Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

oh my (i know this was a while ago) i got a 15 on the ocd test. i dodnt think i was that bad i mean o_O i guess i probly have OCD then
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

inge said:
You have point here.
It would be funny. Imagine Eric's and Calleigh's shocked and surprised faces.

Exactly...I think it'd be funny to see how the whole lab would react upon finding out he had a tattoo because it's not something that anyone would expect of Ryan. It'd make for a very funny and light-hearted moment. Oh, and feel free to borrow my words any time. ;)

Also...one last thing, for those that are new members I'd like to direct you to our All About Chatting and Spam thread. I think you'll find it has some very useful info. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

First of all, xTriggerx, I am pretty sure I have OCD, too. I got a 22 on that test. :eek:

Totally agree with ya, Thumpy, on that one. Because CSI:Miami is most of the time serious, it won't hurt to bring in a little humor! :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

519: Bloodline

Ewwwwww, put that down!

That was a great scene.

Alexx: "Hey!"
Ryan: "Yea"
A: "CSI Wolfe! Mits off honey. Body parts are mine - stick to the physical evidence!"
R: "You got it doctor."

I like how she said 'CSI Wolfe' - it was like a mom using her child's full name.

Look how she throws her hands up in the background. :lol:


Ah, sexy on the phone.

That outfit is so awful. :p

Look, his hands are hairy.

His glare can kill germs under a magnifying glass.


That jacket makes him look old. Like his a retired guy or something. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

thanks athlov!! i always love your caps!!!! :)
i wait for them each week :) you keep me very happy :)

note ... we gotta slow down on this thread ... we're making two pages a day ... its getting really hard to keep track!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

As a child of the 80s, I can see the member's only jacket...but I have to agree with you ladies, it just doesn't go well with the color orange.

As for the color orange, I am a huge Tennessee fan and grad, and I happen to think Jon looks very handsome in orange. And with the white shirt underneath, well, I just think maybe our Ryan is a UT fan hiding in gator territory. :D But that's just me...so bring on the orange!

Regarding Ryan's background...I would love to see a storyline. I want to find out more about his niece and his Uncle Ron. I would also really like to find out why he's so angry sometimes...it leads me to believe there's something dark in his past. It doesn't all have to be angst though...Ryan fluff is fine with me...well, Ryan anything is fine with me. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

:lol: So true, aimsavol.

I think that Ryan is the only character on the show that really doesn't have a background...yet.

I, too, would like to know why Ryan gets so angry all the time, mostly when the case has to deal with someone younger than he, like baby Bethaney from "Shootout", or Austin from "Death Eminent". I can't help but think the reason he gets so worked up when the case has to deal with a kid, child, etc. is because something happened to him in his childhood that made him that way (like what I said in my spoiler earlier...).

All I know is that when we finally find out about him, it will be very intriguing, yet somewhat surprising. :D

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

He's beginning to look like my old cockatiel. :lol:

I told my mom about Ryan's gambling problem, and she picked up on how he seemed so intriqued by the casino. "This place seems... hip." hmmmm I'm really excited for the upcoming Ryan centric episodes. :D

I think we are going two pages a day because there are so many of us, and we all have things to say about Ryan/Jon.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

those pics r soo awesome thanks for sharing!!! anyways i agree with u ForgttnEvidence with the whole background situation thing..cause the truth is we dont know alot about Ryan's background........i would like to know more :D :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Dude! I didn't even pick up on that ad I usually notice that stuff! I was wondering why he was so interested in the casino, but I thought it was just because it was pretty cool! I would've never picked up on the gambling prob!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I don't really think you are supposed to. Its just a build up scene. Us crazy miami fans who know the future know about his problems, and see it. Had I, or my mom for that matter, not known about the gambling problem, we wouldn't of picked up on it. I would go back to it at a later date and go OOOHH, that's why...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

I agree with Happily... because I know of the spoiler, I picked up on what he said last night right away... BUT if I didn't know then it probably would have just run in one ear and out the other.

OMG I BUSTED out laughing at that ROTFLOL pic that you posted Athlov with his eyes like that. Holy hilarious!!!! I think that Twiz should add that cap to her 'funny faces' signature banner!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:

OMG I BUSTED out laughing at that ROTFLOL pic that you posted Athlov with his eyes like that. Holy hilarious!!!!

ha ha that was SO OMG!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: that's is like the funniest pose i've ever seen him in!!!!!! :lol: i fell off my chair from laughing so hard!!!!!!! :lol:
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