Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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i dunno about everyone else ... but im pretty sure we're joking about being distraught ahah .. id be happy for him if he was happy ... but still .. cant help wanting to be in her shoes ;) haha

i think twiz did a wonderful job cooking up her april fools prank .. even if it did scare the pants off me ahah ... i was like WHAT NO!! just because we had been talking about it the other night, like how he and diana have been together for so long and living together and no ring yet ... so to see that i was like OH NO I JINXED IT!!
I agree hot4Jontogo course we were all a little shocked but if he was actually married id be happy for him!
I know theres not a chance that id ever marry him besides even if I had the chance I wouldnt im perfectly happy its just the "dare to dream" thing I like.Yes I would be a little shocked if he got married but id be very happy for him aswell! :)
Real funny prank...Twiz...you scared all of us. It's affecting our health, you know (but not in a serious way :D).

My jaw dropped, my heart rate increased, & I called my sister from another room to tell her bout it. & I hadn't open the little April Fool's pic yet, so I told her, 'This ain't an April Fool's Prank!' Man...I was thinking of telling my friends tomorrow at school, that is, if Jon REALLY got married! :lol:

But if Diana & him were to get married, I'd really be happy for him. & if they have kids, I'd feel EVEN happier (remember our 'Ryan+kids' formula? :lol:)! Wow, our dear Jonathan - a father! *wipes tears of joy off face*
Ooooh, Twiz! Naughty girl, shocking us all like that! :eek: Seriously, that was a really convincing manip. Well done!

If he were married, it wouldn't stop any of us fantasising about him, would it? The fact that he has a steady girlfriend just makes him a nicer guy, IMO. He's not the type of man to go through girls like there's no tomorrow, and I like that. I also like that he's with someone who obviously makes him happy. They've been together for a long time, haven't they?

It's time for a Mondaypic. I'm afraid that this will be the last for a couple of weeks because I'm going on holiday on Saturday. That's assuming that my husband doesn't come down with the cold that I've got. You know what men are like with colds. :rolleyes: It'll be a life-or-death situation then. :lol:

Andyway, Mondaypic. From Vengeance. I'm not a huge fan of his late S3 look. Untidy hair etc. But I love his smile here. Totally irresistible! If only he would smile at me like that, I'd be happy for evermore.

WARNING - Heart-stopping smile. Sit down to view.

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Now, I'm afraid that I can't remember where I got this from. It's quite a big image on my puter, so it might be one of athlov's . Thank you to whoever I pinched it from, anyway. :D
Well, Twiztid4Togo, that was a good one :lol:, except for the fact that I noticed the link was Photobucket, and I was like...hmm, if this is the link to a web page, then why it does not have a link according to the web page it is about :confused:...Anyway, I read it, but I was not really convinced, and then I saw the other link..and,well,not big surprise. For me, two April fools was enough! But very good work, it really looks real, it's really good!

But, if Jon gets married, I would be happy for him! Absolutely! :D

Thank you AliGtr for the Monday pic. It's always good for starting the day!
I saw hot4jontogo's post before I actually saw the link. I saw the link after I found out it was a prank.

I just didn't know what was going on, and I can't stand not staying in the loop. I'd seriously be happy for him. I am happy for him. We can just consider this practice. :p
I almost faintd when i saw the link. i was crying and i was screaming OMG NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! but that was a good prank.....i fell for it completely!!!!!! i can't wait 'till the new ep of CSI: Miami.
I'm pretty sure Ryan's not getting fired. at least according to Jon. he told me in a response on myspace that i shouldn't listen to those rumors because most of them aren't true...but he hinted very strongly that someone is gettting fired. and judging by the way he was saying it....i think it's Jake.....because of the whole "could have gotten Calleigh killed"..
Hi guys! Whew - finally caught up. More great pics and an April fools joke! What a weekend. I really need to make more of an effort to get on line over the weekend. The MSN comments....is there a good MSN site for Jon? Do we need to start thinking of a new thread name?
I just wanted to thank you guys. This group has been keeping me sane. My life is out of control and this place - has helped me out alot. My hubby was diagnosed with cancer 19 months ago and it came back once 8 months later and again about a week ago. Escaping here and seeing these gorgeous pics and reading about all your dreams of Jon has helped get my mind off of things for a few hours here and there! I saw a few episodes this weekend and they are starting to blur in my mind. I remember.....how could I forget this one.....the last one I watched this weekend was when he asked Natalia out! So cute and unsure of himself!
Hey.. *peeks head in* Wow, I haven't been in here for a LONG time.. :eek:

katbug, your husband has cancer?! Oh, man.. I wish happiness for both of you..

Man, I have just seen Curse Of The Coffin and it made me laugh! The face he made.. :) It's so cute!

I had to post this.
Marns - yes he has Melanoma. Thanks for the well wishes. It has been a long 19 months!

For thread names.....(forgive me if someone already came up with this one or any others......my mind is racing right now....not enough sleep! LOL)

In Legal (Season 3) he is outside taking pictures and DNA of people that were in the nightclub and he asks a girl (Emilie de Ravin from Lost) tells him something like - that's hot..... Anyway it stuck with me so I thought maybe something like Ryan Wolfe/Jonathon Togo - That's Hot.

Or from season 5 in Going Going Gone....his opening line was something like - this must have been one kinky party. Again the line stuck and I was thinking that might be a fun line to put into a thread name.
Dutchie said:
But, as Lilly said, why are you all reacting so weird? I'm sorry, but freaking out because he might be married? I mean, it could just be me, but I would be happy for him if he got married. Now I get the whole 'as long as he's not married we can dream' part, but...don't you guys think you're a little overreacting? I'm not attacking you here, not at all, like I said, I get your point. ;) But if Jon's happy with Diana and would marry her, I'd say yay and go for it.

We are girls in a thread drooling over an actor. It's only natural that some of us would be a little upset to see a headline that he got married. That is just human nature. I am sure after the shock most - if not ALL of us would be happy for him.

It's not like any of us will ever have a shot with the man. For crying out loud I am married with a baby. My life is set with the man I chose to spend the rest of my life. I am one of the lucky ones that is blissfully happy.

I mean I am sure some reactions on here to the news would be considered overreacting to other people but who cares? I would like to believe that we would all get over it and move on. If you can't well then there is a problem and you need to talk to someone (a professional) about what is reality and what is fantasy! :rolleyes:
umm .. i dunno about yall but i could soooo get him with my sultry stare and my luscious lips, my curvaceous body ... and lets not forget my wonderfully sweet personality.

IM TOTALLY KIDDING!! haha ... magine if i was serious though ... hellooooo shrink!!!
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