Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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^^ Soooo not fair! :( I wish I was rich :lol:^^

anywho I love that Ryan has a niece.

happy togolisious XMAS y'all, hope y'all havin' a lovely day :D XXX
I'm about to go open presents with the family, but they're still eating so I'm sneeking on here to get some Togo goodness. :devil: Shhhh!

*sighs* I LOVE Jake's body too! I was like woah! Whos's THAT!? :lol:

Yeah, Shadowfax? Come back soon! :(

:lol: Nikki, that bunny suit is hilarious. I dare you Irma. :p

Hey, I put the background on my laptop too. I don't have a boyfriend or husband... And my parent's don't use it. I don't have any pesky siblings either. Muahahaha! :devil: *ahem* :rolleyes:

Yeah, isn't that sad that you'd have to pay about $5000 to eat with our dear Togo? What is he, dipped in gold?! (Sorry, I had too.) Wait.. Maybe he is.. Hmm..
^^ I love that Ryan has a niece too :) Keep me hoping that someday we're gonna see that soft side of him again. Maybe someday we could see him visiting his niece. I'm tired of them keep making him look bad and everything, so it'd be nice to see the loving side of him :)

:eek: OMG Nikki you're AWESOME! Where did you find that pink bunny? :lol: Man those things are real and for sale? :eek: Ha! Now I can't wait till Easter! :devil: Jon wouldn't know what hit him...

Oh btw, I'm happy too cuz... I have #1-3 from your list. No jealous husband/boyfriend? Check. A sister who's just as crazy of Togo as me? Check. Parents who never use my laptop? Check! So, yeah, I'm happy Togo-ing :D

Oh, and your sister rocks! :D

ryan_lover said:
whoes body did you use for sexxay santa and sexxay sleepy santa?
Forgot to answer. Greg's body is his. I swear. God bless True Vinyl for shirtless Eric Szmanda!

Hmm come to think about it... maniping makes me feel like Dr.Frankenstein... I go around saying "I steal body parts" :lol: Freaky...

We seriously need a shirtless Ryan scene. Badly. I don't care if it's him getting shoved into the decontamination shower (but it's been done before, so less likely)... or gotta rip his shirt off to stop someone's bleeding (*drooollll*)... or just walking on the beach shirtless (*faints*) ...I'm not picky, really :p

Or maybe Togo should try applying as the next Bond... you know... cuz there's always coming-out-of-the-ocean-in-only-a-bathing-suit thing in every Bond movies... So we're gonna see him in a suit PLUS coming out of the ocean shirtless :devil: yummy
^ oh wow shirtless greg is all greg!^ *faints* its such as shame we can't find shirtless Jon anywheres *crys* I don't like big muscles, I think its too un-natural and I don't think its that nice to look at.
But at the same time I don't like the super skinny look so I suppose I like the average/healthy bod on a guy like nature intends for them to have.
Sorry if that make no sense - it did inside me head! :lol: and I realise Im going a bit off topic. :)

And yes he has to be in the next bond movie although the thought of him doing an english accent makes me giggle but he is Jonathan Togo and he has the ability to make every he does, wears and says look and sound really sexxay. :p :lol: :p
If I got to eat lunch with togo there's no doubt I'd end up choking on my food then he'd have to do the hymnic ( can't spell it) but you know, make me spit it up then do some cpr cause i'd be ptetending not to breathe hehe. BUT then again I probably wouldn't be able to eat cause of all the drool pouring out of my mouth.. I wished I hadn't found that either, then Katie made me feel worse that we missed out on it.

Jon so um are you going to eat?
Me hu ha um um ha um huh um (drool falling out of my mouth)
jon ok I think we're done I've lost my appitite

HEY I had Togo under my tree this morning..I got the csi miami board game YAY..I guess hubby isn't too jealous.
Heimlich Sue, heimlich. :p But yeah, same here. I would faint. Like, with my face into my food, probably. :lol:

Irma, I try, I try. :D Where I found that? I went to the Dutch google and typed in: Pink bunny suit and voila. ;) Can't wait till easter. My list? LOL, gotta love the checklist.

