nikki, I also think that he wants to please everyone and he wants everyone to like him.
I also think that he wants to prove that he isn't a replacement and he tries too hard and he doesn't want to ask the others for help, because this would mean he isn't good enough and so he makes mistakes.

The thing in 'Recoil' wasn't only his fault. I think Calleigh kind of forgot that he was a newbie and she assumed that he knows everything.

The 'too much luminol thing' happened because he wasn't enough concentrated. The guy annoyed him and he wanted to get over it and he didn't think about it, he just did it.

10-7: He didn't want to say anything, he wasn't used to these kind of attention and now Eric also knows that it could happend faster than you think. :p

The gambling problem. Hm, I begin to think that it isn't so easy as you wrote Nikki. Maybe he really has a gambling problem. I hope not. This isn't a personal storyline for Ryan I want to see. :(

maybe there were other mistakes he made, but I don't want to remember them. :p

and I also want to have a happy childhood for Ryan. *pouts*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

For last but not least, about Ryan's mistakes. I guess everyone can make them, it's natural, especially CSI's that have to pay attention to so many details, they can forget something once in a while. But yeah, Ryan has made too much, even more comparing with the other CSI's. I guess the fact of didn't call for help when he feels he needs it, might be a reason for that, as said before. And I don't know that storyline from season 5, but I agree that Ryan seems to try to fit in the lab.

I think we all can accept that Ryan is the most flawed, but probably the most interesting (and hottest...) of the CSI's.

Also, I can't help but think that maybe all of the mistakes Ryan makes is leading up to one big one that we may see in Season 5 or may not. Whatever it may be, it is sure to be quite a shocker. :eek:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

So guys - I luvjonathantogo was kind enough to make me several avatars. Thanks! I have finally been able to get online long enough to pick one out. Hopefully this one does not get pulled! 3rd times a charm right???
I kind of like it when he makes mistakes.....makes him seem so cute and vulnerable.
As for a back story....I may not like hearing he was abused.....BUT it would FINALLY be some personal storyline for him!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I kind of like it when he makes mistakes.....makes him seem so cute and vulnerable.
As for a back story....I may not like hearing he was abused.....BUT it would FINALLY be some personal storyline for him!

I think the mistakes Ryan makes seems to make him the most "human" of the group, per say. He shows that CSIs aren't always perfect and even though he is watching out for everyone else, he doesn't always think about his actions and when he finally he realizes he did wrong, it's too late.

A perfect example of this was in the epi "Death Eminent". Right after Ryan shoves Officer Biggs and the deputy tells him he "just earned himself a complaint", you can tell he instantly regrets his actions.

My point is, at least Ryan knows he makes mistakes, he just isn't great at making things right.

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

yeah i know what you mean. i totaly want to see more of Ryan's background i mean we hear about everyone else's history so why not Ryan's? that is def something they need to include soon :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

And I think they will include it soon, Need4Speed.

I bet they are starting to get alot of complaints/requests for his background (which is prob sort of annoying) and they really have no choice but to keep the fans/audience happy.

But, there is always the possibility they just keep his background unknown..

Maybe Ryan will forever remain a mystery to us, aways be the flawed CSI, always be the sarcastic, bad boy of the team that we know him to be, but if one things for sure, us fans wouldn't be happy with that. :lol:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

no we wouldn't!!! although i do like the mysterious bad boy Ryan :devil: every one loves a bad boy. especially this one :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Well, I think alot of people like the "mysterious bad boy Ryan" :devil: , but if he keeps making these big mistakes, there may be no more "mysterious bad boy Ryan"!!! :eek:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

very true......i sure hope he cleans up his act a bit though and gets some couseling about that gambling prob....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Well, as I said before, mabe because Ryan is so defiant if help from people, he may not go anywhere for the "gambling" prob because, again, he may have it set in his mind that he can get over it himself.

If for some reason, that DOES happen, it will create a very good conflict between he and Calleigh, or he and Horatio.

Whatever happens, it's gonna be something that we will not be able to take our eyes off of. :eek:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I got the new tv guide with d/c on it and there's nothing great in it about the show as far as spoilers about this season and there's no mention of Ryan/ Togo.

I saw someone made a thread saying they read a spoiler that H was going to be killed off and csim was going to end..They asked if this was true...come on are these peeps on here 10 yrs old or what. Like one D/C leave the show and Jerry Bruckheimer pull the plug on one of his top rated shows..talk about someone being so gullable. I mean some spoilers I can see happening but ending csim, get real. Then to top it off someone wrote to Jon on his myspace asking him if the show was ending, he had to have got a good laugh out of that q's.

NOw I've been coming to this board for ages now and lately I have been skipping coming here because of some of the peeps on here, it's just getting too out of control with the stupid talk lately. BUT the main thing that bothers me is all this talk about Jon's myspace. Like a few have said and I agree with is that it's his space and if you have half the brain you can tell he made it for his real friends in life. I am one of his "friends" too..which is nice and it's a privilege that he accepted me. I found his page when he had less then 50 peeps on it so it's been a while and I have only sent him 2 pm's. One simply saying I like his work ect. and once making a commment. Anyways he answers back to just about everyone and it's nice of him to do that. It kills me how some people are pm'ing him with stupid q's that most of the time he probably can't answer, like about spoilers for the show. If you had a myspace and kept getting annoying pm's from a stranger everyday asking you dumb stuff how irritating would that be? I think peeps need to think before they write to him. Consider his feelings.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

For the MySpace thing, I don't have one, but I agree with you. At first I was like, what the heck? But now that I look at it from a different perspective, I think that he has enough to do in his life, like CSI:Miami, so maybe people should start cutting him a break.

I got the new tv guide with d/c on it and there's nothing great in it about the show as far as spoilers about this season and there's no mention of Ryan/ Togo.
As for that, I read it, too. No great, even good spoilers, and I was surprised to see that he didn't really give any credit to the people who do his show with him, including Jon. I bought it expecting something great, but it was a just a normal DC article about how his role as Horatio Caine changed his life and all that.

I say that if you desperately wanna read the article, buy the mag, but otherwise, really nothing spectacular. :(

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

i only asked him one time about a spioler and that was for the possible ending of the show!! but other times i just told him i liked his work and stuff. but he's responded to every message i've sent him. i found out we like alot of the same stuff. like the Red Sox, bands, we both play the sax, well i'm currently learning, i normaly play the flute. we're both from New England. which is so cool. i was surprised that we had so much in common.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

we're both from New England

Wowies! That is something I actually didn't know about Jon or you for that matter! :D Luckeh...I love it there.

You're fine, Need4Speed. Don't sweat it!

Anyway, back on the Ryan topic...

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

OK I wasn't pointing any fingers at anyone but now you have stepped forward so I have to just say that you posted you have written to him like 8 times and just recently. SO you have things in common with him, we all do. Some are lefties like him, some are from the same state or city as him and some of us like to ride bikes or run like him but that doesn't give us the right to pm him all the time. Myself I just find it rude. JMO

As for him making mistakes I hate it..he's been a csi too long to be making the mistakes he's made. LIke the luminal on the blood just made me cringe. IF they want him messing up make it something that is so simple that a kid would know better. I did catch the comment he made when walking into the casino with Cal and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not cool. I just really hope TPTB don't make him look so bad that the team turns against him. His relationship with Delko has finally become good and for some reason they just want them two to hate each other.
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