Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

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greatfan and Delynn, Heh heh thanks. I'm sure we'd be able to clear up that mess those writers have made :evil::lol:

WolfWings I can remember once I read this cute little fic where Ryan finally addressed Horatio's habit of calling him by his last name. I think that's what he should do on the show, just flat out ask what's up with that.

Though I agree that Mr Wolfe isn't all that bad :lol::devil:
WolfWings I can remember once I read this cute little fic where Ryan finally addressed Horatio's habit of calling him by his last name. I think that's what he should do on the show, just flat out ask what's up with that.

Though I agree that Mr Wolfe isn't all that bad :lol::devil:

I've always liked the way that Horatio refers to Ryan as "Mr. Wolfe." It just shows such respect. The same as he does when he calls Natalia, "Ms. Boa Vista" and the way he used to refer to Calleigh as" ma'am". (But that was long ago and far away.)
I think that's where we disagree- the adults that I know refer to other people by their last name because they weren't that close. That's how I always thought of H's and Ryan's relationship: I think they could easily trust each other with their lives, which was shown a little during Resurrection (even though the main reason was to protect wonder boy Eric), but still they're not very close at all. I think it's because he always refers to Calleigh and Eric by their names, but Ryan and Natalia who have been there for a shorter time are often referred to as their last names.

On the other hand, Ryan only really has been close to a few people (Nat, Alexx, Jesse, Walter, Calleigh before S7 or so).
I think that's where we disagree- the adults that I know refer to other people by their last name because they weren't that close. That's how I always thought of H's and Ryan's relationship: I think they could easily trust each other with their lives, which was shown a little during Resurrection (even though the main reason was to protect wonder boy Eric), but still they're not very close at all. I think it's because he always refers to Calleigh and Eric by their names, but Ryan and Natalia who have been there for a shorter time are often referred to as their last names.

On the other hand, Ryan only really has been close to a few people (Nat, Alexx, Jesse, Walter, Calleigh before S7 or so).

Civil disagreement is a good thing! :)

I know that most people feel that Horatio had Ryan help him in Resurrection to protect Delko, but I look at that a little differently as well. I believe that Horatio knew that Delko was too messed up and incompetent to be of any help. Don't forget he left his supposed second in command out of the loop as well.

I think that over the past several years Horatio and Ryan have developed a real sense of trust. At least looking at it that way makes me happy! :lol:
You know, watching Collateral Damage, there might be another theory (and my personal favourite). Maybe Horatio didn't ask if Ryan was okay because he knew he would be. Like, he knows that Eric isn't always competent (restraining myself there :eyeroll: ) but knows that, like himself, Ryan doesn't need to be mollycoddled.

Ah well, it's a sweet thought :)

Still, what I would like to see for the premier is some concern. Example:

Horatio: Mr Wolfe, are you okay?
Ryan: Yea, fine. Why?
H: You've been acting rather strangely since the lab was poisoned.
Ryan: Nah, I'm fine. It's just, it's weird, working here knowing that I collapsed here just a while ago.
Horatio: Don't worry, it's natural to think like that. It'll pass.
Ryan: Yeah, I guess. Thanks H.
H: Anytime Mr Wolfe (puts on glasses and walks away)

Sweet, no?
You know, watching Collateral Damage, there might be another theory (and my personal favourite). Maybe Horatio didn't ask if Ryan was okay because he knew he would be. Like, he knows that Eric isn't always competent (restraining myself there :eyeroll: ) but knows that, like himself, Ryan doesn't need to be mollycoddled.

Ah well, it's a sweet thought :)

Still, what I would like to see for the premier is some concern. Example:

Horatio: Mr Wolfe, are you okay?
Ryan: Yea, fine. Why?
H: You've been acting rather strangely since the lab was poisoned.
Ryan: Nah, I'm fine. It's just, it's weird, working here knowing that I collapsed here just a while ago.
Horatio: Don't worry, it's natural to think like that. It'll pass.
Ryan: Yeah, I guess. Thanks H.
H: Anytime Mr Wolfe (puts on glasses and walks away)

Sweet, no?

