Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Alot of you guys seem really lucky cuz it sounds like you have had more then one Togo dream.Me only 1 :( But it was a great dream! Speed_Cochrane I cant really share anything more then what i have, anything more might be crossing the PG-13 line hehe :devil:
i am officially angry with cbs.com
i cant view their videos because i live in canada. this is so stupid :(
i watched some of the episodes i havent seen yet on another website but they were in spanish and i had no idea what was going on. and of course, they sucked because jons voice wasnt in them :(
Omg, Ryan is just so hot. Its hard to even look away from the screen when he is on. When I watch CSI: Miami, I have to kick my family out of the living room...they just don't get it.
Hi ForeverTogo, welcome to Fort Miami, and Ryanville. You guys seem to like Jon Togo. So do most of us here. Enjoy your stay. :D
i agreeee
seriously guys ... this show has really really saved my life ... like you wont believe
its a good way to ... i dunno ... escape

ive got some serious problems going on in my personal life right now (i have a stalker) and its so great to just step away from it all and get into a show ... it just makes my mind blank for a couple hours each night (at least 2 thanks to a&e!)

and its good to sit and talk about a wonderful actor ... you guys are such a blessing!!
I know what you mean about stepping away from it all. Immersing yourself so it almost seems real. One time there was a CSI: Miami marathon on and I watched it from like 9:00 pm to like 5:00 am, all different episodes. I just really love this show
Guys, remember to watch how fast you're posting. It's on the verge of getting chatty in here. ;)
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