Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Nope, not Backstabbers or Rampage. ;) Both are very close though - in the sense that we're talking about his outfit.

That's an awesome WP, CSISienna. Did you make it?

And yeah, I could use some more character development on CSIM, too. I like the cases and all, but lately they've just gotten so... I don't even know how to describe it. And I definitely wouldn't say no to more info about Ryan! :D
For that pic game I'm gonna guess 'Skeletons'.

I love both the wallpapers Ali and CSISienna. :)

I completely agree quicky. I want to see more character development with Ryan and yeah, season 5 hasn't been the best for Ryan's character. But I guess we can't complain too much about it because last season we had the Nailed injury. Then the aftermath, with him not being able to see the best. Then going to the doctor. But this season the only storyline he seems to have is that camera dude following him around. :rolleyes: He's already messed up once because of that, I hope he doesn't do it again. I want to learn more about Uncle Ron and his niece. And well... More of his family all together. :)
Hm, a little Ryan storyline would be great in Season 5.
It's a little bit annoying that we know nothing about him. little hints are enough for me. I don't want to see drama filled episodes, only a few hints.

maybe we're more lucky in Season 6. I think this Season 5 is dedicated to Eric (which isn't a bad thing), although I would prefer more balanced seasons. Every character with his own special episode. :D
Oh, I wish I had a cool avatar like all of yours.. :rolleyes: Ryan storyline is good. I mean what do you expect from a Togoholic? :D
ebonymist...is it 'Under Suspicion'?

I honestly don't mind slow character development--as long as it is slow, and not nonexistant, lol. I think it's kinda fun to be on the lookout for these sometimes seemingly offhanded comments that give you a bit more insight into the character. Season 4 wasn't that bad character wise for Ryan in terms of screentime and storylines (I'm talking about the eye injury and the freeze up here, the soapy stuff *cough* love triangle*cough* I could do without), in fact that's about the only good thing I can come up with to say about S4, lol. And while I wouldn't mind a bit more Ryan character development this season, I don't want the show to focus too heavily on one character--which it has already done this season.
Actually, sandersidle was right, it's Skeletons. :) Your turn!

Maybe after we get past the Eric storyline (which I honestly don't mind) we'll get a little bit more of Ryan.

Great pics, CSIMiamiLover!
Thank you athlov and Ali for your help with the wallpapers. :)
They are really gorgeous Ali, you are very talented. I feel very spoiled for choice. Am going for the one that wasn't on your lj but am keeping the link so I can swap around. I really like the blue one and the taste the rainbow one too. :D

Catching up on other posts, I'm a newly-converted short hair fan and wouldn't have him any other way. (Well *cough* I probably would :devil: but........you know what I mean!)
And as for character development, I agree that focusing on one character too much isn't great; they all need to get there bit in the spotlight. I know that Horatio is the head of the CSIs but I think sometimes they could focus less on him so often and more on the other characters (particularly Ryan of course ;)).
Sweet. The next Ryan pic is:

I agree that focusing on one character isn't right either, but I think all the characters still need some development. Most of them (excluding Ryan :p) have been on the show for 5 years now. We should know more about them, and of course Ryan too. Even with the Eric storyline we might get to know more about Ryan. For example how he reacts to what happens to Eric.

Wow Happy Birthday ryan_lover!! Last time I saw your name it wasn't your birthday. :p

What am I going to get ryan_lover for her birthday? *thinks*
Maybe I could give her this thing.. Wait, what the heck is this?
I know, I'll make a video of me for her. :devil:
Now I just have to hurry up and deliver the present to her.
I hope you have a Togolicious birthday!
are we already in page 5? wow time flies...hope u enjoyed my birthday gift, ryanlover. happy birthday again. eh...i wish more ppl were on...time zones suck. why can't everyone be in sunny CA?
anyways, i guess i'll see u all tomorrow. happy birthday again (for the third time) ryanlover.
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