Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Here comes Dutchie to ruin the mood :p

Okay...so who's ready for some more bad news? In this ep, Ryan...is no longer working for the lab. :eek: Don't scream just yet. He's working for a TV station as a forensic expert, you know, who tells viewers about such things when it's on the news. But in the end of the episode, he quits and goes back to the lab. This can't mean he's fired, right? IF he was fired he couldn't just go back. He also makes a comment to Calleigh not to blame him for what he's doing, because he still needs to make a living. I think...that he majorly screws up with the gambling, and decides to leave. I mean why in hell's name would he go work at a TV station? And if he's fired then how can he go back??? Meh. I am not pleased with this spoiler.

Remember, none of these spoilers have been confirmed. OH wait!

When Ausellio or whatever his name is said someone is getting fired...could he mean from the TV station? :lol: That would be mean, letting us think a CSI is going to leave...Nah, probably not. But a girl can dream.
Yikes...:eek: (about your spoiler, Dutchie)...at least it isn't confirmed yet.

Yeah I feel quite uneasy when it gets chatty in here...remember that this is a forum, not a chat room.

Anyways...how bout another QUESTION for everyone to answer?

If Ryan getting nailed in the eye isn't 'good' enough (as in not a high enough Getting Hurt Badly/GHB level to make us all so crazy :lol:), what would you want to happen to him if he got hurt again?

Does anyone understand what I'm saying here??? I have a feeling that my English is getting worse. :confused:
yeah....i hope all that doesn't happen...because he's just so sexy and he's been through so much already....poor guy....wait let me refrase that...poor sexy guy.......i mean Ryan is one of my fav characters and i don't think jon wants to leave...i mean he's only been with the show for 3 seasons and all the current interviews i've read...make it seem like he loves the show.......so hopefully that won't happen :D .......hopefully.....or maybe it will but then he'll come back...just to add drama to the show...like the whole Eric incident in Man Down...where you think he's gonna die...but technically he does.....but they bring him back..it'll be something to add drama........
i loved those pics....and he really is adrokable....adorkable i like that..and i just like saying it...adorkable... :D
Adorable + Dork = adorkable :D
Hi. I think you can obviously tell I am new to this lol. But when the new csi started my parents started letting me watch miami and I fell in love with Jon straight away. I've been coming on here and viewing stuff ( and saving pictures and icons and banners I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND I AM SO SORRY ) and decided to join. I hope we can all become friends!! x
If Ryan getting nailed in the eye isn't 'good' enough (as in not a high enough Getting Hurt Badly/GHB level to make us all so crazy ), what would you want to happen to him if he got hurt again?

Hmmm, good question. If he was to get hurt again, I think I'd want it to be a near drowning. They've already used the near death-by-bullet thing with Delko and the car crash thing with Calleigh, so a near drowning would be good. Maybe him getting attacked by a alligator and drug under water and then Calleigh shoots it and rescues him. That would be cool.

Also, does anyone know of an address where I can write and get an autographed picture of Jon? Anything would be great!
im all for excitement and drama to see more of him on screen ... but the alligator thing might mess up his face ... nothing that is going to leave any damage ahahaha :)
but ...
i just used some of my contacts in the industry (music) to get hold of some of jons demos from when he was with the band ... anyone interested in hearing them let me know!! just send me a pm!!

ahahah thanks for the editing tip!!!
im still so new at this ahahaha <3
Welcome to the Miami Forum RyanAddict. Good to have you. :) I'm sure as long as you ask those people whom you've borrowed icons and banners from (and credit them) then it should be okay. Also, as opposed to double posting, you may use the 'edit' function if you'd like to add more to your post. You have up to 24 hours. :) Again, welcome! And if you have any questions, feel free to Private Message myself or ThumpyG42 anytime.

As for the question of what I'd want to happen to him if he was hurt again, I'm not really sure. I'd definitely want him to recooperate but I wouldn't want the storyline to drag out. I'd like to see that he has stamina and that said injury won't hold him back. I don't want to see him make a mistake because of his former condition. -- I would however like to see them investigate a case surrounding Ryan though, where he might have been hurt in the line of duty.

It would kind of be like Eric's case, except I'd like the episode to be completely about Ryan (as selfish as that is :p) and not have a case while the injured CSI is on the sidelines. I think it might have some potential. :)

hot4jontogo, please remember to use the 'edit' function beside the 'reply' button as opposed to double posting if you wish to add more. And, it would make those feelings of posting too soon, subside. ;)
hot4jontogo said:
im all for excitement and drama to see more of him on screen ... but the alligator thing might mess up his face ... nothing that is going to leave any damage ahahaha :)

Whoa drowning's not a bad idea! :eek: Calleigh or Horatio can shoot the gator (before it tears up Ryan's face!), & Delko can dive in & show off his swimming skills. Brilliant.

I think I've mentioned this before, but if he got hurt again, I'd want it to be getting beaten up by some Miami gangsters, some gang called Mala Noche Junior, because they don't use guns. :lol: & maybe the team finds him gagged & BADLY injured in a dark alley. Then Alexx or Calleigh removes the cloth used to gag him & strokes his hair, saying a few sweet words to him. (this whole thing's something like the CSI:LV episode 'Fannysmackin', I'm such a copy cat :devil:) *melts* But it doesn't get any sweeter than a situation like this!
Welcome to all the newcomers! :D Togoholism sure is international eh?We have so many Togoholics frm all over the world its so awsome!!! :D

The near drowning thing would be interesting and the gator thing might work as long as it grabs his leg or something and doesnt hurt his face. :)
The gang beating thing would also be very interesting him all browsed and everything id feel so sorry for him id be sitting there wanting to be the one that strokes his hair and stuff like that. :D But anyway the beating thing is a good idea.
yeah the drowning would add a lot of excitment and drama...and maybe more respect for "taking one for the team" .......that would be a good thing even though the thought of seeing that sexy thing we call Ryan Wolfe...getting hurt .....upsets me.....
I am so upset tht SU2 is NOT on tonite!!! I was already to sit down to a few episodes with some hot chocolate and it's not on!!!

I am so upset because I missed all of last week's epis because we were at my H's uncle's funeral and stupid forgetful me forgot to set our VCR to tape them!

I am really upset!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (it doesn't help that I got my period today either - sorry if TMI)
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