My sis? Rocking? Eh...you wanna live with her for 12 years and tell me again? :p
I wished I hadn't found that either, then Katie made me feel worse that we missed out on it.
Ahaha, no. You told me on Christmas Eve. That's a good way to spoil Christmas. :p My lunch would go something like...

Jon: This is my favourite place to come and eat.
Katie: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... *tries to pick up food but ends up flinging it at Togo* OMG!
Jon: It's okay, don't worry about it. *secretly annoyed*
Katie: Kay... *drools*
Jon: *looks discusted* Um.. Maybe other time. *gets up and leaves*

:( Yup, that sounds like me. :lol:
Sorry for my delay,but I've been eating today!!!
Sil,ypur creation are so beautiful..now my Christmas is a beautiful Xmas with Jon!!! *___*
I want to be Santa Claus for Jon next year... :D

...the photo with Jon on the beach is so sexy...
Thanks, Federica :)

Dutchie said:
My sis? Rocking? Eh...you wanna live with her for 12 years and tell me again? :p
... I get your point... :lol:
But hey, at least she likes Jon too. I'm glad that I have a sister, cuz if I have a brother than it'd be like, me all drooling+squeeing+fainting alone, and him looking at me all weird :lol:

Your son Jonathan is even more jealous than your hubby, Sue? Oh wow :lol: Your whole family is jealous of Togo. That's kinda cute :D I guess you're like the Queen of the House :lol: CSI Board Game? Awwwww... see, you're hubby is nice :D I'm not getting any presents this Xmas. It's not a tradition to give Xmas presents here :( Or at least my family is not :rolleyes:

ryan_lover... me thinks Jon with an english accent would be HOT. My I don't care which accent he's using, I love his voice. Everytime there's a scene in Miami with Delko phone him or something, I'd be... *drool* he sounds so yummy on the phone :lol:
Yeah I'm crazy :rolleyes:

Not gonna imagine how it's gonna be if I get a chance to eat lunch with him cuz: 1. me lives 40289750195315345032 miles away so I've set my mind that Togo is 'all the way up there and very untouchable' 2. cuz if I start to think a certain celebrity is reachable, I'd get really frustrated, so better not :p Like there's this local celeb that I often see in my local Mall cuz he lives near my neighbourhood, and everytime I'd be like, I wanna go and talk to him! :lol: But then I'd get *this* close to be a stalker. I imagine it's like that with you guys who lives in Miami... being *this* close to Jonathan. God, must be frustrating. Exciting, but frustrating :) Does that even make sense?
Inge, you know what's funny? I'd been planning a story where he had a kid for awhile... Don't know if it will actually get done, since I'm pretty bogged down right now with finishing up one story (well, I *hope* I'll be finishing it soon), and starting another as soon as the other is finished. Then there's the Xmas fic... you get the idea.

No jealous boyfriend/husband, no nosy parents, but, alas, I do have annoying siblings. Two of them. Both girls. And *neither* of them like Jon!! They both like Ryan, but they just find the character amusing... they haven't been Togofied yet, though, so they don't understand just how gorgeous he is. Little sister's still stuck on Orlando Bloom (never got the appeal, but okay). :rolleyes:

Don't worry, Sil, you made sense. I'd be frustrated, too. ;)
Alas, no Togo under my Christmas tree this morning. Oh well, 'twas an excellent day anyways. :D

I think my lunch date with Jon would go like this:

Jon: You're an amazing person, will you marry me?
Me: Yes! *leaps into Jon's arms*
Me: *wakes up from dream* Damn it!


Usually my Togo stuff on my laptop is pretty much only ever seen by me, but a week ago I had to take my laptop to the computer store to get fixed :( , and I was so paranoid and nervous that the computer dudes would go digging around in my stuff and come across billions upon billions of pictures. :lol: Same thing whenever I let some of my friends use my computer, especially with my one friend who makes fun of me as it is for being such a crazy fangirl... but I don't think he really knows yet just HOW fangirly I can be. :lol: I secretly fear that one day he'll be searching for my screename on something and come across ALL my dirt, like my website, Photobucket, YouTube, etc. :lol: For some reason he just doesn't understand the art of fangirling. :rolleyes: :lol:
quickbeam - haha! that's good one! i think that would be my story also!
Jon: *drinks something and my cup falls of the table on Jons pants* ou, it's nothing
Me: no, i can dry it for you..if you want..*does angelface and takes out some napkins*
Jon: well yes thank you!
Me: *almost touches the pants and then wakes up* NOT AGAIN!

well my brother decided to erase everything from my computer without asking me. i had just finished with my 'not-very-ugly-guys' folder and when i heard that all those pictures where gone i went mad! my brother wanted to do something good for me and he cutted out my fav. part from the 'fade out' where ryan kicks his locker. it was so cute :D..excluded the part where i had to start collecting all those pictures again! (bad thing here was that my laptop was stolen week before. so ALL my pictures were gone!)

