My viewing of Miami would likely come to an end also.As it is with the time change,it will probably be airing at different times because of sports events.I won't bother staying up later if the time is pushed back because of a delay,and Ryan isn't even there! I have plenty of books that I can be reading.My viewing also will come to an end if Ryan leaves.
This is more than likely a tool to keep us interesting, talking and posting about the show all summer. Ryan too popular of a character; it would just be stupid on the tptb's part to let him go.
I agree with someone who posted the prime time to have Ryan exit would have been during Time Bomb before the season finale along the same lines as Tara did in Dissolved.
My gut says Ryan isn't going anywhere, but I will probably still worry a little.
I want to post on CBS but I have a couple of questions. Is the fact that someone isn't getting up a spoiler? Would it be better to wait until AFTER the season finale or since TV Guide printed it it is okay to send my comments now? I don't want to do the wrong thing!
Also, if what I heard is true and there is an article stating that we will learn more about Ryan next season (bearing in mind, he does come back), does that mean someone is listening to us Ryan fans?
greatfan we understand!!! I'll be thinking about you. Hang in there!!
I see no problem with either option,to wait to send a comment,or send one now.I have already set a comment,and I'm sure I'll send more before the next season starts to tape again in July.I hadn't heard anything about learning more of Ryan only Jesse and Walter.
I would like a lot more screentime and stories for Natalia and Ryan. I feel the writers haven't even scratched the surface with these two.I think these two just light up the screen when they appear,if that makes sense.I'm pretty much just watching for Ryan too,but I also love Natalia.
I worried for both Ryan and Natalia as well. I love them both and don't want to see either one go. In fact, I want to see both with INCREASED presence! They've earned it. They are worthy of it. And they certainly have a sufficient number of fans to support it.
At least their characters have story potential and are interesting.
Don't pay any attention to me,I'm just worried about life in general right now.Our union just voted to authorize a strike so I'm just a big worried mess right now.
Oh, hon. I'm so sorry to hear that! It must be horrible for you right not to know what is coming next. My thoughts are with you and I just KNOW it's gonna be fine!
Hang in there and feel free to vent away! We're here for ya!
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes.
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