Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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OMG Twiz...... I literally almost fell off my chair and almost cried. Thank you God for April Fools Day.

PS - I hate you .... but no I don't!
It would have been really unbelievable if you had the two in Wedding Attire.

Nontheless, my heart hit my stomach, did a flip flop, and came back up. Then I went searching for the news link. Then I saw that it was April Fools.

You are cruel... but we love ya anyway. :)
I'm sorry guys but once I did the manip and it looked so good I had to do it. I'm a huge prankster and I can't resist on April fools. Once I got Hot4JT I knew I had to post it..
*hugs everyone*
she made me cry ... i came in from jogging and there was this msn msg from her saying she had some news .. and my heart like broke because i knew it would be bad news about him. and she showed me the link. i cried. seriously. i was like noooooooooo he hasnt met me yet he doesnt know that shes not right for him!!!
Hahahaha You guys are SO funny!!!

When I saw that the first time I thought it was an April Fools, but then when I saw the "news article" I about freaked out! My room mate and I were about to have a little pity party, but then I saw the little April Fools sign. You guys are great! I wondered how I'd feel if he got married, but now I guess I know! ;)
my mouth was so wide open it wasnt even funny!!
and i had company over and i was about to scream but when i saw the other pic i was more calmed.
I don't know, I mean I really like him and think he's drop-dead gorgeous but if he married, it's like 'Congrats to Jon!' I really don't care much, and would be very happy for him and his family. It's not really my business anyway. But I guess if he's single it gives the people out there who LOVE him hope. :p

Still, very nice prank Twiz, you seriously had me going and really scared the crap out of everyone else. Hope no one had a heart attack. *checks news for heart attack deaths*. :D
Welcome to all the newbies here!!! :D

Twiz you lucky I didnt see you on msn today :lol:
WOuld have killed you! lol Good prank :D you really had me worried witch aint hard im gulable(spelling correct??)lol Twiz you so bad!!! lol
I didn't believe that :p I didn't believe that when I read it and I didn't believe it when I read the article because the text looked to...typed. Lol. Good one though Sue.

But, as Lilly said, why are you all reacting so weird? I'm sorry, but freaking out because he might be married? I mean, it could just be me, but I would be happy for him if he got married. Now I get the whole 'as long as he's not married we can dream' part, but...don't you guys think you're a little overreacting? I'm not attacking you here, not at all, like I said, I get your point. ;) But if Jon's happy with Diana and would marry her, I'd say yay and go for it.
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