Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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WTF? Next week is ANOTHER repeat? I am so upset! When are they going to start banging out some more new ones?

Tonite's new one was really good. I know this isn't an Eric/Adam thread but I really really feel bad for the guy.... I won't say anymore in lieu of spoling for anyone. I must ask though.... does the dude EVER shave? LOL
OT - I actually like Adam/Eric with the facial hair. ;)

Getting back to Ryan now! Welcome to the thread R_wolfe_is_OMG! I like your banner, too! Oh, and it's okay that you're odd, I think just about all of us are. ;)

athlov, I really wish I could look at the caps, but my laptop is being screwy!! Stupid laptop. I'll have to try tomorrow on a different computer. :rolleyes:

Lots of Ryan time in Throwing Heat, but I won't say much there because I don't want to spoil anyone (and I'm too lazy to put up a spoiler code right now).
Yay, another welcome, woo. I feels..special...lol thank you, and thank you. Yeah I was beginning to think..we all are a little strange, but that's a good thing yay!
Twiztid4Togo said:
Athlov what videos are you talking about? Your driving me insane girl...
I've seen one from degrassi but nothing about behind the scenes and adam..fill me in please.

thanks r2t for the link to that video earlier and to Katie for helping me out too.

They are here on CTV from CSI Miami. You'll see a box for video. I was talking about the e-talk ones. ;)

I found them when sandersidle posted that link before. I couldn't get whatever the link was so I went to the main directory, which was www.ctv.ca.

ETA: I guess I don't know what video you guys are talking about. :confused: What interview? Cause the link sandersidle put won't work for me.
All I can say is Ryan is sooo cute last night! :D *giggles to self* I kept thinking: "Dang! Can this man get any hotter?" I was staring at him so much, I found myself not paying attention to the storyline! :lol:
Thanks Athlov your the best. He's so funny talking about Adams girly dog.

OK last nights ep wasn't bad,it was killer on my ships but I'll live. The only thing that really upset me was Ryan winked at Boa..I was like WTF.. I almost threw up on my mouth. NOw the rest of the night I was pretty hell bent over that wink but I'm calmed down now and I'm just thinking it did't mean nothing, he winks at everyone. So yeah when he normally winks I melt but last night I was foaming at the mouth angry. But it wasn't a bad ep, better then most and I have to agree with you Shadow, he was smoking hott and I wasn't paying attention to the story line. I dont even know if they caught the bad guys hehe.

welcome R Wolfe is OMG...that is an eye catching name and sooooooo true.
Ok well now that the winking thing is out in the open - I don't like when he winks. He is not a 'natural' winker! HAHA! but I must agree that wink to Boa really caught me off guard. Wasn't he like yelling at her a couple of episodes? "Just because your ex husband was an a-hole doesn't mean every man is!!" (something along those lines - I know he didn't say a-hole but he was implying that word!) and now they are buddy buddy? Weird.
Finally got my computer to stop being stupid! Love the caps, athlov! Especially giggled at the 'Urgh I dropped my keys' one, lol. :lol: And I agree with the not enough ilght!

Don't even get me started on the Boa-wink thing. :mad: That was just... ug! Can't the writers be consistent?! He doesn't like Boa, he hasn't liked Boa, he's very very upset with her! A little continuity would be nice!
Welcome R_wolfe_is_OMG, if you like Ryan Wolfe then there is absolutely nothing odd about you at all! :)

athlov the pics are great, all that gun-porn is keeping me very happy :lol: And did they dress Ryan AND Erica in orange together for a reason???

I have to say, I quite like it when Ryan winks. Haven't seen the 'offending wink' at Natalia yet but didn't he wink at someone in the episode where he & Delko are nicknamed the Hardy Boys by the receptionist?
He maybe needs to be a bit more choosy who he winks at, for instance - Calleigh would be fine, Alexx would be fine and Horatio or Eric could be quite funny, depending on how he does it!! :lol:
I agree with you R2T..Ryan was really pissed at boa so the wink was like so not even something he'd do. I think RYan/Jon is a winker. He's winked at Valera at least twice I know of and he's winked at a few others. I think dna girl is right about that ep. It was the scientist dude right? So yeah when Ryan winks it means nothing, it's not an effectionate wink. His wink last night to Boa was a "good job" wink. I also saw Jon wink a few times on SU2, so I think that's his trade mark. I also agree with you R2T about the wink not being natural. Well I can't say it's not natural but it seems like he has problems doing it with one eye. His first wink to Valera was more like a double eyed wink.Poor Jon, but it's so friggin cute and I love his winks. I melt when he does it.

OH OH he winked at Sean Penn in Mystic River too...Jon's a winker hehe, so cute. Makes him more adorkable.
My friend (who's husband is an actor and is on the Miami set currently) says that her husband just emailed her and said that Jonathan isn't there. Only David Caruso and Rex Linn. The day is still young though (only 10 AM over there now) and I am crossing my fingers!!
dna_girl said:
And did they dress Ryan AND Erica in orange together for a reason???

Everyone - including Peter Elliot - was dressed in orange for that episode, except of course Horatio, who was wearing his obligatory black. Even Frank had an orange tie, so... :rolleyes: of course Erica had to match everyone else.

I think it's cute when he winks, I just don't like it when he winks at Natalia. Actually, I think it would be pretty amusing to see him wink at H - I'd love to see H's reaction to that. :lol: As for Eric, well... :devil: *runs off to Eric/Ryan shipper thread*
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