PS! I do not know what those burglars are doing with my laptop. it was kind a old and i didn't use it so much. most expensive part of this was wificard. but still..those pictures were in it and what those burglars might think of me. :D
^^ they would probably get Togofied :D

quickbeam_cw said:
Usually my Togo stuff on my laptop is pretty much only ever seen by me, but a week ago I had to take my laptop to the computer store to get fixed :( , and I was so paranoid and nervous that the computer dudes would go digging around in my stuff and come across billions upon billions of pictures. :lol: Same thing whenever I let some of my friends use my computer, especially with my one friend who makes fun of me as it is for being such a crazy fangirl... but I don't think he really knows yet just HOW fangirly I can be. :lol: I secretly fear that one day he'll be searching for my screename on something and come across ALL my dirt, like my website, Photobucket, YouTube, etc. :lol: For some reason he just doesn't understand the art of fangirling. :rolleyes: :lol:
OMG that's so me! :lol: Always afraid evertime someone needs to borrow my laptop, or when I have to get it repaired.
Well you know I do manips. I'm so paranoid that someday someone's gonna see them... Cuz I'm not just storing billions and billions pics/caps of Jon/Ryan. There's also the manips, some of them being, erm... not really something you would want your computer dudes to see :rolleyes:

A few days ago, I went to my lecturer to show my assignment's progress. Usually I printed them out, but that day I used my laptop cuz my printer was broken. Remember my gun!porn wallpaper? I forgot to change it :rolleyes: So when I was waiting for Windows to load, the first thing that came up before all the icons was the gun!porn. Big. Across the screen. Exposed to the whole world to see. I went -> :eek: OMG I FORGOT TO CHANGE IT!! :eek: Too late...
Now, what my lecturer might think of me? :rolleyes:

I guess it could be worse though. Good thing I wasn't having a half-naked Togo as my wallpaper :lol:
Hello! Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a good one. :D

I have finally taken my courage in both hands and put a Ryan wp on my laptop, only to have my stepson say "Who's Ryan Wolfe?" The poor lad needs education! :rolleyes: It's from that scene in COTC where he's looking at the little coffin on the table and his eyes are sooooo delicious! I can't keep it on when term starts again, but for now I can drool over it to my heart's content. :p

I'm paranoid about anyone stealing or going through my laptop and not only seeing my collection of pics, but also reading all my fics! God, that would be sooo embarrassing! Definitely not something you'd want computer dudes to see. I keep thinking I should keep them all on a data stick but I'm scared of losing that, so I'm a bit stuck. :confused:

Shadowfax is visiting family for Christmas BTW. She hasn't forgotten us all, she's just incommunicado.

Sil , that is one fabulous wp / manip / icon! It's so good I can hardly believe that it's not real. And the other one! *drools* *saves to illicit collection of pics*
^I have that wallpaper as my background, too! Thanks again for it!

I'm always paranoid that one of my family members will pick up my laptop when I'm not around and start going through my stuff. The other day, I was washing dishes and walked into the living room to see my Mom with my laptop, looking around online for something. Of course, I had MS Word open, working one of my stories and I was like 'Crap!! Now she's going to read my story!' Plus, at the same time I was online (I tend to multitask), probably with either this site up or LJ, I can't remember which, and so I was really freaking out. Fortunately, I had remembered to minimize my story before I left the room, and like I said before, Mom isn't nosy, so she didn't read it or anything, and she didn't even pay attention to the site I had up, and she's pretty used to seeing Jon Togo as my background, lol.

Sil, your lecturer just needs to be Togofied, lol. Then he'll completely understand. Hmmm... maybe we should make up a slogan, lol. :lol:
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