Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Welcome toGoHoLiCiOuS hope u enjoy it here :D

I know this sounds bad but it wouldnt really bother me if Ryan had a bad childhood,no doubt id feel sorry for him(but its also a tv show its not like its happing to a real person),but it would make for a very interesting eppy,plus we would finaly find out something about Ryans past.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

toGoHoLiCiOuS (what is it with the capitals in names these days?), welcome to the thread. But of course, no one of us has Jon's e-mail address. We're all fans, not friends or anything, and I doubt he gives his e-mail address out to fans. (I know I wouldn't.) What Rack2Thousand6 meant, was that she sent him a message on his MySpace, and not through e-mail. ;)

R4R, like I said before, I'm with you. I'm an Angst Whore, can't help it, and as much as I want him to have had a happy youth, as excited would I be if he hadn't. Guess I have a thing for drama, and well, Ryan drama is of course the best kind of all.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14


I got a reponse back from him and this is what it says:


Date: Mar 8, 2007 3:08 AM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse

thanks for sharing your thoughts rachel, unfortunately i dont have a big hand in the characters development, but i thought id let you know that ive shared your email with the writers.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

OMG I told you!! *hugs* SEE, I was already suspecting that is what he did! WOOT maybe they'll use it! Wow that would be awesome!

Lucky you :p

(uhm...sorry for the quick post-again, mods)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

OMG! I'm so jealous of you, raCk! :p It would indeed be really nice if they would show us a little more about him.. (my english today.. not so great.)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Do you guys want me to copy and paste my letter to him? It's a little long but you guys inspired me to send him the message so here:

Date: Mar 8, 2007 3:08 AM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse
Subject: RE: I don't mean to be a bother but
From: me
Date: Mar 7, 2007 6:10 AM

You should really talk to the writers about developing Ryan's back story and then sharing it with the rest of the world. I am a member of Talk CSI and right now in the Ryan/Jonathan thread there is lots of speculation on Ryan's 'story'. The writers aren't throwing a bone about his history so we have been making up or talking about what we think might be the case.

In Nailed - Ryan could have died but there was no mention of his parents coming to see him or at least calling. (unlike when Marisol and Eric were in the hospital at least there was mention "Your parents are on their way") With this, lots of us are speculating that Ryan is estranged from his parents. I mean who doesn't come to see their son when he could have died?!!?!?

And also the OCD thing. Personally I think that was thrown in there only to ensure [Horatio] that Ryan's gun would always be clean - unlike Speed who paid a fatal consequence. I think the writeres were thinking that we would forget about that - well we didn't!!! I mean they sort of touched on OCD a tiny bit in season 3 but nothing after that. I mean come on - in Dead Air Ryan left his money on the dresser and had to ask Eric for money? Like a person with OCD (even a minor case) would make that mistake? I don't think so. And what was with that? Ryan doesn't have credit cards? Yeh ok.

Oh and also when Horatio says "It's in his blood" (the first episode of Ryan) to Calliegh... people are specualting that maybe some of the members of Ryan's family are in law enforcement. WE DON'T KNOW THOUGH!!! We as fans of Ryan and CSI really want some sort of back story so we can stop speculating. We know about everyone else's life on that show.... even Natalia who is a brand new character!!! (oh - and loved her in All My Children. My mother has been watching that show for 30 years and I have picked it back up after becoming a stay at home mom. I have seen a few AMC actors in that show - like the guy in Shock that was in the boy band - I forget his name in real life and the chic that was on Going Going Gone Elizabeth Hendrickson)

Ok I am going to stop rambling. Sorry. Just wanted to 'put in a request'!! Do you think there is anyway that they can do this? I mean we aren't asking for a whole season dedicated to Ryan (although we would love that very much = P) Maybe a few episodes. It's only fair.

Thanks for listening.
Rachel - HUGE CSI:Miami fan!!! (it's the only show I watch religiously)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I got a present! :lol: I'm sure all of you have seen these, but they're so lovely I'll post them again.

Oh, I think they're really cute. He looks good like this.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

MY GOD!!!!...I'm going through Togo Withdrawals. I've been out of here for about 4 days, and I've missed too much! Sickly too, yuck, but I'm back!!! And with a present:

Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

RaCk!! That is so awesome that you got a reply!!!!!! I would have fainted and died on the spot :lol:. And like I ( Ahem, Dutchie ) said, he mght have sent it to the writers! That was an awesome letter and very inspiring, perhaps I should send him a message. Of course I would have to ask him to be my friend first... Anyways, thats fantastic, you should write him another letter , we probably wont be bothered because he now knows that you arent some crazed stalking fan girl and your a serious fan with questions and input. Send him another one, like thanking him for replying and maybe ask him another question. That would be so awesome to get another reply-keep us posted :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

I actually responded back with;

Ummmm wow! Thanks! I feel special. = )

That is all. I don't want to keep bothering him. I have writeen a couple of messages to him through Myspace and he has responded every time. I think this last one was 3 messages. I don't want to push it you know?

he now knows that you arent some crazed stalking fan girl and your a serious fan with questions and input

Yes I try to keep it like that. As you can see in my message to him it was strictly about the show. I don't go on and on and on about "Oh you are so hotttt" like teeny bopper because well frankly I am not! Yes I think he is incredibly good looking but the fact of the matter is that I have a husband and a baby and am *ahem - cough* older than him! *cough* LOL (he knows because he has complimented on how great I am at making cute babies). I think maybe he responds to me because he sees that I am not some stalker annoying fan.... but someone that appreciates and pays attention to the show and the storylines. I am not just watching it for him, I watched the show even before he joined the cast.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

Wow, that was such a beautiful letter RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 (may I call you something shorter like RaCk next time? ;)) anyway, i'm glad you received an answer from him, I bet you are really happy!!
And me *joining Angst Whore club* would like to see Ryan passing through something hard, or telling a hard story from the past...Something that would make him cry...oh, that would be the most lovely thing :rolleyes: Maybe seeing somebody supporting him in this hard moments...(ok, i know, this goes to another thread)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

This is going to be short - probably off topic - but I would like to say that anyone can call me:


It's all good! ;)

(I promise mods - it won't happen again! Don't come and git me! :lol:)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #14

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
And like I ( Ahem, Dutchie ) said, he mght have sent it to the writers!

I'm sorry? What are you implying with this? Why is the I in bold, and why are you adressing me? I don't know if you noticed but in an earlier post I also said that he might sent it to the writers, and I even added my post to say that you said the same thing while I was typing. I don't know if you meant it this way but your message is sounding really disrespectful in my ears.

Back on topic: Athlov those are wonderful caps yet again. And Rack (hey, that helps, shorten the name. Can't I just call you Rachel, most peeps go by first name here. But ah well, this works too) you're doing good not stalking him with messages. I imagine there are enough fans that do. :rolleyes:
Holy crap ladies.. check out what I found on You Tube!!

Link removed by Moderator

Just check out the dude with the red cap on... he is on in the beginning and then again way at the end. WOA! (yes it is Jon)

ETA: oh yes you can call me Rachel!! :lol: :lol: :lol: that is my name! TEE HEE!!
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