He looks just edible in those pics! I love it when his shirt's open like that. It kind of draws me in.
If he were actually standing in front of me, I'd probably fall in!
Of course it's not open enough, but we can always hope for button-popping moments.
He didn't say my name in Double Jeopardy. I'm very disappointed.
It's just not the same hearing Horatio say it.
But one thing that did make my ears prick up was that someone called him "Detective Wolfe". I don't know who it was, but some guy searching through the rubbish in the place where the body was dumped called up to Ryan when he found the weights used to weigh the body down, and it was definitely "Detective Wolfe". (Ryan was with Alexx looking at the body and trying not to let the smell get to him - awwww!
) I didn't think they were detectives, but maybe they are.
I know I saw "Det. R. Wolfe" written down on an evidence bag in S3. I haven't found it again yet, but I'll cap it when I do, so I can convince myself I'm not imagining things under the influence of an overdose of Togoism.