That's funny!!:guffaw:
I think that's where we disagree- the adults that I know refer to other people by their last name because they weren't that close. That's how I always thought of H's and Ryan's relationship: I think they could easily trust each other with their lives, which was shown a little during Resurrection (even though the main reason was to protect wonder boy Eric), but still they're not very close at all.

I think another thing that happened in "Resurrection" was that Horatio could trust Ryan to just follow orders implicitly and not argue. If Eric had been the one Horatio had asked to help, I can't help but feel like he would have immediately tried to talk H out of it, since they're so close. There was no time for that. And Eric's so emotional and wears his heart on his sleeve, so he wouldn't have been able to pull off as convincing a "Horatio's dead" act as Ryan. Our boy's a good liar, I guess ;)

You know, watching Collateral Damage, there might be another theory (and my personal favourite). Maybe Horatio didn't ask if Ryan was okay because he knew he would be. Like, he knows that Eric isn't always competent (restraining myself there :eyeroll: ) but knows that, like himself, Ryan doesn't need to be mollycoddled.

I like that theory! :lol:

Even if that's the case, I would like to see some concern for Ryan in the season premiere. Even if it's just a quick "are you okay?" type deal. And maybe even calling him by his first name... :eek: And I wouldn't mind seeing some Tripp/Ryan interaction too. I love those two. Despite their banter (and because of it) you can tell they really care about each other as friends. I love when Ryan slips in a little offhand comment about Tripp's lack of hair and Frank calling him his favorite dust monkey... :guffaw:They're funny.
Haha, so the facebook page just posted a link to a discussion going on at cbs.com. It's about our one and only: "Is this the year Ryan should get a love interest? Fans sound off..."

WolfWings- That could be another reason, I mean I know I'd rather have Ryan by my side than Eric, and not just for the obvious reasons ;) :drool: I mean ever since Eric got a bullet to the head...well, I think I'll keep that opinion for the Dislike thread.

I'd love to see Ryan interact with Frank again, we saw Bolt Action last week. Frank and Ryan was definitely my fave part. Walter too, being one of the CSI's who actually treat him like a friend. Oh, and can't forget Natalia, like the writers have been doing recently :shifty:

Gooniegirl3333- NO! I mean Ryan deserves a girl, but we all know how 'wonderful' the Miami writers are with romance :shifty:
Gooniegirl3333- NO! I mean Ryan deserves a girl, but we all know how 'wonderful' the Miami writers are with romance :shifty:

I just keep thinking about Erika coming back, AAAHH!!!! CBS is going to see it and say, "Oh, so we'll make them happy when we bring back Erika!" Bad CBS, exploiting our wants. tsk.
I think that's where we disagree- the adults that I know refer to other people by their last name because they weren't that close. That's how I always thought of H's and Ryan's relationship: I think they could easily trust each other with their lives, which was shown a little during Resurrection (even though the main reason was to protect wonder boy Eric), but still they're not very close at all. I think it's because he always refers to Calleigh and Eric by their names, but Ryan and Natalia who have been there for a shorter time are often referred to as their last names.

On the other hand, Ryan only really has been close to a few people (Nat, Alexx, Jesse, Walter, Calleigh before S7 or so).
It just all depends on were a person is coming from as far as how they are addressed.I know I bought it up before but,on Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid was addressed as Dr Reid by Gideon because he wanted Spencer to be respected because of his young age.I do think there is a closeness there between the two. Horatio's closeness to Eric is different because he is or was his brother-inlaw,I really think it's this fact that makes them closer.If Horatio hadn't married Eric's sister,I don't think he would be any closer to Eric than he is to Ryan despite what that silly season 8 premiere showed.
Walter refers to Ryan as Wolfe and Natalia refers to him as Ryan so I don't think the fact that Horatio calls him Mr Wolfe denotes lack of closeness.The fact that Horatio wanted him reinstated when he could have told him to go to hell showed he had some feeling for him.
aww guys what's the use for me to post here? you're all so quick and with same thoughts as i have :lol:

all i can do is agree :hugegrin:

hmm image of H caring of Ryan is burnt in my mind forever :lol:

ah today my fanfic will stay as it was hours before. lost interest for the day.

