Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Sandersidle I'm going to guess that that picture is from 48 Hours to Life. :D And I didn't even have to look through my pictures - is proud of self for not using the aid.

Three pics

most pitiful

Had a hard time picking. :D

Happy Birthday Ryan_lover, here, have a buttcap. :D

ETA: I have to recant my previous sexiest pic choice, cause this is the sexiest pic. :devil:
Happy birthday, Ryan_lover :eek:! I think I missed it. Sorry. *sings loudly to make up for lateness*

I always feel like no one else is here when I'm here, too. I thought a lot of people here are American and asleep when it's morning for me. I only really have time to be here first thing in the morning, so I think all other sensible Togoholics are asleep and dreaming of Jon. :(

I love the idea of sweetest/hottest/most pitiful. I'll have a search through my pics for my three. I reorganised my pic files this weekend. I now have too many from S4 to put them all in one file, so now I have a file for every episode. *is a Togo-nerd* But I spent a happy hour or two sorting through the pics. And they're backed up! It would be a tragedy if I lost all those. I don't know what I'd do! :eek:

dna girl , I'm glad you liked the wps. I'm always pleased when they're used. And that one's my current favourite. :D

A Mondaypic while I'm trying to decide which hot pic is the hottest, which sweet pic is the sweetest, etc. This one's from S3. Sweet, innocent Ryan, all skinny and pretty, from Speed Kills.

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style (I think).
Hey hey nice pics evryone! Post as many as u like, so long as all us Togoholics are pleased lol.
Ever wonder why I came up with this 'game'??? Haha I don't really know...but it's great 2 stare at a cute guy's pics. It's kinda good 4 your health, cos it might lower your stress level. It really works 4 me! Thinking (& looking!) at Ryan/Jon makes me study. :D

Symptoms of looking at Ryan...Good: Possible lowered stress levels, Increased happiness levels, Bad: Heart attack, high blood pressure, fainting or breathing difficulties
Thanks for the prezzies and B-day wishes y'all *group hug* :p look it! Jon posted new myspace pics:


is jealous of the second pic but he does have undone buttons! tis a shame Diana is in the way so we can't see how many is undone :rolleyes:

*jaw drops*

^ I was gonna leave it at that but that would be spamming. I am not gonna comment on the pics, I am not gonna comment on the pics, I am not...No I'm really not.

I think everyone has that feeling of: where the hell is everybody? once in a while. If all goes well I get the Judging Amy with Jon tomorrow, ánd Death Pool 100. That's gonna be my day :D

Ok...I'm gonna say it anyway: if it's real...loose the stache please :lol:
athlov, your right. :D

*thud* :eek: Oh wow, that's.. An interesting pic. :lol: That reminds me of when Nick got a mustache on LV and everyone was calling it a porn stache. :p Of course Togo looks better with it, but I agree with Nikki. Please loose it. :p :lol:
Have to agree with sandersidle and Dutchie if it's real please loose it. No my favourite look for him.

I feel a bit out of it as I don't have any pictures to post 9don't have the time to look). So I'll just happily gaze at everyone elses if thats ok.
Seriously... stache doesn't look good. Hmm... so there is something he can't pull off? Ah well, I never liked moustaches anyway. My dad always has one, and it kinda creeps me out.

I do love the second pic, though. Very sexy. Would be better if it were just Jon, but I'll take what I can get. :D

Love the Mondaypic Ali! That's one of my favorites from S3! And athlov, that's probably the best buttcap I've seen so far! :devil:
yes the stache has to go! it reminds me of a hairy catapillar! :lol: and I thought he could make anything look sexxay oh how wrong I was! :eek: The second pic looks like they just out of bed. :p
The buttcap is really great. I just got the Season 3.2 and I've watched that scene so many times. I caught myself watching that scene in slow-motion many times... it's so great. :lol:

And the second pic is also great. I love his eyes! And this gaze is just.... *faints*

I also love his hands so much... just beautiful. I'm crazy I know... :rolleyes: :p :D
Fave hand porn pic
So soft... *drools badly*

Huh..I need some cold air or water...just something cold. *runs away*
HAHA I also cropped out that chic when I saw that pic on his Myspace page. I have it as a sig in another message board that I am in and my friends are drooling over it as well and agree that it is a better pic WITHOUT her in it! LOL... I think one of my friends is photoshopping me in her place! Or at least she wants to try! (she just got photoshop and loves playing around with it) She's hilarious!
I have to admit she looks DECENT in that pic. Otherwise I don't find her attractive at all.... but it's my opinion and as I have said in another thread... I don't have to wake up to that everyday *thanks God*

Oh and I do believe that molestache has FAKE written all over it. It's not even close to the natural color of his hair! But I must agree.... TAKE IT OFF!
OMG I'm always so late! You all much be from the UK because I just freakin woke up!
OK lemme catch up here- lose the stache, I hate it. Yurek, I agree- fave pic. I always hate it when a girl is in the way of a good pic. Why couldn't she have been behind him? We could have cropped her out. :D
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