Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

Thread Name

  • Ryan Wolfe,Man of Mystery

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Remedy for Togo Fever

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Hero of Our Hearts

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • His royal Hotness/part 2

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • The Miami Way

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • A Smile Brighter than Diamonds

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • The Definition Of Gorgeous

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • TNT Togo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
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Ryan undercover! Could be very good. :) Hopefully he doesnt screw it up or anything. My fingers are crossed, we are definitely on a roll this season. Now if only the CBS problem could be sorted:klingon:

I agree; if it turns out Ryan went 'over their heads' and is again put in a morally ambiguous situation, or he screws up somehow and Eric has to come and save the day then I'll break the computer screen :shifty::p

YAY!! I must say that 9.10 just may be the best early Christmas present ever!!!

Come sooner! Like...now!

I'd certainly take a giftwrapped Ryan/Jon for Xmas :drool::devil:

Good news indeed!

Ok, so I just logged on to the cbs site, to see if they had the decency to post an apology (which they didnt) But I noticed they had something on called the 'bracket challenge' Voting for the top Miami moments. They had 16 options there and not one featured Ryan! How? He has had so many great moments and yet you can vote for a 'hummer race' in one of the epis or Eric getting shot but none of Ryan's great moments. What the hell?!

WHAT?! That's got to be biased! Under The Influence, Nailed, Shootout, Burned, his speech in Kill Switch, WISC...and that's just to name a few! :angryrazz::brickwall: I'm not even being biased in Ryan/Jon's favour here...I've seen fans who hate Ryan admitting that Jon can really knock it out of the park when he's given the chance. Ugh, that just really grinds my gears...to the feedback to complain some more!
OMG, I feel like the fans of this show are losing all of our optimism and positivity because of the massacre from Sunday.

We need to get pumped up! Who's with me?! I am totally ready for more Ryan-hottness city come this Sunday! (even if it is a "repeat".)
^ Yeah, I guess you are right Gooniegirl.
Being more positive, we are having some great Ryan scenes so far, and so early in the season. And it looks like we have quite a few more to come. And Jon is looking hotter than ever, so we do have lots to be positive about !

( ah, and on the top Miami moments, for me it has to be nailed. Any scene Jon was in in that epi was wonderful, but for the gasp factor it would be the beginning when he is in the car with Eric!)
Seems like faith is playing tricks around. Instead of showing next epi of s8 they showed one of previous epi. And i'm not saying it's bad. Once again 'enjoyed' the '' i'm hungry'' scene and noticed few moments i missed previous time.
My favorite Jon/Ryan moment is the entire episode of 'Time Bomb'. I can NOT get enough of it it!! I also agree that 'Nailed' and WISC are epic Ryan episodes, that should have been featured or at least mentioned.

BUT, to agree with GoonieGirl here.... we did get what we really ask for. IN character Ryan and MORE screen time! In addition to that, we have the luxury of saying Ryan's screen time has been 'quality'. No pointless moments... no cheesiness. Great material that makes him shine even further!

SO, Wolfepack, regroup! Let's pull it together, get on it, and ENJOY the rest of this season... no matter HOW they hand it to us. We won't let them bring us down!!! CSI: Miami is where our loyalties lie, so let's SHOW the network we won't be brought down!

Everyone is right so I will try to stay positive. I will say I was very irritated that either "Nailed" or "WISC" wasn't included in the bracket game on CBS, and some pretty lame videos were.

I'll just be happy that we have been getting good Ryan scenes,Ryan in character and good screentime.
It's hard to stay positive...I mean I finally put my trust in the writers and CBS after all these years, and this idiotic idea happens...makes me just want to curl up in my shell and find any excuse to snark at them some more :lol:

Although the positive mood in here is certainly quite contagious...I'll probably never trust CBS after this, but I'm sure I can still think positively about the brilliant job the writers are doing so far...I guess we did get what we were after; positive Ryan moments, screentime, funny without being that horrid OOC 'funny' in Season 8, technically being partly heroic in Sleepless in Miami...and to put a little cherry on the top they've been dressing him in some dashingly fine clothes :drool:

After Season 8 I had thought the show had finally jumped the shark...but this season so far seems set on disagreeing with me :thumbsup:
I have to say I also like the more causual style they've given him this season, but I actually liked those funny ties as well, at least most of them :).

Nice with a Ryan episode coming up, it's only a few weeks away!
I like Ryan's casual style this season too,it seems "more" him.
I hope Ryan's episode doesn't come up during the Sunday I have to work to 11pm, I do that once a month and then I have to watch on line the next day.
I'll probably never trust CBS after this, but I'm sure I can still think positively about the brilliant job the writers are doing so far...
Hello Wolfe Pack! Haven't been on the board much lately. I'm still upset about what CBS did Sunday to our show but was so happy to catch it on my On Demand. Ryan looked great as always.
I have to say I also like the more causual style they've given him this season, but I actually liked those funny ties as well, at least most of them :).

Nice with a Ryan episode coming up, it's only a few weeks away!

I agree; apart from that stunning suit jacket in SIM his more casual look is my favourite, especially when he dons one of those tight tees of his :drool:

Ok I'm first in line for a hug like that from Jon! :hugegrin: Thanks for the pics Theresa, great way to wake up!

Thanks for the lovely pics Theresa, really brightened my very rainy day. And welcome back FFF!

Thanks for the pics Theresa.
Since FFF is first in line for a hug,I'll have to settle for second.

Oh oh oh, me third! I'd never pass up a chance to get a hug from Jon :adore:
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