Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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loyal2wolfe said:
Real funny prank...Twiz...you scared all of us. It's affecting our health, you know (but not in a serious way :D).

My jaw dropped, my heart rate increased, & I called my sister from another room to tell her bout it. & I hadn't open the little April Fool's pic yet, so I told her, 'This ain't an April Fool's Prank!' Man...I was thinking of telling my friends tomorrow at school, that is, if Jon REALLY got married! :lol:

But if Diana & him were to get married, I'd really be happy for him. & if they have kids, I'd feel EVEN happier (remember our 'Ryan+kids' formula? :lol:)! Wow, our dear Jonathan - a father! *wipes tears of joy off face*

Ok I will probably regret asking this but what the heck is a Ryan+kids formula? This must have been before I joined this board. Anyone want to explain this one??
I think she's talking about the EP shootout where Ryan takes care of a baby who he believes is neglected by it's mother. throughout the ep he is with it and at the end he's holding it outside the lab waiting for the real mother to pick it up. Him with a baby in his arms is just too adorable makes him even more desirable.

I'm sorry for all the trauma I've cause with my Aprils fools prank but it was too good to pass up. When I thought of doing one the first thing popped into my head was saying he died..NOW that would have been way worse then getting married. When I first discovered the world of internet I use to find things like that about my fav band saying they died or committed suicide and for them it was believable and I'd be like almost in tears, so I thought that was too bad and not as believable for him. I think I'll keep that for next year and post it again for all the new togoholics we'll have, see how many are so gullable as you guys. Just remember this if you are still around next year.
Twiztid4Togo said:
I think she's talking about the EP shootout where Ryan takes care of a baby who he believes is neglected by it's mother. throughout the ep he is with it and at the end he's holding it outside the lab waiting for the real mother to pick it up. Him with a baby in his arms is just too adorable makes him even more desirable.

I'm sorry for all the trauma I've cause with my Aprils fools prank but it was too good to pass up. When I thought of doing one the first thing popped into my head was saying he died..NOW that would have been way worse then getting married. When I first discovered the world of internet I use to find things like that about my fav band saying they died or committed suicide and for them it was believable and I'd be like almost in tears, so I thought that was too bad and not as believable for him. I think I'll keep that for next year and post it again for all the new togoholics we'll have, see how many are so gullable as you guys. Just remember this if you are still around next year.

I do remember that now! Thanks! That epsiode was great. I think my heart melted everytime he held that baby. I actually thought your prank was funny! I got a chuckle out of it. BTW - love your avatar (getting impatient to get one) - shows off his arms nicely!

katbug I am so sorry to hears about you hubby I hope he gets better soon. Blessed be to you both.

My pictures are building up again thank goodness and I have yelled at my brother for deleting them and stamped my feet and am feeling alot better ;)
RyanAddict - thanks for the kind words. Wnat to share the love around here and post some of those pics? I need to fill my photobucket account up with some hot Jon pics!
Katbug, I'm sorry to hear about your husband, my thoughts and prayers are with you...

Along with a great photo to fill your account.

Bigger Version
Oooo hot hot hot! HappilyHappyHotJon :p

You had me for a moment Twiz. I didn't realize that the post was made on the 1st when I read it.

I thought, 'Oh, thats so great!,' then is saw the April fools thing. :p

Naughty, naughty girl. :lol:
I am totally excited right now. I was just over in a thread at fan art and someone posted some rather nice pics of our boy and linked the website. Am I allowed to post that website here (cut and paste) or do I have to do some fancy stuff I don't know how to do??? It has pics from season 5 on it. I have not seen this website before.
aw, katbug, I hope that everything will be ok for you and your husband. :(

Twiz, your April fool was funny! :lol:
well done!

I just saw 'Driven'. I have to say, wow! He looked so hot and he had a lot of screentime too. Seeing him on screen with a T-shirt is even better as seeing the screen caps. :D
The freezing thing happened so fast, I thought it would be longer.
Ryan can't lie. I don't think that Stetler believed him and when he did he shouldn't be working for IAB. I'm glad that Ryan didn't get into more trouble. Also, I don't think Cooper bought it, Ryan reacted too aggressive.
and Ryan should attend a 'How to control my anger' seminar. Sure, Cooper has a big mouth, but Ryan gave his secret away with his reaction.
I liked that Horatio covered for him and that Calleigh tried to cheer him up. :D
I am seriously going to kill my brother if he doesn't stop deleting my Jonathan Togo pictures.

Please please please post some!!!

:lol: Almost looks like Hot Dog.

Ryan does need to attend an anger management class. I'm surprised they haven't done an episode like that yet. Where he gets into the wrong person's face and they send him to anger management.

(RyansAddict, burn a cd and hide it so he can't get to it. ;))
First - thanks all for the warm wishes!

second - I tried to post a pic (following the diretions with the bracket things and all) and it would not work. :0(
Any advice??? I really wanted to post a pic for you all!
Yeah, I agree - he's a poor lier. :lol:

I was just reading the interview Adam did. This is what he had to say about Ryan and his relationship:

CSI Files: Ryan (Jonathan Togo) has definitely been the first to point out when Delko makes a mistake, but he's also been very patient with Delko. Given their past rivalry, how do you think this will affect their relationship?

Rodriguez: The past really has a lot to do with it. As a character, Wolfe is one of those guys that might act [first] and think later. He doesn't do these things to hurt Delko. He may not mean some of the things he says to be hurtful. Without a doubt, [Ryan calling Delko out on his mistakes] has helped keep up the tension between the two characters. It hasn't lessened.

CSI Files: Do you enjoy playing the rivalry between the two characters?

Rodriguez: It makes things interesting. At some point I think we either have to decide to totally hate each other or move past it. I guess sometimes that's just the reality that at work there are people you don't necessarily hate, but you don't love them either. I love the back and forth, but there are moments when I feel like this is getting old. We've been doing it for three seasons now, but it's very real.

CSI Files: Do you think it will end with them totally hating each other or moving past it?

Rodriguez: For the peace of the lab and everyone involved, us getting along is probably the best way to go. But it would be interesting they decided to go with the hate thing between us. They've touched on it before, when he spilled the beans about the rolling papers Delko got for his sister, Marisol, when she was sick with cancer. I was super furious with this guy for opening his mouth about something he could have kept to himself. There was another time when I felt like the character would have wanted to physically get into it [with Ryan]. But then we have moments, like when he got the nail in his eye.

I think that no matter what, the characters are like family. We all have brothers and sisters we don't necessarily get along with, but no matter what, if somebody goes against your brother or your sister, you support them. We may not like each other, but we have a mutual respect for each other. That said, it would be interesting to have a really big blow up between them.

I like that thing about the brothers. It's so true. They bicker all the time, but when something happens to one of them, the other is there. (i.g. Nailed and Man Down) :)

ETA: Katbug, until you have 100 post, you have to post pictures as links. ;)
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