Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Is it blurred, Twiz? Hmm, maybe a bit. His hand's not very well in focus, but that's not anything I've done to it. How about we just send Jonathan round to you and then you can check your eyesight against the real thing? :D

His outfit. Was it the white jacket that he wore in the graveyard? And if anyone has any pics... Pleeeease! We need to seeee them. *stomps around, cursing US/UK broadcasting difference*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

athlov your picture are really beautiful (like Jon :D) and your description are very very funny...
..I'm laughting and my father says me "Are you crazy???" and I"Yes, I'm crazy for Togo"...but I'm very crazy for everything...I'm mad!!!! :rolleyes:
It was an okay episode. *shrugs*
That clean up guy with the attitude was so predictable. How'd I know he was going to be a suspect? :rolleyes: Sure he didn't do it, but his attitude towards Ryan shows just what type of people they higher for that job.

I still think that jacket is a little funny. :D

There really wasn't enough Ryan in this ep, but it kept me engage for the most part. The Ryan scenes were scattered a bit, so we got a bit of him all throughout the ep. :)

ETA: I'll post some caps from the ep some time tonight. I just have a lot of required reading to do for my classes I had yesterday, and I have a class later, so I have to do it sometime this afternoon. ;)
*huggles Ali* I can't see it yet either, but thank god Athlov is here! (Hey Athlov, why don't we call you by your first name anyway? We do with almost everyone, but not with you. I just noticed that. :lol:)

Thanks so much for posting caps, but take your time. We don't want you to stress out now do we? ;)
I am dragging my mouse over the spoilers and I am seeing nothing. Am I doing something wrong - or is there a program that I don't have that allows me to see what you are typing?
Rack, you have to select the text to read it, then it will show up. If it doesn't I have NO idea, cause I don't have any problems reading it. :confused:

speedleishot you mean Fade Out? In that episode Ryan got into a minor car accident, and he went to see the eye doctor who told him his eye sight was getting worse. Luckily it got all better. ;)
OH OK I get it now. I had to hold the button of the mouse down - I thought if you just ran your mouse over it would show up!
Wow there is a lot to learn on this board! LOL
Thanks for the info about the new episode.
wow, he did nothing wrong? I'm impressed. :rolleyes:
There's never enough Ryan. ;)
Even in 'Nailed' wasn't enough Ryan. :lol:

I wonder if there's a Ryan centric episode this season. maybe not, because he had a lot of troube last season.
LOL, inge, I totally agree with you: there is never enough Ryan for us! :p I really wanna know what happens to Erica Sikes at the end of S5.. I personally don't think that she and Ryan would hook up, but.. everything's possible.
Twiztid4Togo said:
OMG I'm sooooooooo disappointed in that ep..eh. 1 not enough Ryan at all and 2...well not enough Ryan at all. OH and too much Boa. BUT Ryan did look so hott in that outfit and he didn't do 1 dumb thing tonight. He was flawless for once. NO spoilers here.

I didnt get to see that ep. . .
it was on last night?!?!?!?!?!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. . . I had to effing go to bed. . .
Grr :mad:
I was dissapointed with the episode too. Ryan looked good though. Duh. But I was kind of upset that Boa got that scene with H at the end.. I mean Ryan never got a scene like that. He wasn't exactly treated the best when he came. And now Boa was the mole, should have been fired and it seems people are just... accepting her. It took them a bit long to do that with Ryan. *sighs*

But he did look hot. I already said that didn't I.. Hmm.. Oh and yes I was sooo happy that he didn't make any mistakes. He actually tried to stop Delko from making one. Yay! Go Ryan go! ;)
Dutchie said:
*huggles Ali* I can't see it yet either, but thank god Athlov is here! (Hey Athlov, why don't we call you by your first name anyway? We do with almost everyone, but not with you. I just noticed that. :lol:)

Thanks so much for posting caps, but take your time. We don't want you to stress out now do we? ;)

I like my computer name. I use it for everything on the web.

My name is Amanda; it's a really common name where I live. There was a song released in the early 80s that had my name in it, so there are quite a few Amanda's here around my age.

Once, I had a class in high school, where there were three of us. :eek:

Okay, I'm going to cap this ep. :D I need some fun. Gotta make time for fun in between going to classes, reading and doing homework. It keeps me sane. And I need my sanity to get through a 13 credit hour semester. :D

ETA: Quick question: What's emo? I read it somewhere in the posts. :confused:

ETAA: 512 Internal Affairs

To see them
ID: athlov
PS: friend
Then it will take you to the main directory. After that repaste the link, and it will take you to the ep.

Note: these images are 624x352

*sings* "Double your pleasurrrrre, double your fun."
wow i never realized before reading this forum that other people actually have dreams about jonathan! lol i told my friend that i dream about him a lot and she thought i was nuts. apparently there are a lot of us that know just how perfect jonathan really is! and the pics are great! keep them coming!
Athlov, if you'd rather we use your screenname, I'll use your screenname. It just occured to me. :lol:

OMG you posted this one picture...I'm not allowed to say but the CaRWash thread is gonna LOVE you! :devil: (I'll credit) Thankies! And omg he does look hot in that vest!
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