btw if you have any even tiniest wish to read it i put it on this forum (fanfic part) for now. it's name is "Looking though a glass."

so if you have any interest please read and let me know if you liked it or not. :)
tnx if you read this :hugegrin:

anyways back to topic :)

i'm really hoping to see some Ryan-team-leader-smartie line and of course even some love interest !but not anything to do with you-know-who! that would be too ... too... you got it :lol:

and yeah there's so much they could do with show, character and storylines ...

i think it's not our job to tell them what to do/how to do their job. i even started to feel like experienced writer although i've just started and without education in writing. but they...
i'm in loss of words today but i guess you got my thought, though. :hugegrin:
It just all depends on were a person is coming from as far as how they are addressed.I know I bought it up before but,on Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid was addressed as Dr Reid by Gideon because he wanted Spencer to be respected because of his young age.

Ooooh! Nice comparison. I forgot about Gideon doing that. It would be nice to think that Horatio refers to Ryan and Natalia as "Mr. Wolfe" and "Ms. Boa Vista" as a means of showing his respect and commanding it from others.

But he really needs to work on those within his own team showing Ryan the proper respect. All the hostility directed at Ryan should have been nipped in the bud immediately.

Ryan really would have a case for workplace bullying in the real word - especially against Delko.

You know, watching Collateral Damage, there might be another theory (and my personal favourite). Maybe Horatio didn't ask if Ryan was okay because he knew he would be. Like, he knows that Eric isn't always competent (restraining myself there :eyeroll: ) but knows that, like himself, Ryan doesn't need to be mollycoddled.

Ah well, it's a sweet thought :)

Still, what I would like to see for the premier is some concern. Example:

Horatio: Mr Wolfe, are you okay?
Ryan: Yea, fine. Why?
H: You've been acting rather strangely since the lab was poisoned.
Ryan: Nah, I'm fine. It's just, it's weird, working here knowing that I collapsed here just a while ago.
Horatio: Don't worry, it's natural to think like that. It'll pass.
Ryan: Yeah, I guess. Thanks H.
H: Anytime Mr Wolfe (puts on glasses and walks away)

Sweet, no?

Very, very sweet! You're really very good, Dragon!
i'm really hoping to see some Ryan-team-leader-smartie line and of course even some love interest !but not anything to do with you-know-who! that would be too ... too... you got it :lol:

and yeah there's so much they could do with show, character and storylines ...

I have an idea; maybe there could be a case that is related to the Russian mob and Ryan feels obliged to lead the case because of what happened in WISC, and he can be really smart and stuff :)

I keep on getting the feeling that the writers are missing your point, BDS, there are lots of potentially great storylines and such but they are just wasting it on the more 'important' ones *cough*ericandcalleigh*cough* :rolleyes:


Sorry, I just read it and I got a bit angry. I really hope that they don't create a relationship between Ryan and her. That would just be awful, I swear she just uses him for her next news bulletin :scream:

(P.S, I won't be posting for a while, I'm on holiday for a week without internet access)
OK, so awhile ago I went to Jon's wiki site and I know anyone can update, but it said he wears glasses. Does anyone know if this is accurate?
Secondly, I found this video on youtube! Here's the link: (edited out by mod to remove personal info)
This is so sad and mean to Jon; it's not even funny. Tell me what you guys think! Besides, the video being kind of sad Jon looks hot and we now know what kind of car he has! Sorry for not posting in awhile!!
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