Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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About Jon, my parents don't make fun of him. They actually like him. :eek: Do I seem to be the minority in here? :lol: Y'all have interesting stories about how people around you react to your obsessions (or rather devotions) to Jon/Ryan, lol.
hahah thanks speed_cochrane but i think i may have gotten it! :) and thanks cainesugar!! :)

let me know if its the wrong size still!! :)

who else thinks my avatar completely ROCKS!! its the first one ive ever made ahha ... it only took me like 3 minutes on photoshop ahahahah ... im either really lame or really creepy ahhaha
LOL yeah speed_cochrane you are a minority :lol: my mom my brother and my fiance all make fun of me cuz of my obbsession lol i dont mind i know im weird lol
^^ Geni my parents don't know about my JT obsession, only my Horatio one. But they'd make fun of me for that as well if they did know. :lol:
No one knows about my Jon thing. My mom just thinks I'm obsessed with CSI:Miami for the stories. She never notices that I go "Ryan looked really good tonight," or, "What was that? He was barely in the show."

She didn't even notice that I rented Mystic River and mentioned Jon was in it. :rolleyes:
LOL maybe your mom does notice they obsession shes just ignoring it thinking its just another teen crush!!

MY mom kinda ignores my obsession shes like "grow up" lol but it doesnt bother me so i dont care lol
im 23 and i have a celeb crush ... my mom doesnt make fun of me though .. she respects it ahaha

she used to make fun of me for liking a guy from a band and she used to say i was just dreaming all the time until i started chillin with him and i started dating him .. so now she doesnt make fun of me ahha

i was like see mom?? some dreams DO come true ahahaha

so now she just respects it. but im sure on the inside she is still laughing.
My mom and dad and sister, ok, every person of my family and also my friends, they do not know that I like Togo more than the others, or who are my favorites. I don't bother telling them, in fact. They know that I am CSI obsessed and that is enough for them and for me. They don't really have to know which of them is my most adored one! I usually watch the episodes alone, so they never get to know if I am more interested in watching some parts or the others. And it's cool like this to me.
My dad likes to make fun of me. I don't really know what he thinks of Ryan, all I know is he loves to make fun of Horatio and he likes Natalia...for her body :rolleyes: But yeah. I don't know. I know my sister is ok with Ryan but she hardly ever gets to watch CSI:Miami so... I try to get her to like the same persons and except for Sara (LV, sorry :p) I'm succeeding pretty well.

Now my friends...there's a whole other story. :lol: They either make fun of me, or they ignore me when I talk about Jon or CSI in general. There was a time when we were somewhere with school and someone was taking pictures, and he stood behind me so my friends (who know I hate pictures), went:

Friend#1: "OH Nikki look, it's...wait...what's that guy from CSI?"
Friend#2: "Ryan."
Friend#1: "I mean his real name."
Me: "Jonathan Togo."
Friend#1: "That's it. Look Nikki, Jonathan Togo behind you!"

Of course, by that time, I wasn't falling for it anymore. But yeah they make fun of me mostly.
My mom and dad are just like what ever. I watch csi miami in my room so no one knows what I'm like. Usually, my nose is against the screen on <3 Ryan <3 parts lol but it's so cool!!!!!!!!!
****I'm actually Twenty***
My mom usually will tell me when she knows I have a celeb crush. But you might be right, she might just be turning the other cheek. :D
my dad always likes to make fun of things that i like so last night when i came home from work i was lookin at my new boxset of season 4 and my dad started making fun of it,he always makes fun of things only cause he likes to see me get angry, which he was doing last night.he said something and he called it miami vice it was soo funny because of the way he said it and stuff i was like ok thats fine cause thats miami vice not csim! then he realized what he called it it was just hysterical! LOL
i showed my mom my avatar. she didnt make fun of me at all, but she did compliment my photoshopping skills!! i figured she would make fun of me but she didnt ... which is good. :)

heres a question for you guys who probably know more about togo then i do ..

does he actually NEED glasses? or does he wear them because he looks cute in em?
I don't know. I figured he needed them and on csim he wears contacts. But he could be wearing them just to wear them. If he is, then he is lucky he doesn't need them.
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