Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Thanks hot4jontogo!

So I watched Silencer last night. Loved the Hardy Boys scene! JT must have tried hard not to laugh when he asked Delko if anyone called him Ricky Martin. That was hilarious!
Athlov!! You capped the opening credits, like I asked if you could!! Yay!!! thanks so much, they are wonderful! Omg, I was totally sad about having to come home from vacation, even though I live in Hawaii, its definatly NOT paradise. Its totally different if you live here.
So I kind of hate it here. Anyways, Im so happy now! [bAthlov[/b] capped the credits, Athlov capped the credits! does a little dance. Thanks so much again. And thanks so much for eveyone answering my question about if anybody you know, knows about Jon. It was very interesting to see what you guys said :)

My favorite Ryan episode for S5 is Man Down. It was great to see some emotion from him :)

ETA:Oh my gosh! I was looking at the caps Athlov posted. The one "So Serious, Its Hot" made me melt! Look at those eyes! That one is going on my computer background lol :)

Oh and looking at those caps reminded me of how much I hate that girl. Jonathan liked her so much and she was kind of mean, especially when he kissed her! poor Jon :( I hate that girl :lol:
Yeah that girl is starnge a hot man is kissing you, your reaction should be dropp dead frm shock, be completely speachless or kiss him bck :lol:
My friend bought me Mystic River on dvd, she was like i know your man is in there. I told her he wasn't in thre very much, that made my day.
I wouldnt care how many times it took to get it right bcuz for me i wouldnt get it right bcuz 1 i would be kissing him bck and 2 the more takes they have to do the more times he has to kiss me :devil:
Hey everyone, just a reminder to please add a little more content to your posts as there have been quite a few one-liners here. ;) That being said, those who've been contributing a fair amount, it's muchly appreciated. :)
This may sound strange and totally unlike me but I dont know if I would want to kiss Jon. Like if he told me to, I dont know if Id want to. The reason I say that besides the obvious that it would probably be illegal and he might get arrested :lol: is because then all my crazy fan girlness would be gone. All the fun of wishing and dreaming of the moment would be gone. I wouldnt be to obsessed because I finally got what I wanted, I wouldnt have to think about him anymore. And I wouldnt want that to happen.

Sorry if that doesnt make sense :D
But if I did kiss him I of course wouldnt regret it!
id kiss him, totally. normally im all about respect, like if i know a guy is seeing someone, or if one of my friends like him too, then i wouldnt even DREAM of kissing him, even if i was completely in love with him. but i think this time i would make an exception ..
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