Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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erm... not to sound stupid... Which interview are you talking about? *feels very confused now*
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
So no one answered my "is he a smoker" question which leads me to believe that no one has seen any pics with him with a cigarette... which makes me feel better. I would be upset if he did!
Again I don't know what that chic on the IMDb message board was looking at when she saw a pic of him with one.

Oh and I vote for the "TOo GOod for your health" for the name of the new thread! That is awesome!

You might have seen a screen capture from Mystic River. He played a smoker in that movie, but you never actually see him light it and smoke it. ;)

420 Free Fall

Smile, beautiful smile

You tell her boy!

Chesty yummmm

Awwww, he cares - even for her.

Lots of gun porn.

Not enough light!

And even more gun porn


Urgh I dropped my keys.


more on my web page

I posted Driven out of order, so if you missed it, you can see it here.
I can't remember exactly when we had this discusion, but I found a thing about Jon playing in EP's band.

CSI Files: Jon Togo told us you have an 80s cover band! How did that come about?

Procter: From me just never being satisfied. I have to play somebody so serious all the time, so I wanted to do something jokey! I'm going to get Jon Togo to play the sax with us; he used to be in a band that's now very successful, The Bravery. We play at Largo, but I have to wait for a [free] Saturday!

Found it here.
Welcome to the Ryan thread and the Miami forum, R_wolfe_is_OMG. :) We hope you enjoy your stay here.

I do need to let you know that we're allowed either a signature banner or text in our sigs, but not both. Please see this thread for more info. If you'd like to credit your banner maker, we usually suggest doing so in the Bio section of your profile. :) Any questions, please feel free to pm me at any time.
Yurek said:
erm... not to sound stupid... Which interview are you talking about? *feels very confused now*
Hey Yurek! Nice to see you in this thread again. :) You don't sound stupid. :p RaCk2 posted this link to an interview with him. If you look to the right on the website, you should see Jonathan Togo's name, and a link for an interview. ;)
OMG those videos are so funny. I love his hair in the behind the scenes one. When that girl asked him who had better game, him or Adam, he said that Adam has a girly dog. :lol: Too funny.

I hadn't scene the other one from Degrassi either. At least not that one.
No comment on the smoking topic...

I am trying not to click links, our Internet connection was screwed up yesterday due to too much rain. *runs away* I have to deal with peeps' banners and avis for right now, links tomorrow. :lol:
Athlov what videos are you talking about? Your driving me insane girl...
I've seen one from degrassi but nothing about behind the scenes and adam..fill me in please.

thanks r2t for the link to that video earlier and to Katie for helping me out too.
Sorry, raCk... I meant to answer that question but just forgot.

I don't know if he smokes or not, although I haven't seen any pics of him doing so. His MySpace account says that he drinks but doesnt smoke, but then again, I don't know if that's really him or someone else just impersonating him. At any rate, I'd prefer if he doesn't smoke either. ;)

Great pics again, athlov! He looks sooo cute in that episode! :D

Welcome to the thread, R_wolfe_is_OMG! I think you'll fit in nicely here. :)

I've never seen the degrassi interview either, just pics of it. :(
Thanks ThumpyG42, I'm slowly learning. But its all good, and thank you for the welcoming! WOO *runs to enjoy the thread*

And thank you also to Shadowfax, wee I'm getting welcomes left and right. I hope to fit in..but I'm an odd one :D
MY FRIEND'S HUSBAND IS GOING TO BE SEEING HIM TOMORROW! (my friend with the actor husband). I guess he is deciding to take another part on Miami again so he is going to the set! She said that she asked her husband to grab a Jon souvenier. He said that he would do his best! Oh and I told her to ask her husband to keep a look out on him to see if he SMOKES at anytime! She said that he is on the case!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *runs around living room screaming*

Oh and I am glad that I am not the only one that noticed that the guy interviewing Jonathan cut him off when he was about so say something regarding Ryan!! That really sucks! I was sitting at the comuter going "Shut up!! shut up!! He was going to say something NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
I am so excited that we are going to the next thread!! :D
R_WOLFE_OMG I like your banner.Ryan looks so sweet :lol:
Hope today's eppy can see more Ryan.I can't wait!! :devil:
Thank you for the welcomes guys! And the banner, I loves it! Credits in my bio hehe. and Yeah, Ryan just looks oh so sweet. I could just....mhm...*shuts up*
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