Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Here's something fun 4 evryone 2 do (no need 2 stop the normal talk bout Ryan/Jon)...choose one of the options below:

- Post your TOP 3 or TOP 5 pics of Ryan (from any episode, any season)


- Post 3 pics of Ryan: one for 'sweetest', one for 'hottest', & one for 'most pitiful' lol

Can u tell the true difference between sweet & hot?


I'm gonna post my pics very soon...no time now I got homework 2 do. Anyways, 'Happy Drooling' over the pics 2 come! Enjoy.
OMG!!! :eek: *gets out drool bucket* Sandersidle your awsome! you posted yummy pics plus the undone buttons pic for me!! thankz *hugs* :D and so are you awsome CSImiamilover
woah! :eek: how HOTT does he look is that sexxay black suit! :eek: *hug*

and thanks Bulletgirl91, R_Wolfe_is_OMG and Loyal2Wolfe! *hugs* oh and Loyal2 Wolfe me loves the sweetest, hottest and most pitiful pic you posted! but I do sometimes have trouble distiquishing between Hott and sweet sometimes as he usually looks both!!! :p
^^thanks Twiztid4Togo! *hugs*^^ tis such as shame he never gets to shoot anyone and yet for some mysterious reason H never misses! :rolleyes:
I'm so slow again :(

Happy Birthday Ryan Lover :lol:. Hope you had a great day.

Just adding to the convo on character development. It can get annoying when they throw in little things about family, etc and you have no idea what they are talking about. I'm all for it as long as it doesn't distract from the storyline.

CSIMiamiLover I know what you mean about the time difference. Its the same in the UK. When I'm on there never seems to be anyone else and then you have pages to catch up on.
Happy birthday Ryan Lover!

And I have to agree with Loyal2wolfe about the Hot picture, lol. I love that one! ;) CSiMiamiLover, that's a hot picture too, lol. I love how both of you picked sweatervest pics as the 'sweetest'! :lol:

ryansnuttytart - I know what you mean about it being fine as long as it doesn't distract from the storyline. I liked the way they did it like in Darkroom, when Ryan was cracking the safe and he mentioned that his uncle taught him. It's things like that I want more of, really. Little things that keep you guessing - is the uncle that taught him to crack safes Uncle Ron? Could be, but it could also be a different uncle. ;)
Because the sweatervests ROCK! Go sweatervests- and jeans. And light colored jackets. *foams at mouth.* Anything rocks on him. *thinking about what I might dress him in if I had the oppurtunity...won't go there* :lol: :devil:
Happy Birthday ryan_lover! :)

yes, Ryan the safe cracker. I nearly forgot about this one. :lol:
and is his uncle a criminal or does he work for a security company?

I have a question to your third pic Twiz?
Is it from Throwing Heat? It looks funny, one hand with a glove the other one not. Is it from the shootout in this episode?
It was from the last new Ep that was on, not sure of name. I believe your right about it. He was in the boat looking for evidence to prove that was the boat the victim came in on. Yes him and H's shootout..they both missed hehe.

OH I capped that myself..hehe.Finally figured it out. Its not the best, I'm still learning but it's not bad. Makes me drool.
Yes, that pic is from Throwing Heat. It's when the assasin shoots at H and Ryan and the cops they're with.
I'm still bummed about time zones. It's 1 pm here and some on the London or England or somewhere else in Europe people's are already sleeping! Gosh. We need either more USA people to join, or to get rid of the diff. time zones. That would be a bit odd, but that's OK.
I'll just wander around the forum until I find someone who's still on. *sneaks off*

EDIT: Ok I'll bring some love back. Here's some pics.















I hope I haven't posted these pics yet. They're from an '04 photoshoot, and are my fave. collection of non-CSIM shots. Enjoy all!!!
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