Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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I would have went and slapped my friend if they said anything about Jon. My mom hates "Nailed" only because it's one of my faveorute eppies. I'll be sitting there watching and be like "awww poor baby" and she tells me to shut up, that i've seen it a hundred times.
It drives my sister crazy when I quote episodes I've seen a hundred times already, especially in any scenes with Jon in them. She REALLY dislikes it when I do that with 'Nailed' because it is one of her favorite episodes.

My mom is pretty cool about my whole Togo addiction. She always teases me that she's gonna send Jon to come and get me for the weekend. It's pretty cool. My friends on the other hand get a little sick of me when I pop in with random Jon quotes when we are talking about something completely different. They actually bet me that I couldn't go a whole day without mentioning CSI or his name. I lost, badly! I think I made it until noon at the longest. ;)
my parents are being really understanding about my togo obsession ... at first my mom was like "grow up!" because im like 23 years old and i moved back in with my parents for two months before i go away again (easier to save money on my time off between the little tours i go on lol) and she had all these insane rules for me, like i was a kid again. but now shes all like "i set my show to record because csi is on at the same time and i know you wont want to miss it"

and shes helping me with making some banners and stuff since shes awesome with photoshop and well, i kinda suck at it.
I (finally) saw 'Double Jeopardy' and I liked it much better than 'Collision'.
In comparision with Collision Ryan knew some things better than the others and didn't ask so much question like last time.
The short dialogue between him and Eric about Erica was funny. Ryan was a little bit snarky. :lol:
I hope that Eric now knows that Erica isn't easy to handle.

I also liked the scene with Horatio as Ryan didn't know how to find something and Horatio gave him an advice.

oh, and I heard that the other officer called him Detective Wolfe during the scene at the dried lake.
Is it the same in the original version?
My parents know about my obsession, they dont really care or mind.
I watch CSI:Miami and SU2 with my dad and Im always sqeeing and stuff when I see him or he says or does something cute. My dad just laughs and shakes his head :lol:
He will tease me sometimes, like he was like "guess whos coming for your birthday?" and Im like "who?" and hes like "that Tago..uhh..Tugo, guy" :lol:
My mom and dad don't know that much about my total crush. Though my friend Kayla says he sent my mind mushy. I told her about the dream I ahd about Nailed and she was like ' Oh my gosh you even dream about him?! ' And I'm like ' Yeah maan! '
I don't dare talk about him much at school with my friends since they have no idea who he is and I'm just pathetic. I keep my thoughts to myself, well, except with you guys anyway!
Sowwie again I snagged some icons and banners to use on MSN sowwie sowwie sowwie!
My husband makes fun of my crush. He always turns it on A&E and screams "Honey Nailed is on!!!" I drop like the dishes that I am washing and come scrambling in and it isn't Nailed and I say "You're a jerk!!" he laughs like a little kid and I go back to what I am doing.
some of my friends have crushes on jon!!!!!!!!
sometime when i am feeling really sad, i shout jon is hot really really loudly and it makes me feel better in secs.
btw i watched season 1 of criminal minds and it was AWSOME. it ended in a cliffie argh
My husband picks on my too. :rolleyes:

Scene: At the movie rental store
Him: "Hey look, this has your boyfriend in it!"
Me: *mumblesunderbreath*, That's Jake Gyllenhaal. He not from CSI: Miami."

Scene: In front of my recorder
Him: "Are you ready yet?"
Me: "I'm just setting it to record Survivor and CSI."
Him: "Is it the one that has your man in it?"
Me: :rolleyes: "Nooooo, it's the original one. It's the only one that usually comes on after Survivor."

Scene: In front of my computer
Him: "Oh my goodness! Those all look the same! You could make an animation out of those!"
Me: "Ne-uh"
Him: *Mocking me* "OMG look! His Hand! Oh Oh! He's smiling!" *makes picture snapping sounds* OMG! His face! *snapsnapsnap* *starts doing something that looks like a bad version of the robot dance!* *more picture snapping sounds*

That's what I have to put up with. :lol:
He's really not that bad most of the time. I just have to wait until he's not in the room when I make screen captures. :D
Scene: In front of my computer
Him: "Oh my goodness! Those all look the same! You could make an animation out of those!"
Me: "Ne-uh"
Him: *Mocking me* "OMG look! His Hand! Oh Oh! He's smiling!" *makes picture snapping sounds* OMG! His face! *snapsnapsnap* *starts doing something that looks like a bad version of the robot dance!* *more picture snapping sounds*
Thats too funny!! I was cracking up :lol:
*makes picture snapping sounds* lol! Thats so funny, but not nice that he teases.
:lol: I just cant get over it lol. My stomache already hurt from gymnastics, now it hurts even more (from laughing) :lol:
I like to hear about your guys husbands and how they react to Jon. It really makes me burn calories from laughing.

What your husband did Rachel was pretty cruel. How dare he tease about "Nailed" :lol:
Husbands just dont understand. (That sounds funny coming from somebody who wont be married for some years) :lol:
OMG im sry Athlov that would drive me nuts!!! My fiance haddles my obbession really well he kids around when we watch csi miami like if im in the kitchen gettin something he says "Hun your obbession is on" and i will come running out so i can watch but the entire time hes laugin at me so he doesnt really care its that "look dont tuch rule" lol Hes got a thing for calleigh so we r even lol
athlov said:

Scene: In front of my computer
Him: "Oh my goodness! Those all look the same! You could make an animation out of those!"
Me: "Ne-uh"
Him: *Mocking me* "OMG look! His Hand! Oh Oh! He's smiling!" *makes picture snapping sounds* OMG! His face! *snapsnapsnap* *starts doing something that looks like a bad version of the robot dance!* *more picture snapping sounds*

Hahah, that's so funny. i don't get made fun of by anyone relly all they hear is "Jon..." and the ignore me completly. I told my auny before that he was getting shot in the eye with a nail, and she laugh so hard at him, and me. My family has no love.
Well, I'm not married but my parents make fun of me for my obsession of him. My mom confuses him with Greg Sanders and I always have to correct her. She thinks Ryan is cute, though. And she'll say something like "I like him. He's cute, isn't he?" And I'm like *blush* "Erm, okay." :p
uhhh hahaha guyyyyysss i made the most HILARIOUS togo avatar but i have no idea what im doing ... do i have to resize it BEFORE i put it there??

or can i put it there big?? ive been searching every thread and i cant find out how to do it ... soo ... resize or no?
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