Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Hehe! I also noticed his slightly different hairstyle. Personally, I'm quite the fan of it... I thought it was really cute how it was kinda stickin' up a little bit in the back. *g* :D

And now, ladies and gents, I have a special new idea for y'all... I give you: The Togo Roadtrip Game! (and I'm very open to suggestions for a better/more creative title...)

So, the idea of the game is to keep you somewhat occupied when you go on a long roadtrip. Basically, you keep an eye out for signs with the "Togo/To Go" thing. When you see one, yell out "Togo Togo Togo!" (or, well, if your fellow car passengers aren't into it, then just grin silently to yourself). For every sign with 'To Go' on it you see, give yourself a point. If it's one of those signs with the moveable letters that could potentially be pushed together to spell "Togo", give yourself 5 points. Easy, and fun! w00t! :D

This came about since I am currently visiting my brother and sister-in-law in Calgary, AB (Canada), which is about a 6/7-ish hour drive from where I live. On the way I spotted a "Chinese Buffet To Go" (5 pts, because it had the movable letters), and "Soup & Sandwich To Go, $5.99" (for 1 pt.). There were probably plenty more that I missed, too. :lol:

Togo Sandwich for 6 bucks, eh? Yes please! :lol: :p
Krinkle04 said:
I am official now, yall.
I actually stole a pizza flyer, (laminated) from my hotel room in atlantic city because the phone number's last four digits spelled out TOGO on the front!
*Is now ready to attend Togoholics Anonymous meetings*
Wow Congradulations!! Welcome to our side of the forest, its quite cozzy over here, mostly because there is pillows everywhere to aid us when we fall over from our chairs :D
You will like it here in togoholic land. What you must remember is to drink plenty of fluids!! You will drool a lot so you need to keep yourself hydrated or you will get light headed. You will get likght headed anyways but still... Anyways... Welcome to the "We are hopelessly addicted to Togo" club!
*throws pillow over to ILuvJonathanTogo* i have plenty of them over here :p
thx for the pics athlov i especially like the last one !! he looks like a schoolboy being mad about some others who are making laugh about him :lol:
*drools over 'umph' and snags* you might see that one coming back in the CaRWash thread. ;) Do love them all. HEHE, he can make such funny faces. *drools some more* :eek:

Yeah I can't faint, I'm still lying on the floor here. :D
Had to buy stock in plastic pillow covers due to excessive drooling. ***passes out plastic coverings to all****

athlov- I bow down to you and your wonderfullness of pics. I soaked up the goodness that you have shared. TOGO Rules!

Dutchie, I just love the way he rolls his eyes! Sigh...he is so expressive! Luckily you can't wear out DVD's....or can you?

::::hunting for the perfect Jonathan/Ryan avvie::::::
OH lOvely pics as always Athlov. I love angry hott ryan..yum.

Quicky your game sounds fun but I'm not sure if I can get my family to play it. We do kind of play one similiar when we're at the stores. It seems like we all spot to go togo signs. In the car we do play games to keep the kids from saying,"are we there yet." We play spotting animals and the alphebet animal game...start with A and name an animal that starts with it. We're all pretty bored with it so maybe i'll try the togo game. We do play the Hummer game now, much like the slug big game. Maybe I'll teach them a new alphabet game...start with an A and name something about Ryan...like A Angry Ryan...B Beautiful Ryan..C Caring Ryan D delicious Ryan...E Exciting Ryan..Gosh I'd win this game easily..
*Takes a plastic covering* :lol: Thanks Sparky! I need em.
athlov, those pictures are amazing, and soo big!! *drools on plastic covers on the floor* Hehe woops. I love the 'hehe' picture. He looks adorable!! Oh and the 'umph!' one! ;)

ETA: F for Funny Ryan!!! :lol:
those pictures of THE GORGEOUS ONE are sooo....*faints* :p

*quietly sneeks in to the Togo club carrying a load of pillows, drool bucket and some cookies* :lol:

I can't find a decent avatar anywhere! *is fustrated* :(

ETA: G for Gorgeous Ryan :p
athlov said:
^^ Well hun, you have to read the directions. I have a friends password on my photobucket account. ;)
*slaps head* How could I miss that? Thanks athlov... I was in a hurry so I skip-read everything :lol: Ooh the pics from 'From The Grave' are hot... thanks again, athlov, as always :D

quickbeam that's a good idea! Now all those long hours in the car would be less boring :lol:
Didn't see any 'To Go' sign today... but I did saw a bottled drink called 'Twist'... Guess who that reminds me? Twist id for Togo! :D :lol:

Welcome, Juma! Pardon the drooltsunami... It's actually nice here, the weather a bit hot but it's nice :D You should check out the main tourist attraction here: The Temple Of Togo :D Please, do stay!

Anyway, is it just me, or now everytime I heard Justin Timberlake's 'Sexy Back' I'm reminded of Ryan? :lol: Really, even when my friend said it (as in: "Do you like Justin's song, Sexy Back") I perks up and in my head plays pictures of Ryan in slow motion... :lol:
Irma, I *cough*got*cough* the song just because it makes me think of Ryan. I don't even like the song. :rolleyes:

Juma, take my hand. I'm sitting here on top of the temple of Togo. You can escape the tsunami here. Tsunami...Crime Wave...oeh Ryan looked HOTT in Crime Wave. Gah. :eek:

H for Heavenly Ryan. Or heroic. Or heerlijke. :p (delicious in dutch ;))
can i just ask
am a UK resident
is ryan able to keep his job
you know because of his eye and all that?
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