Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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I dont know why he would wear them unless he needed them. I mean, he must know he looks fantastic without them because he doesnt wear them on the show with millions of people watching. I think that he probably does need them, so he wears them off screen. Thats just what I think :)

I had another Jon dream last night! 2 nights in a row!! Thats amazing. Anyways, heres how it went: I was at my brother's wedding and Jon was hired for the entertainment. I went to the bathroom, I guess it was a coed bathroom because he was in there using it :lol: I was leaving then I said "Shoot, I left my purse in the stall" so I starting walking back to it, but Jon got it for me instead and handed it to me. I kinda held his hand as he gave it to me :eek:. I was totally star struck, as I would be if I actually ever met him. So my brother was about to introduce us but then I woke up. Darn... :lol:
Thanks for those beautiful pics, athlov!

They're cheering me up a little bit. Some made me laugh but that's usual by looking at Jon pics from SU2. :D

I also loved the pics from 'The Love'. I saved them on my pc. He's so cute in that show! :D
I don't care if he needs them or not he's cute any other way ;) I like glasses, I think I will need to wear them soon. It doesn't bother me. My friend loves them so much she went and bought a pair of like fake glasses just to wear them. They are so funkey!! x
Athlov Thanks for the caps! That was one of the most freaky episodes, not sure why, it just was but it was also one of the cutest Jon episodes.
I love that "back into one of those granny sweaters." :lol:
He looks very good in them though. I love that picture because right after, the annoying song came on, and the camera flashed to him and he was like dancing wih his fingers :D
It was so cute!
Thanks again :)
athlov thanks for the caps. It's nice to see Jon outside of CSI: Miami, I've never seen the show but he seems funnier and a bit goofy...but he's like that on CSI: Miami on occasion as well.

Very cute pics, thanks as always. *hugs in return*
ive never seen su2 but ive seen clips of him on the show off a website ... and hes HILARIOUS in it ahaha
hes such a dork in that show and its probably my favorite role ive ever seen him in!!
You guys should definatly see SU2! You are really missing out. I think I like his Jonathan role in SU2 a little better than his Ryan role in CSI:Miami. Its just such a different side of him in SU2, I love it :lol:
I still love Ryan of couse :D
I need to be slapped I don't have photofunshop and I really want to make stuff that's almost as cool as the stuff you do. Where can I get it if you was in the UK??
According to TVGuide the pilot episode of SU2 is airing again on Sun, Apr 8 at 11:00 PM on Sci-fi. So hopefully they will start playing all of the rest of the eps as well. :)
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