Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I love Ryan in orange. He looks so good. I love the line "the books gonna hit you too" There was another line i like, but i can't remember at this momemnt.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Haha!! I lvoe that line too!!! after he said it i was talking to the tv (yes, i'm crazy) and i was like "Oh!! What now?!? Ryan Wolfe just shot you down!!" The "shot you down" part not being literal, just metophorical.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Read and understand Thumpy. :D

I liked that line too. But my favorite moment was when he put his hand through that laser. "I wonder what would happen if I put my hand through to the other side?" And I love Alexx's response. "Careful Ryan! With these people, it could mean electrocution." :lol: I thought that before it was even out of her mouth.

It kind of shows that he's still the youngest. I mean, I can't imagine any of the others doing it. It was a kind of childish curiosity - he just couldn't help himself. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

hot4jontogo said:
RyanAddict said:
Oh my gosh hot4jt you had a nail in your eye? ow ow ow ow ow!!!

actually it was a pencil .. eyeliner to be exact. it was nasty.

Yeah sorry I was like totally shocked and thought of Ryan and put nail..... but still like ow ow ow ow ow I can't stand eyeliner... lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I updated my page. I added a page for Large Third Season caps, and Shootout to the large caps.

I also fixed the smaller Shootout page, which I didn't even know there was anything wrong with until today. :eek: For some reason I had caps from 313 in the folder for 312. :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

athlov said:

my favorite moment was when he put his hand through that laser. "I wonder what would happen if I put my hand through to the other side?" And I love Alexx's response. "Careful Ryan! With these people, it could mean electrocution." :lol: I thought that before it was even out of her mouth.

It kind of shows that he's still the youngest. I mean, I can't imagine any of the others doing it. It was a kind of childish curiosity - he just couldn't help himself. :lol:
HAHA!! so so agree!! that was the best part!! and Alexx's face was priceless when she was watching him reach twoards the laser :lol: it would have been funny if he pretended to get shocked. just for laughs :lol: and I'm glad his wardrobe is back to the sexy style we love!!! his outfit last night was so perfect :D i just hope his outfit is just as good next week :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

LOL yes that part was funny lol His child curousity(sp?) got the best of him lol I think i would have tried it to but i would have been much fast if it was me it be in and out lol but he whent pretty slow,think he was timid about it.But i would have gone fast just incase Alexx was right about the shock :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

:lol: I didn't think it would actually shock him, but I would have joked about it still. If I could have been right behind him at that moment... :lol: Just as he was about to put his hand through, I would have jolted his sides with my fingers and gone, "BIZZZTT!" :lol:
Then when he jumped in shock and went through the lasers, I would have LMAO!!! :D :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

but athlov ... that could backfire on you ...
we have an electric fence for my horse and if someone touches the fence at the same time as touching you then they dont get shocked but the person they are touching gets it twice as bad as they would normally gotten it if they just held the fence.

sooo if you were jabbin him in the side while he touched the lazer and it was electrified then he would have been fine but you would have been fried.

it would have been funny to make him get all freaked out though :) haha
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Athlov Thats just cruel...But I would do it too :lol:
I would also love to see him freak out, the only time we really saw him scared was in 'Curse of the Coffin'-now that was funny!! I almost screamed, myself! Its was funny how he ran out of there when the body jumped up, I would done the same obviously. Now was this just a thought I had come up with or did it really happen, Did Ryan actually get out his gun and shot the body when it came up? I thought that he did that but I could be getting confused between two stories. :lol:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Athlov that would be so funny,I would have to put my hand through the lasers to though, just to see what would happen, I loved Curse of the Coffin, that was so funny, i love how Ryan was so scared.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Athlov I would do that but run after he caught his breath back else I think he'd shoot us :S Yay I'd get shot by sexy Ryan by his sexy gun lmao

i haven't seen Curse Of The Coffin, if it's a series 5 ep then I won't see it till something like august as it not been aired here in the UK. Still watching sexy eps from Series 4... not that I'm complaining :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

I loved that part too and I being curious and stupid would have stuck my hand through there, ok no maybe something else. Athlov that would have been great if Cal or someone came up behind him and did that, but they never have them having fun with each other on the show eh.

I know this news has been posted in other threads but I'm sure there are a few peeps that don't venture out of here so I thought I'd post this for them. Saturday the csim crew wrapped up filming season 5 in Miami Fla and had a party that night to celebrate it. Here are a couple pics I found of them at the party.

Togo party

wish I was there....
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

ummm twiz i was there ... ya jealous? jon and i are like best friends and he invited me ... he told me about it on myspace. LOLZ.
JOKES!! wish it was true though aha ... the party looked fun from the pics, thanks for postin em!!!!

so i figured out whyyy he suddenly started dressing like a man ... if you watch the beginning of the 5th season there was the one "if looks could kill" and it was about models who were like killing each other and some agent tells ryan that his look is sooo last year. and he makes a funny face. and then he starts wearing suits and designer boots and stuff. he still dresses casual but he seems to care more about his look now. maybe its just a coincidence.

either way, i think the suits are cute :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party'

Oh Elise you funny girl you make me laugh so hard I bust a gut!!

Anyway... can anyone please direct me to any website that has those pictures of Jonathan and Emily all dressed up and posed so nicely? I hope someone knows what I am talking about! I think Emily has this very nice elegant suit/dress on and she has a french twist in her hair and Jonathan has a tuxedo on? I am searching all over the internet for these pics!! I NEED TO FIND THEM!!!

Thank you!
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