Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

Awwwww that picture Ali!!! lmfao!!!! He looks so...so....sweet I think would explain it. I bet he lost his chocolate bar against Eric in a jumping high match or something. I think he is sweet being short. * Off topic * Have you noticed whoever you go out with is taller than you most of the time?! I feel so small :S
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15

haha i love that pic Ali!
i like it when Ryan makes those weird faces
like if you pause it for a moment and it just stays on one of Ryan's funny faces you just have to take a picture of it!(yea it might not make sense)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

what did it say iLuvJonathantogo ?!?!?
tell me, tell me

i've seen another picture of him in shorts...look at those legs :eek:...sorry, spaced out there for a sec i cant rember where though :mad:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

HAHA!!! I love that pic Ali!!!!! and i think his new bad boy attitude is just sexy!!!!! at least the promo makes him seem like a bad boy. and the suit looks yummy on him!!!!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

at first i didnt like the suit but im growing on it now!

i guess i didnt like the colors at first but im used to it probably from watching the previews so much! :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I have to agree with that_girl1, i didn't like the suits at first, but yess, they are starting to gwon on me too, MOnday is way to far away, Ali, love that pic thanks.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Great pic Ali :D such a funny face :lol:

As for him in suits,there ok.Befor I really didnt like them but there growing on me to lol as long as they aint orang its ok :p

As for his height I thought he was 5'11 lol but you guys saying 5'10 thats still ok hes the same height as me lol But height doesnt matter some of the shortest guys I know are the nicest. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

i don't care how tall he his. his sexiness makes up for it!!! and yeah the suits look kinda sexy now. at first they didn't really suit him but after a while they grew on me....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Oh my gosh! Time flied, the episode is tomorrow night!! :) Im excited, as most of you are :D

Inge, that fanfic sounds so sad, that seems like something he would do though, from what you said, I would have probably cried if I read that fic :(
I would hate to see Ryan depressed or sad at all. We already saw him sad like when Eric was hurt but him being sad about losing his job would be so horrible. I couldnt even imagine him sitting in his apartment just sitting there or cleaning or just thinking, oh my gosh I got to stop before I start crying!!

Sorry, I dont know Jon's height, I trust you guys though when you said 5'10,that seems about right :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

yea i read that fic and it was pretty sad
it sounded like if he wanted to kill himself which wouldn't be good:p
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I asked this question not long ago - is there a link to that 'Bad Boyfriend' video with Jon in it? Didn't anyone read the question??? I mean, when u ask everyone a question, u would expect an answer all the time. & I'm sure you know what it feels like when no one takes notice of whatever you're saying. If u guys don't know whether there's a link to that video or not, just say you're not sure. At least I would know & be happy that people read my posts. Or is it that this thread is still moving kinda fast & reading all these posts gets tiring, & u end up missing one or two posts? I'm sorry that I'm ruining the mood & being a little emotional here, but I just don't feel good whenever this happens. I also apologize if I said anything wrong.

Anyways, IMDB says Jon's height is 5' 11'. That's considered pretty tall, but maybe he kinda looks short because David Caruso is 5' 11' and a half & Adam is 6' 1'.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Well I haven't been here for a while, I'm sorry loyal2wolfe, but you're totally right. Do you by any chance mean the 'gay boyfriend' video? I don't know if I'm allowed to post the link here so I'll PM it to you right away ;)

Are we talking about his height again? :eek: We should put all personal information in the first post of every thread, like height, eye colour, full name...every thread someone comes in and asks that. :lol:

Ali, I think they don't even notice they're making those faces, you see it when you go to cap an episode. You'll cap it like right when they're closing their eyes to blink and it looks rediculous, but you don't notice it when you watch an episode.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I thought that the IMDB height might have been a little bit... enhanced, once I saw him next to the other actors. Doesn't bother me, anyway. He's still gorgeous! :p

I remember the Bad Boyfriend video, but I don't know who posted it and I don't know where it came from, so I didn't say anything. It could be that the only person who knows where it came from hasn't been here for a while, so I wouldn't take it too personally, loyal2wolfe .

How about a Mondaypic to cheer you up? I'm going to have to post this as a link because it's a big one and I don't have the heart to cut it down. It's a promo pic for Kill Switch, and while it comes from an episode that hasn't aired yet I don't think it's spoilery at all. It's just Ryan looking yummy in a suit. :p And Ryan in a suit seems to be growing on us.

AliGtr's Mondaypic

sex in a suit

Credit goes to katbug , who sent me the pic in the first place. I don't know where it came from originally. I made some icons and a wp from it, however, so if I'm allowed to I'll post the link for those too while I'm here. Icons and a wallpaper for katbug :D

Okay, now I'm off to trawl ff.net for this new fic. Sounds good. :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Aww....thanks Ali! I just got back from the hospital so this really made my day. Love the wallpaper. Yes - he does look yummy in that suit!

The pic came from the spoiler pic thread here at Talk CSI.

You guys were busy this weekend! Had a hard time getting caught up.

I am very much looking fowrard to the episode tonight. The previews have kept me captivated.

If you find the ff link can you pm it to me? Thx!
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