Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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:D :D :D Those are great, as usual, athlov! The "You know, I was just joking about my parents leaving me their lawnmower" one and the "Now if we could just find some grass" one made me laugh. :lol:

speedleishot, yeah, that was scary and horrible, and I felt so sorry for him! :(
Great pics Athlov(like always) :D

Nailed scared the crap out of me.The entire time he was in the hummer screammin nothin could get my attention off the screen! :eek:
Same here, Nailed was :eek: but nice nonetheless.

Calling all Dutch Jon fans (even the ones lurking): if it all goes well and they don't stop airing, not this Tuesday, but the Tuesday áfter that should be the Judging Amy episode with Jon. (Thanks for reminding me Lena:lol:) Again, if all goes well. I'll be watching.

Athlov, have I told you you rock yet today? No? Good: YOU ROCK! Seriously! BIG caps of Ryan = BIG happy Nikki. ;)
Dutchie said:BIG caps of Ryan = BIG happy Nikki. ;)

:lol: :lol: *chuckles* I read "Ryan = BIG happy Hikki" at first. :p I was like huh, hickey is spelled wrong. :lol:

Thanks I needed a laugh. :D

Ryan, happy, and hickey seem to fit together for some reason. :rolleyes: I don't know.
athlov GREAT pictures! :D I love the hand and smile one, he is so cute!!

Going back to the whole dating Natalia thing, I agree that Natalia only went out with him to make Delko jealous, although I am sure she probably did like him too (how could you not??? ;))
Where did he take her on the date? I can't remember exactly but I seem to think it was something a bit more unusual than dinner and drinks.
I also think Natalia having that party and inviting Ryan but not Eric was a jealousy thing too. Of course Ryan is likely to mention it at work; he would probably assume that if he is invited then so would his other colleagues and it didn't seem that Natalia had said not to tell Eric.
:(Poor Ryan - just a pawn in her games!!!
dna_girl, I'm almost ashamed to say he took her to mexican wrestling. To me that's a sign that he didn't really like her. I mean...wrestling. I would've turned a man down if he asked me that. Well..not if it was Ryan. I would go, and I would enjoy it too :p

Athlov, you're welcome. Ryan even had a quote about a hickey in wasn't it Vengeance? Hilarious. Glad I could make you laugh.

I'd be happy to give Ryan a hickey. That's why those words fit nice together :lol:

speedleishot, that's Legal, and as I mentioned before, my favorite ep.
Thanks dutchie, I knew it was something out of the ordinary. Shows he's a bit more inventive than dinner and a movie, I suppose. Gives a hint as to his out of work interests as well. And I guess if the date went well, you could suggest practising a few of the moves together! :lol: :devil:
OMG caps!!! Whhhhheeeeee!!! Thanks athlov :D Love your captions too. Funny :lol:

I love Nailed. Painful to watch him got hurt like that, but as someone said it, when he was screaming and breathing hard in the car it was kinda... hot... (but seriously, what's NOT hot about him? :rolleyes:) When he was like 'I wanna pull it out!' and Eric had to grab his hand to stop him from doing so... whoa I love it. I don't know why. I don't even ship Ryan/Delko, but I love that scene. Maybe it's the angst whore in me :p

And of course there's the hottt dumpster dive :D

I still wince when they show his eye bleeding with nail sticking out... Man it looks so real... kudos to the special effects department.

I agree with you girls about the Natalia thing, that maybe Eric just made some assumptions, or just saying that to make Boa look even worse. Phew, I'm relieved. Can sleep well tonight :D

Twiz, you should definitely post the manips your hubby made!

Welcome back, sienna!
Hehe, I loved it when he said that about the lawnmower! I was killing myself with laughter. (Literally. I had stitches....)

And 'Nailed' made me sad, but a few days ago I was thinking about that epi (during Fannysmackin', is it my fault?) and I said, "I love how he has to roll his eyes back like he's about to pass out." I found that part rather amusing. (Well, it was funny. All you could see was the whites of his eyes.)

Oh, dear. Twiz, your hubby made manips? Good or bad?

I must go, I gotta watch 'October Sky' because I have a summary to do for it in my Academic & Career class because I'm not going to be there on Monday....
Oh athlov - those are one of the best caps I have seen so far!

And I might add that I think if Natalia and Ryan actually slept together, they would have made mention of it in the next or a couple of episodes later. Like I can see Natalia saying "Oh about the other night... I hope that won't ruin our work relationship. I think you are cool and everything but I am not ready for a relationship" or something along those lines you know? BUT because there was never any mention of that date again I can't even see them having a goodnight kiss. I can see that the whole date might have been weird and even the writers knew that!

Oh I am going to go into total teeny bopper mode here and say that I have requested (and got accepted) by a Jon Togo (who knows if it is really him) on Myspace and I wrote him a little note saying "If this is really you I just want to send some encouraging words. I think you are doing a wonderful job on Miami. Thank you for making my Monday nights exciting. Keep up the good work" (along those lines) and you know what he responded? He said "Dear Rachel, thank you for the lovely message. You do a good job making cute babies - JT" (my Myspace page has tons of pics of my baby - it is set on private) That was cute!! Like I said I hardly believe that is really him but what a cute reply!
(Thanks for reminding me Lena:lol:)
you're welcome :p i actually taped the judging amy episode :D now i can watch jonathan togo with beard all the time :D

i seriously doubt that natalia and ryan slept together .. like RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said they would've mentioned it afterwards and i don't think that ryan is the type of guy who just sleeps with a girl and then he says "okay that was nice. next one?" he would even try to start a relationship or something
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