Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Thanks for the Monday pic Ali! :)
and your banners and icons are great as always.

My new episode today was 'Shock' and it was a nice Ryan episdoe. He had a lot of screen time and it seemed that Calleigh and he were doing the most work. :lol: Kidding.
and he looked very good with the T-shirt. :eek:
I think he crossed his arms over his chest intentionally to show of his arm muscles. ;)
The scene with Alexx was sad. She was very angry, shocked and sad. Ryan looked sad too, I'm sure he was so sorry about that. :(
and only one scene with labcoat. He doesn't do a lot of lab work recently. :(
I winced as Calleigh asked him if he can play poker.
Not funny!
and he looked shocked too and if she caught him. Maybe a foreshadow???? ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I can't wait!!!! tonight is the new ep!!!!!!! wow!!! time went by fast!!!! and i hope they have this whole thing where Ryan starts out in a bit of a situation but then fixes it and is sort of the "Hero" and he gets rehired. that would be awesome.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

*stares at Ali's Monday pic* *keeps staring in shock* :eek: WOW! Is this the new Ryan you are talking about?! *dies* I mean, I have read stuff here and there about his new look in season 5 (that seems that is never going to be here :() but I had never imagined it was this different. I mean, that hair and suit and tie.Oh, I am still in his season 3/4 look, so this was like too much for me. *tries to recover* Ok, fine now, getting used to it ;)..Hmm, I haven't figured yet if I prefer this look or the old one...Anyway is fine for me. And so is his height. Seems great at my eyes!

Thank you for the picture, AliGtr. The other one was also very cute :lol: I have to agree with Nikki, I think they don't even notice they are doing those faces. It's the same thing that happens everytime I am seeing a film and click the 'pause' button, it always stops in those funny strange expressions or positions. It's just natural, but still funny :p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Phillie, Ryan did indeed get fired at the end of last weeks episode for paying off a debt/comprimising (er sp?) an investigation.

Ali, Thanks for the Monday Pic. I love ties. I love Ryan/Jon in a tie. *sigh* No one noticed he got a hair cut? I'm actually quite surprised no ones mentioned it. ;)

Inge Shock is a really good episode, and now you've made me in the mood to watch it. :lol: ;)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

oohh!!! only about 4 hours till the new ep!!!!!!!! woo!!!! i so can't wait!!!! he's just so sexy!!!!! *Drools*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Love the Monday pic, did you guys notice a force field around the hair, ha, i'm such a loser, sorry guys, and i can not wait for the new epi, imma gonna go crazy.
wow great pic!
has anyone else seen the interview that they had with the cast of CSI: Miami on the CBS Early show?
well its pretty funny because Jonathan is studdering when David comes along talking sbout his sexy muscles!
it pretty funny!:lol: Interview
HAHA!!! OMG!! I'm so stupid!!! i just realized that we are gonna see him on tv on tv!!!!! even though he's be on tv on the show before it took me this long to make the connection!!!! wow!!!! stupid moment!!! and i can't beileve i have all A's and one B on my report card!!!! :lol: haha!!! :D LOL!!!!
haha the part were Jonathan says that Caruso likes his moobs is just HILARIOUS!! i seriously couldnt stop laughing and he was so nervouse when Caruso was around:p
HAHA!!! yeah!!! that was great!!!!! They always have lots of fun on the set and acording to Eva in her latest interview she said Jon and Emily are the comedians on the set. she sadi those two are just hilarious!!! and i believe it too!! LOL!! haha!!!!
yea they should seriously do a bloopers reel and that would be fun to watch!
i'd probably pee my pants like i almost did watching the vid! :D
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