Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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:D :D :D :D :D I'M PREGNANT!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

OK, so I've been a bit preoccupied since Friday. I found out I'm pregnant, and I've been so restless - I haven't done any screen caps at all. I went to the doctor today and officially confirmed it.

So now I just have to wait for my appointment with my OBGYN, which is way too far away for my liking. But now I have plenty of time to focus back on my obsession here. :D When I'm not doing homework of course. :p

I'm going to do the next ep of SU2 soon - I think. Probably after my classes today. :D

I'm soooooooo happy, and excited!! :D
CONGRATS athlov!! *gives cookies, baby clothes, baloons and virtual party* Hope it goes smoothly! *hugs*

Thanks Ali for the Mondaypic. Just what I need on a ugh Monday.

And thanks athlov for the caps. Love seeing more Jon pics from other roles, he's so cute. :D
congrats athlov! *hugs and kisses*
the thing is that i am stuck here with no cable
bye going to sleep now zzzzzz
its 11.30pm right now
jon is still too cute for words
I guess it was just the pic that i saw and they looked green.....they could be hazel... which is sorta like brownish green....they look yellowish brown here.... But they have a slight greenish tint here.......these pics make me think they must be hazel, because hazel eyes sometimes they look brown...and sometimes they look greenish depending on the lighting and colors the person is wearing......i should know..i have hazel eyes.... oh and i just found out his middle name!!!...it's Frederick... :D ... .Jonathan Frederick Togo... :D ....has a nice ring to it... :D ......
Congrats, athlov!

I love the way Jon's eyes change colours! Hazel eyes are so cool. But i may be a little biased. Like Need4Speed, I have hazel eyes too!
Congratulations to you and your husband, athlov. :D

katbug said:
I know this discussion on the spanking has been stopped....but I have not been online for a few days and just now seeing this. I apologize if I upset or offended anyone. This is why I never post on boards and normally just lurk.

Hello katbug...you didn't upset or offend anyone at all. I asked that the discussion be stopped because we have a pg-13 rule at this board, we do have quite a few younger members here. So, we shouldn't let the discussion get too suggestive. It wasn't quite there yet, but was getting close, so I asked that the discussion move on to other topics before it did. :)
Thanks so much! Makes me feel better. It has been awhile since I had to worry about the age factor! LOL!!
Congrats Athlov! I sent you a PM earlier.
Nice pics today everyone!
Athlov, Congrats! Thats wonderful news, congrats again!!
I watched the other two episodes of SU2 last night. I cried because I was laughing so hard!!! Just thinking about those episode are making me laugh now! It was funny and sooo very cute when he asked that girl out. Then in the second episode he kissed her! I was so shocked, it was adorable, and I was laughing :lol:
Thats probably the only action we are going to see Jon get since the CSI:Miami writers arent going to give us any!!!!!
It was also hilarious when the efficientcy(I cant spell-:lol:) guy was there and everytime Jon was talking, and that guy clicked his timer/clock thing, Jon had to keep talking so he would go into detail and use big words, it was so cute, and hilarous :lol:
I had a lot of other very funny lines and scenes, I just cant remember them all.
Oh and I love his facial expressions in the episode ( I always love his facial expressions!). He kept lidting his eyebrows, it was so cute!

It still amazes me how he can act so dorky and cute on SU2 then act all manly and tough and hot on CSI:Miami(Dont get me wrong, he is hot in SU2). It such a big character switch! I guess its because he is a fabulous actor and because he had a couple years to work on the tough guy act instead of the dorky one.

ETA: Does anybody know what the title of those episodes were?
It was the one with the genie then the one with the cupid guy.
I taped 3 epsiodes of SU2 on Friday but I think he is only in 1 of them. Then they are not showing it this Friday. What is going on here??? I finally find out about this show and when it is on and they are not showing it/him???
The cupid one is The Love, and the other is The Wish. :D

He is in all of the second season eps I think, but I missed the first one of the second season, so I don't know for sure.
Thanks! Hopefully he is in all I recorded. He looks really cute from the pics you guys keep posting!
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