Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Haha, 'gangsta Jon' nice icon Rachel. :D

Ah, she going to have your name. :p Bleh!
I felt that way the other night when I was watching SU2. The gnome, Carl, kept saying my name, and I wished so badly that it wasn't him saying it. :lol:

The scene was really funny though.

Carl is pacing and Jon walks on screen trying to whistle - but failing. "You forget where that bathrooms are Carl?"

Carl: "It's not my bladder, it's my heart - it's filled with confusion.

Jon: "You don't have a heart. Or a bladder... Well, do you?"

Carl: "Well somethings giving me shpilcus!" (no idea what that word is supposed to be.) :lol:

C:" Amanda, whom I yearn for with every loin of my body, she wants to meet me."

J: "Well that's grreaaat! *pause* Is-isn't it? That's great..."

C: "Under normal circumstances, which include a cheap hotel and..._______, yes! But this girl, *sigh*, she's touched me Jonathan."

J: "Wait, have you met her or not?"


J: *makes oh face*

C: "Don't want to screw this up. And I haven't exactly told her I'm a gnome."

J: "Oh, so she still doesn't know about the, ah, gnome... thing..."

C: Worst than that. See... somehow... She's under the mistaking impression that I look like O'Mally (Nick)."

J: *in utter disbelief* "Nooo, you sent her O'Mally's picture?"

C: "It was a mix up!" "Sort of." "What am I supposed to do?"

J: "Carl I'm speechless!"

C:"Now I know I'm in trouble." *Walks off*

Then the boss man calls Jonathan and he jumps in surprise. :lol:"

I just love every one of his scenes. They all are so fun and quirky. :D
I had a couple of thoughts about the spoiler thing that we were talking about. One isn't a spoiler, so I'll just say it.

It's too quick for this Ryan storyline to be a response to R2T's letter, isn't it? :lol: It would be good to think that you'd provoked a big Ryan storyline, though. And maybe we'll get some background at last. :eek:

Apparently, he owes the guy $10,000. And he pays him off, rather than give in to blackmail. So where does he get the money to pay him off? He's supposed to be hard up. He couldn't pay $500 all at once for Erica's DAT recorder. He was worried about that Cheque of Eric's that bounced. So where did he get that kind of money all of a sudden? It worries me even more.

So to cheer myself up, and to make up for missing ryansnuttytart 's birthday (sorry), I have a nice Mondaypic. It's from Crime Wave. Black t-shirt, yummy arms, longer hair (but not too long). Totally droolworthy. :p

AliGtr's Mondaypic

Credit to Miami Style.

And thanks for the SU2 info and pics, athlov . He sounds so cute and goofy in that show. I looked through the whole week's listings for our satellite Sci-Fi channel (not that I can get that on my subscription, but it would be worth thinking about if Jon were on it). Nothing. No SU2 at all. *is really disappointed* :( And Carl is a gnome? :confused:
AliGtr said:
Black t-shirt, yummy arms, longer hair (but not too long). Totally droolworthy. :p

Though I don't really like his S3 hairdo, in Crime Wave he really makes me melt! Droolworthy all right! Maybe it's the black t-shirt...:lol:

About my signature, thank q Raging4Ryan! :D But I still think it's TOO blurry. Let's see...I used Microsoft Pic Manager, Paint & erm, UnFREEz to make it. Really basic programs, I know. I'll try to make a new one soon. There's room for improvement...hehe...
somehow, with his longer hair, his eyebrow seems thicker. its just my opinion. haha. but still, he looks hot. :D

loyal2wolfe, ur signature is burning hot. ^_^ maybe you could use adobe to unblur it. check ur PM. :)

and thanks AliGtr for the monday pic. :D :D so hot~~!
Thank you ladies for commenting on my icon! fo pozzle made it for me in the Miami icon thread in the Fan Art section (I credit everyone in my bio).

Great Monday pic AliGtr!!!

Athlov I was watching that epi of SU2 on Friday and was cracking up the whole time! Great scene!
Did someone say that H couldn't help him out? Because H is loaded (not really, but he has a good amount of $. So, unless H does lend him some cash...I dunno, maybe Cal? A loan? He's smart, he'll figure out what to do to pay it off. I am excited. It'll give him a chance to shine, and I mean he'll stay on the show...so what have we really got to be worried about?

Thanks for the Monday pic AliGtr. :D
Thanks to all for posting the pics. :)
My mood brightens a little bit. It isn't only the Ryan spoiler, there are other CSIM news which I don't like.
but I came to the conlcusion I have to wait and see, I mean to read! :D

My new episode tonight was 'Deviant' and it was a good episode. Ryan had some nice screentime.
There was a little tiny bit of information (blink and you will miss it) about Ryan when he told Calleigh that he saw a lot of bad things on patrol (or something along the lines).
It would be nice to know a little bit more about his time on patrol. ;)
The Ryan/Alexx scene was sweet. She called him baby. at least she called him that in my dubbed version. In my version Horatio also calls him Ryan everytime and rarely 'Mr. Wolfe'. :lol:
The 'Horatio/Ryan + the mole scene' was interesting but confusing. poor Ryan, he was so stressed about the whole mole thing.
inge said:
The Ryan/Alexx scene was sweet. She called him baby. at least she called him that in my dubbed version. In my version Horatio also calls him Ryan everytime and rarely 'Mr. Wolfe'. :lol:


Alexx calls him baby, sweetie, honey & tough guy. I think she's my 2nd favourite in the show. Horatio loves calling Ryan 'Mr. Wolfe' here (my version)...as far as I know, he's only called him 'Ryan' in Urban Hellraisers.
Thanks for those caps L2W. I dont remember his spikey hair do at all, I guess I missed a season! Im not sure a like that hair do all that much, its okay I guess lol its different, thats for sure :lol:
I loved it when H called him Ryan. We barely see that anymore, and I love his and Alexx's relationship, its so sweet :D
H has called him Ryan before? I didn't notice, lol.

Thanks for the caps. I love the Alexx/Ryan sweet motherly thing they have going, she and Cal were the first to embrace him so they'll always have a special thing. And I mean she's always been there for him, in 'Nailed,' when she was concerned about the aftereffects...I loved Alexx like that. She really is the mother of the team (and Horatio's the daddy...not in that way, :lol:)

Thanks again guys.
I love how Alexx and Calleigh are like his mother and big sister, I love how everybody takes care of him. Im really worried now the coming episode (Dutchie's spoiler). I just hope they can help him again.
ILuvJonathanTogo said:
I dont remember his spikey hair do at all, I guess I missed a season! Im not sure a like that hair do all that much, its okay I guess lol its different, thats for sure :lol:
It's Season 5. I can't remember which episode, because we haven't had any of S5 here yet, but the spiky hair is definitely a new thing. It's a bit over the top in that pic though - not normally that fluffy! :lol: So don't worry - you didn't miss anything yet.
I just wanted to say hi to all of you. I am new to this forum and may just lurk for awhile to get a feel for the posting rules. I have been a fan of CSI in general or a long time and I cannot believe I am just now finding this forum. I am a new Togoholic though! Just recently started watching the Miami shows. Hope to get to know all of you better. Kat
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