Ryan/Jon #27 - His Royal Hotness

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  • His Royal Hotness

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  • Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'

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After reading your post and then seeing that pic all i could imagine was Ryan saying in a little voice 'I want continuity...'

I agree though: it's not just the angsty side of me that wants to see some sort of fallout or continuity for Ryan. It's just ridiculous at times: in SGIYC while Calleigh was comatose, Ryan, who had been in the burning attic almost as long as her, was literally chasing after suspects!

WISC was definitely the worst...I'm sure that he said he ran up thirty flights of stairs...the morning after he was tortured. What's wrong with that sentence?

It is so unrealistic that he wasnt even coughing after those fires he was in. And you think he would have looked a little tired after being beaten up and then doing all those stairs in WISC, but then again, maybe it was the adrenaline, with little Billy kidnapped, that was keeping him going :rolleyes:

Welcome, Wolfwings ! I have been reading demons- good story. :)
After reading your post and then seeing that pic all i could imagine was Ryan saying in a little voice 'I want continuity...'

I agree though: it's not just the angsty side of me that wants to see some sort of fallout or continuity for Ryan. It's just ridiculous at times: in SGIYC while Calleigh was comatose, Ryan, who had been in the burning attic almost as long as her, was literally chasing after suspects!

WISC was definitely the worst...I'm sure that he said he ran up thirty flights of stairs...the morning after he was tortured. What's wrong with that sentence?

It is so unrealistic that he wasnt even coughing after those fires he was in. And you think he would have looked a little tired after being beaten up and then doing all those stairs in WISC, but then again, maybe it was the adrenaline, with little Billy kidnapped, that was keeping him going :rolleyes:

well i hardly believe adrenaline could do so much but i'm not an expert in this topic :)

but i've read few fanfics where this situation was written much much better...

writers should read them and learn :hugegrin:
While adrenaline won't make you look less tired or less beat up,adrenaline can make you do almost super human feats,and that has been documented. A real example being a small or petite mom being able to lift a large car off of her child, a much older, arthritic person(80's and 90's), being able to fight off successfully a much younger person.Adrenaline can help you accomplish amazing things especially if your life or someone else's life was at stake. While Ryan maybe should have had some coughing( and I believe he did in SGIYC's) all of what we saw isn't unheard of.
I actually find it more unrealistic that mentally he seems to get over things quickly,but maybe that was part of the whole gambling thing.
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Oct.3! I thought it was starting Sept. 19th. NY starts Sept 24th so I assumed Miami would start the beginning of that same week. It was starting later than I thought anyway. Oct. seems really late,I hope it's a mistake.
I see that "Out of Time" airs again next week.Hasn't that episode already been rerun? That was one of my least favorite episodes because of Ryan and Natalia's criminal amount of airtime.I'm not watching it again, I'll find something else to do.
I came *this* close to skipping over the premiere when it first aired here in the uk after what i'd heard about Ryan and Nat's unfair screentime. But in the end i watched it, simmered for a while and eventually wrote a tag to the eppy that included Ry in the flashback, so wasn't all bad :lol:
Oct 3rd? I am so beyond ANGRY at CBS right now. :mad: I don't even know what to say. I have no words! I mean, this isn't fair. We're going to have to wait THAT long, when everyone else goes 20th, 21st, ect ect... Wtf?!

Goodness. I want to boycott CBS as it is, with As The World Turns going off the air... that was pushing it. This has sent me over the top. I believe with everything I won't be watching ANY of the shows until two days later, on DVR. I WILL watch MIAMI to keep the ratings up, but the others can be toast for all I care. :rolls eyes:

So irritated.

Anther long week I have to wait to see his royal hotness. No fair, CBS. No fair! :lol:
OMG WOLFE PACK I'M SO PISSED OFF!!!! You will never believe what I just found out. According to the Orlando Sentinel, CSI:M isn't premiering until Oct. 3!!!! It was apparently pushed back a week because of a smelly 90-minute premiere of The Amazing Race. hmph.


For the sake of my sanity, I sincerely hope this person is mistaken.

And the jerking around of CSI Miami in it's new time period starts already! :rolleyes:

This really doesn't look good as a way to start off in the new time slot.

The only reason I'm looking forward to the season premiere is I'm hoping like hell they allow Wolfe and Walter to have a truly decent scene reacting the Jesse's death. They are the only two who really bonded with him and they deserve to be the ones to say goodbye.

As with every scene he's given, Jon could really do an amazing job. He and Omar together could make the episode. I hope they are given the opportunity. :(
In America theres going to be a premiere in October... It'll be a lot longer in England :(

that really annoys me :brickwall:
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Seriously, CBS? You had to go and pull that one on us? How necessary is it for you to lose your fans? Gr....

Thank you, BBS for updating me on FB about it. Like I said to you, I guess this is just more reason for me to read more Ryan-centric fanfiction. I think I'm gonna go farther back in the pages...ooh, that's a plan :: runs off ::
Seriously, CBS? You had to go and pull that one on us? How necessary is it for you to lose your fans? Gr....

Thank you, BBS for updating me on FB about it. Like I said to you, I guess this is just more reason for me to read more Ryan-centric fanfiction. I think I'm gonna go farther back in the pages...ooh, that's a plan :: runs off ::

..and on that note, I'm going to finish off mine now!
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