Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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^Sexxay! :p^ Ooooh I love it when he calls us. :lol:
athlov those pictures are soo cute *goes in to awwww mode*

I loved OOOO his attitude towards the Feds was soo hott and so was they way he slammed cooper agaist that wall.

he never has liked cooper I watched the first 3 eps of S4 on fiveUS last night and I can't remember wat ep it was but he referes to cooper as "The computer geek" wilst sorting evidence with calleigh or something. :p

I have probably asked this before or someone else has but how old is Ryan?
Oh god the age thing again. :lol: After multiple calculations, we guess he's around 27. It depends on how long college and patrol training were, so we don't know for sure.

Ali, I'm picking up the phone now. :p

ETA: No Pirated, they're airing Crime Wave Tuesday. CRIME WAVE! The Ryan in a black T-shirt episode :eek:
I watched the first 3 eps of S4 too last night. They were great! I hadn't seen them before and only got into Miami from 'Nailed' so it was good to get a few things cleared up. The storylines make more sense now.....
I cannot believe that Erica put out the footage of Ryan's comments about the Mala Noche! How stupid was that? :mad: Poor Ryan could have been seriously in danger and that really came across when he confronted her about it. I loved it when he smashed her tape recorder!!!
She is obviously crazy - who on earth would put their ambition before their relationship with Ryan???? And if she is willing to get him into trouble like that, she doesn't realise what she has and most definitely does not deserve him!!!! :mad:

Sorry - rant over......... :lol:
I loved seeing him smash the recorder too! It was hilarious, and since I had it taped, I watched it over and over, just because he's sexy when he's angry. :p Unfortunately, though, that comes back to bite him in Three-Way.

Great pic, Ali! I loved OOOO, and that "For the record, I didn't cooperate" line was probably the best in the whole episode!
Cool! Jonathan has a girlfriend? :eek: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
that is so not cool. . . Grrrrrrr
I wish he was single. . . Sorta. . .

Ooooh! My brother just proposed to his girlfriend.
There's gonna be a wedding! FINALLY!!!!!!!!
Took him long enought to find the right girl. . .
All of the other guys on his college football team got married, and now so is he!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
I am like, so effing happy :D
I loved that epi. . .
I almost cried when I found out that Ryan might have to stop working with Miami-Dade. . .
I also was sooooo effing sure that Ryan was gonna start crying. . .
Does he ever cry? EVER!!! I have never seen him cry. . .
I still wonder what he looks like when he cries. . .
Also, I have never seen Calleigh cry either. . .
I havent even seen her when she is really sad or anything like that. . .
does she have some feelings for Ryan? It looks like she might have at least a tinny bit of feelings for him. . .
That would be soooo cute if in the show, they started going out. . .
that would be funny. . .

Oh! And what ends up happening to Erica, is she still being a nosey little wench:mad:?
I dont like her, can ya tell? I'd be pissed if Ryan and her got back together. . .
She is so effing annoying I cant stand it. . .
Sometimes I just want to take a gun and go *POP* take that bee-otch
I want to see ryan cry I dont kno why but I do. Well I guess he was crying in Nailed but he was screaming too much to really know it was crying. I thought he was going to cry a few times like when he was at the doctors, I thought I saw a tear forming but then they went to something else. I also thought he was going to cry when he was punching the lockers but nope.

I have less then 45 minutes to new csim ..I'm so excited. Almost as excited as I was for the season premier.

I hope we've seen the last of Erica, or at least with Ryan. The last couple times she was on it he's looked at her like she was dirt.
wolfe_luv1, please remember to use the edit function located at the top near 'Reply, Quote, etc' to add more to your posts instead of double posting, as you have up to 24 hours to edit your previous post. Thanks. ;)

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Can I just ask what is the big deal about double posting? I am a member of quite a few message boards and never heard of this being a huge deal...... in fact not any DEAL at all! Maybe it's just me but I just don't get it! Is it because you can only have a certain amount of replies in a thread and then you have to start a new one?
While it may not be a huge deal on other message boards, or it may not be one of their rules at all, it is one of the guidelines here at TalkCSI to abide by. It prevents spamming, and while it may not be intentional, it may be seen as a means to boost one's post count. --That is why we ask that the edit button be used when one would like to add to their post.

Double posting every now and then isn't a huge offense, and we don't see it as one at all. :) As said above, it's to prevent spamming up the boards. Newer members may not be aware of this, which is why it was pointed out. :)
Ok thanks! Now I totally understand! Sorry again for my obliviousness!

Anyway is anyone watching the new episode right now? Holy crap it's good! And Jonathan looks like he's chunking up a bit. Hey I like it.....
OMG I'm sooooooooo disappointed in that ep..eh. 1 not enough Ryan at all and 2...well not enough Ryan at all. OH and too much Boa. BUT Ryan did look so hott in that outfit and he didn't do 1 dumb thing tonight. He was flawless for once. NO spoilers here.
He did look hot, didn't he? lol I agree, not enough Ryan (but then, you can never have enough, right?) and too much Boa. And of course, I loved the episode, despite those two minor issues. Maybe not the best outcome for the plot, but whatever, interesting nonetheless.
Yeah I agree you can never get enough, gosh I'm sounding like a fan girl...

Hey thanks Athlov and R2t for the info about the ep's. I never remember the names of them and as always great pics athlov.
Ali I always love Ryan talking on the phone but for some reason your pic looks blurred to me, don't kno if it's my connection but I thought I was losing my sight. But great pic and it reminds me of my Thumpy calls I use to make for Thumpy from Ryan...I wonder if I can find any season 5 pics of Ryan talking on the phone to make some new ones for our dear Thumpy.
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