Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Hi! Thought I'd peek back in.. :D

RaCk, I think they have to listen to you, cause otherwise they would be losing regular watchers. I don't think they want that.

Oh yes, Death Pool 100 was on tonight. FINALLY they start thinking. And he was GAMBLING :eek:! :( But I loved him burning the money. Just see him sit there. And he was wearing blue and orange! What kind of combination is that? :confused: Still, I liked the episode/
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone. Yes, everyone can call me Lilly. And today (March 7) is my birthday, I'm an American with a European clock. :lol:

Yeah, I would love to see some more character development with Ryan- we've seen him mature and grow into his position, but I'd love to see him with another backburner story, like H has had in the past (like his brother, wife, and past in the Big Apple) because it would show us a different side of Ryan- no doubt Jon would play it brilliantly. :D

Thanks again, love all the pics (I'm at school and can't view them but when I get home, I'll have lovely pics to view) Thanks everyone! *hugs*
Im finally finished ready all the posts from today :) I agree with you guys 100%. It is very very fustrating that we know next to nothing about our dear Ryan! He was has been on longer than Natalia and we know so much more about her (as someone mentioned earlier). They could just be setting us up for a big surprise but I wish they would just tell us more as we go along.

They have so many stories going on sometimes, I wouldnt be surprised if they just forgot but that would be very unusual.

What we need is a family member to come onto the show for an episode or two for some reason. Because whenever we get a family member on the show, they drop some major info. So come on!! Give us a sister, or brother, or parent, or uncle-anybody!!

Well I think thats about it, I pretty much just repeated you guys :D . Happy Actual Birthday Lilly, bye!
I agree they should devolp him more. It would be fun to see his uncle or niece, and if Ryan is uncle, he must have a brother or sister. From what I understand, most of his family lives in or around Boston. Wonder if Ryan moved so he never have to shovel snow again.
(sorry, live NH and am sick of freezing my @ss. it would funny to see ryan a Red Sox cap though.)
I hjope he gets at least one more episode to show his family, maybe his uncle or relatives could be involed, as either a victem or suspect.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Happy Birthday Lilly! :)

Thumpy said: *raises hand* Me!
I counted on you Thumpy!
and I can also remember that Ryan said in UTI that his ODC used to drive his shift commander (or was it 'watch commander and does this term exists?) crazy.

I understood you Dutchie ( ;)) and I have to agree with you partly, there are some strange things which make the happy childhood hard to believe.
But I have to agree with Thumpy that it's somehow boring that every character has a dark past and tons of problems.

I also want to say something about the 'it's in his blood' comment.
I agree with athlov and Lilly it could be meant in the way you both said.
Ryan is very talented in his job and Horatio saw it immediatly.
Here I have to say it would be a good storyline if someone from his familiy was or is a cop. :D

The next topic is 'Ryan shooting someone'.
I agree (again) with athlov, it would be horrible for Ryan if he had to shoot someone. I don't think that Ryan has ever shot someone.
and I'm not to sad about that.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Dutchie said:
more like Inge and Thumpy who commented on the happy youth thing

I didn't take you wrong, Dutchie...I knew and understood what you were saying. I apologize if it came across that I was implying that you wanted and/or hoped for some angsty past from Ryan. That wasn't what I intended at all, I was merely trying to stress how much I hoped this didn't turn out to be the case, as I feel the whole 'tragic past' thing has been way over utilized, especially on the CSI series. ;) And it's true that some of the hints we've been given could imply a not-so-happy past for Ryan, but then again they don't necessarily imply that either. It all comes down to the way the individual viewer interprets a scene or a piece of dialouge.

Of course, another option is that TPTB simply forgot the continueity again and never meant for us to think this.

Admittedly, I've become way more pessimistic when it comes to the writing and continuity on this show, especially after the fourth season, but I honestly think that's what's happened here. I'd love to be proven wrong though, even if it means an angsty past for our Ryan. ;)

Now onto the "It's in his blood," line...like Dutchie I also always took that line to mean that Hoartio knew that Ryan would do a good job, not necessarily that a parent or other family member was somehow involved with law enforcement. But...like inge said, the comment could be taken either way and I also agree that there could be a good storyline written around the fact that Ryan does have a family member who was/is involved in law enforcement in some manner.

inge said:
I counted on you Thumpy!
and I can also remember that Ryan said in UTI that his ODC used to drive his shift commander (or was it 'watch commander and does this term exists?) crazy.

;) I remember when we had similar discussions in the past that our thoughts were in sync when it came to Ryan's past.

To answer your question, the term 'watch commander' does exist, and I honestly can't remember which term was used in the episode at the moment. :lol:

Last but not least, Happy Birthday, cainesugar! :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

In UTI they do say "watch commander."

Personally, I think he has a sister who has a kid. I'm going to guess that she's 32 (because ipods become a good gift at 12...)

I just get the feeling that he doesn't have a brother. But I could be wrong.

And the "It's in his blood." comment sounds like they were planning on digging into Ryan, but I think that they were rushed in season 3, (Again, the season just seemed rushed in my opinion.) and by the time they got to season 4, they didn't know what to plan for getting to know Ryan...

But I agree... We've meet Natalia's Sister and knows she has another sister... and a dead abusive ex husband... But we know practically nothing about Ryan..
Happilyhappy said:
In UTI they do say "watch commander."

Thank you! :D For the life of me I couldn't remember which term was used, and I didn't feel like digging out my dvds to check. ;)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and pics, people. You guys are so awesome. And it's still my b-day even though the cute little cake is gone, I'm in the USA.

On the shooting someone line, I would actually like to see it. *ducks from flying cakes* I mean, Ryan hates the sight of death and gets real emotional, if he had to shoot someone he would be an emotional wreck and would need the rest of the team to boost him back up and support him and I think it would be really interesting to see this. It would be like when H boosted Speed back up in 'Wannabe', in fact an H-Ryan scene would be great, because H is so sweet and caring and compassionate and Ryan would really need the caring at that time.

I also want to say something about the 'it's in his blood' comment.
I agree with athlov and Lilly it could be meant in the way you both said.
Ryan is very talented in his job and Horatio saw it immediatly.
*bows* Thanks. Because H is H, mighty powerful...but I won't go into that. :D

Thanks again for the birthday wishes, Ali that pic actually made me really drool. :D Thank you! :)
HE IS SO HOT!!! *sqeals at sight of Ryan Wolfe pictures*
i'm sorry, I just had a bit of a moment there, but seriously, he is hot!
also, he and Calleigh make a very cute couple...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

OK - I just checked the status of my email I sent to Jon through Myspace and it says "Forwarded" on it. I don't know what he did :confused:. Maybe he is making fun of me to his friends like "Check out this chic.." who knows.... I don't think that I will be sending anymore messages to him! :rolleyes:
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Maybe the producers/writers have a myspace and he forwarded the message on to them...who knows? It could of been good, but it also could have been like you said. But hopefully it was good :D
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

animequeen, welcome, but as you also have been told in the Emily Procter thread, there's a thread for Calleigh/Ryan shippers located here. This to avoid shipper debates in this thread. You might see me there ;)

R2T, maybe he sent it to the writers, who knows? :)

Inge, Jen, thanks, I didn't think you were attacking me or anything, but from your comments it wasn't clear to me what you meant. Not that I was mad or anything *hugs* After all, I am an Angst Whore, so I wouldn't mind a bad youth for Ryan. :lol:

ETA: OK IluvJonathanTogo said exactly what I said.
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