Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Wow! So many things going on...
First of all, Happy Birthday ryansnuttytart :)
athlov, thank you for all the pictures and also for the video (too bad I can't watch it)
And...well, I would really like to comment Nikki's spoiler, but tried to do the same spoiler box and couldn't do it...I followed everything that appeared on screen but it didn't worked. I don't know why...I must have done something wrong!
Dani, did you use an 'enter' in your spoiler? Cause then the chain is broken and the spoiler box won't work. If you remove the enters in your spoiler, it should work ;)

Happy Birthday Ryansnuttytart!

Rachel I wasn't talking to you specific, but it was just a reminder for future posters. I'm looking after the non-spoilerish people in this thead ;)

Athlov, I saw Judging Amy - Looking for Quarters too :D
athlov You have just made my morning. *goes get a drool bucket*

Happy Birthday Ryansnuttytart! Hope your day is going fantastic. (With those pictures mine sure would!)

*Really wishes there are shirtless pictures of Jon.* :lol:
Thanks a lot Nikki ;)
My face was something like :eek: while I was reading it...I mean, I have not seen the other episode where apparently Ryan and game were related things, but come on...I don't think Ryan is the type of character/person who would be involved in gambling, at least from my point of view. And, ok, this might be good giving him some more screentime, but I would prefer not to have this kind of screetime :( Poor Ryan...Why has he always to be in some kind of trouble?! It's so not fair! Well, lets just wait to see what the writers will do with the situation.
I know what you mean. This episode is so close to the season finale that whatever tension Ryan creates between the other characters, WON'T get resolved until NEXT season. :( Why? He was doing so good too. He only pissed Calleigh off once, and that was in Death Pool 100. And with him paying off his debt on the clock, do you think there will be an IAB investigation?
Guys thanks so much. So many people wishing me a happy birthday. You don't realise how much that means to me and how welcome it makes me feel.

Thanks for all the pics too. So many to try and get through but I will make the time to do the ones I've missed.

Might not be around for a day or two as Westlife concerts start tomorrow so I'll be at them. Will try and get on during the day for my Ryan fill.
Ryansnuttytart, of course you're welcome! Every Ryan fan is welcome here! :D Have a great time at those concerts.

Well, if I think of the 'always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life' way...10-7 was one big Ryan fiasco...but in 'From the Grave', everything was cool between him and everyone. Except maybe Erica. I guess it depends on why he went gambling and how he is going to handle it. I hope the writers don't screw this up cause as much as I already hate this storyline, you can't deny it has potential for a good background story. So who knows...?
Happy Birthday Ryansnuttytart! :)
sorry for being late, but I'm not in a good mood at the moment.

I only want to know why he's gambling. It should better be a good reason, a very good reason.
Yeah, like to raise money to save someone's life. :lol: That, or something similar is all I will accept for my Ryan. No, 'blowing off steam' crap.
Hope the mood chears up, inge. and here is a piccie to chear you up.http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t32/cainesugar/normal_mia-0506-023.jpg

Hope that cheers you up! :D
All this talk about Duthie's spoiler is kind of putting a damper on this board. The pics cheered it up though, thanks Lilly I especially love the last one, with the long hair :)
hi every1!! Remember me? :lol:

Iv been gone for the last 2 days trying to house train my new puppys lol its not easy!

Any way...great pics all!! really cute :D

I read some of the spoilers so without actually spoiling the eppy ill just say its interesting. :)
Hey there everyone.. do we know when this 5.22 epi is airing? I am sure I can look it up but I am so lazy right now!! I think tomorrow night's epi is a repeat right?

I googled Diana Gettinger (his gfriend - just to see how old she is) and I see that she has made 2 movies coming out this year... I see in one of them her character's name is Rachel. *shaking head and sighing* Figures it even has to be spelled the same way as my name!!! UGH... don't ask me why this bothers me because I have no reasonable explanation.
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6, I forgot to say this - your message 2 Jon on MySpace was great. & he replied (in a way :lol:), consider yourself a lucky fan!

Guys, I've just made a new signature! What do y'all think? It's REALLY blurry though :(...any idea how I can make it crystal clear? athlov...ILuvJonathanTogo...anybody?

ryansnuttytart, I'm gonna get u some 'birthday presents' soon. Gotta go for now. :D
Sorry L2Wole. I cant help you out much there, hlopefully Athlov can.

R2T your icon is so funny and cute, I love it.
I dont think the next new episode airs until early April. Thats a long time, sorta, but oh well because its probably going to be a really cool episode! :)

ETA: I know this is late, but Happy Birthday Rachel!
Your Birthday Present!
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