It looks as if there will be some good scenes, between Ryan and Natalia.
But also too many scenes, of he who will not be mentioned.... "sigh"
Enough already; more Ryan. :scream::scream:
I'll jump on the "more Ryan" bandwagon. He needs a storyline (a positive one) not having him just there.
I agree... MORE Ryan. I was so irritated last night! They should have given Ryan Jesse's part. Shoot, they could have at least given it to Calleigh. I don't know... I like Jesse but I get the feeling he's being forced at us. That's no way to make us like him. Esp when we want to see our developed characters more often than not. They build themselves up slowly, so these guys should be no different! SORRY /rant. I just want to see some good Ryan material this year.... I hope they don't disappoint!
As for what we DID see of Ryan, he was great. I love the way Jonathan delivers his lines... makes them priceless. *sigh* Why can't it be new next week?!
You're not ranting; you are expressing what a lot of us Ryan fans are feeling. Although I am really trying not to dislike Jesse, it gets irritating to see him get scenes that Ryan could as easily get. Hopefully, since there still is plenty of season left, maybe we will be surprised and Ryan will be a meaty, positive storyline.
And I agree what little of Ryan was there was "quality Ryan". He was smart funny and caring (that's what confronting Natalia was all about
He did look good last night. A plus.
Yes, his hair wasn't bad last night! I loved this line and his deliverance of it (expression & tone of voice): "Well that was a waste of my time, pants too." :lol: Wasn't too fond of the jacket he was wearing, but I did like the shirt, nice color on him! When he bent down though I noticed his tummy. :wtf: He still looks good though and who doesn't have a tummy? LOL!
Jon can really deliver those lines can't he? I noticed the tummy too. I wonder in what order they shoot the episodes (he has looked thinner before this eppie). I think the tummy makes him more human, kind of like the rest of us.
Going to work on caps after my PCC meeting tonight. Not that he was in the episode much.
Take your time; they are always worth the wait:thumbsup: