Ryan/Jon #23: 'A Different Kind of Hero'

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Thanks GNRF! :D He's such a cutie.


I'm kind of frustrated with the whole thing.
We've gotten deep conversations from Calleigh and Eric, we've gotten inside Delko's head....Why not Ryan? Why so little emotion and explination from the same guy who makes such brash moves all the time?

You know what? I'm coming up with my own explination....I really do think Ryan has rabies.
That was a wonderful gift GNRF!

We've gotten deep conversations from Calleigh and Eric, we've gotten inside Delko's head....Why not Ryan? Why so little emotion and explination from the same guy who makes such brash moves all the time?

I would love to get insde his head and find out why he does the things he does. I think that would be an intresting and positive storyline for Ryan.

I really do think Ryan has rabies.

Well he's the cutest guy with rabes I have ever seen and I love him!
Thanks GNRF! :D He's such a cutie.

Thanks from me too GNRF!!:thumbsup: *sigh* so handsome:drool:

You know what? I'm coming up with my own explination....I really do think Ryan has rabies.

Well he is a WOLFE after all:lol::guffaw:

I'm kind of frustrated with the whole thing.
We've gotten deep conversations from Calleigh and Eric, we've gotten inside Delko's head....Why not Ryan? Why so little emotion and explination from the same guy who makes such brash moves all the time?

I think this is the reason I get so frustrated when people complain about Eric or Calleigh's story arcs; at least they are getting them. Here is what I think about the difference between Eric and Ryan and tell me what you all think:

I have been watching CSIM since the beginning and since joining this forum, have been watching the episodes with a different eye and have come up with this conclusion:

Eric has had A LOT thrown at him (operative words being A LOT) but have you noticed that the stuff thrown at him has made him, at the end, sympathetic and/or a heroic? Let me give you three examples:

1. Eric pops positive for marijuana and has a dealer who sells it to him. We find out not only it is secondary exposure but he is buying for his sister and sitting with her while she smokes it to relieve the nausea for chemo for cancer treatment. Sympathetic and heroic.

2. Eric is sued for something that happens while off duty. We see that he is coming to the aid of a woman he thinks is being abused by her husband (heroic) and is sued because the couple are a slip and fall artists (sympathetic)

3. Eric is shot and the bullet is still in his brain. He has no control over what happens next (little hero, a lot sympathy)

Okay, now Ryan who has really not been given a lot:

1. Ryan develops a gambling problem, lies about it and gets fired. Although he fights and works hard to get his job back, it wasn't heroic or sympathetic when it happened

2. WISC: while Ryan earns a few sympathy points for having the snot beat out of him by the Russian mob and a few hero point (mostly by us) for doing the wrong thing for the right reasons (saving the life of a small boy), he probably lost most of both by tampering with evidence and not telling H sooner.

3. There is Nailed; when he took one in the eye (sympathy for sure and ironically it was Eric who messed up by not showing up to the scene), he could have lost some of that sympathy by not clearing up the infection (something completely under his control).

I am not saying any of this to slam Ryan (I lOVE the guy) and the TPTB have given us glimpses of positive character traits. He is kind, sensitive (see his scene with Calleigh in Seeing Red), good with kids, loyal to his coworkers, smart, a good cop and person, but this is so overshadowed by the negative stuff that it is difficult at times to see. I am also not saying any of this to slam Eric, he has his good points too. I am just saying no one is all sympathy and hero and no one is all flawed. And they seem to have made Ryan Wolfe one big flaw with no background. Let's hope this starts to change this year.

Thank you; I feel so much better:)
^ Great analysis, Miamiwolfe.

I couldn't agree more. It kinda tweaks me that Eric buys marajuana, then gives it to his sister who distributes it to other people, something that is CLEARLY illegal, and yet he is seen as a kind of hero for doing it. Yet Ryan saves the life of a boy and gets his head bitten off for it..

I'm just not excited for the upcoming season, because I know we'll get that same stuff over again. But maybe I'm just a pessemist.
Maybe the writers will finally let Ryan be more a part of the team now instead of always at odds with everyone. I hope so cause I love the moments where they've had good team interaction. I like the idea of Ryan and Eric being friends. Not saying they can't have a disagreement every now and then, even the best of friends have those. Warrick and Nick did a couple of times and were always competing with each other, but still were good friends. :)

I made a present for the thread. Enjoy!

That a great present GNRF , he looks so hot :drool:
Has anyone ever watched a bunch of those Mac PC commercials straight? Justin Long's voice sounds like Jon's at some points, which is funny because I was just listening to them on youtube while I drew, and then I looked up like: JON?! Oh....=(
Has anyone ever watched a bunch of those Mac PC commercials straight? Justin Long's voice sounds like Jon's at some points, which is funny because I was just listening to them on youtube while I drew, and then I looked up like: JON?! Oh....=(

I have always thought their voices sounded similiar. I usually know the difference, but yeah they sound a like. I noticed that when I watched Justin in "Strange Wilderness". :lol:
I saw Wont get fuelled again last night. That leather jacket......... Jon looked soooo hot :drool:And he had some cute scenes. I hope he wears leather again some time!!
I saw Wont get fuelled again last night. That leather jacket......... Jon looked soooo hot :drool:And he had some cute scenes. I hope he wears leather again some time!!

Oh he does look very good in that brown leather jacket with the green shirt underneath! He wears a black leather jacket with a blue shirt underneath in Presumed Guilty. Very :drool:!
So, those of you who have read the spoilers from SpoilerTV, what do you think of teenager Ryan? :lol: Chubby, and lost his group because he stopped to use a vending machine? What about what Speed thinks about his chances of getting through the physical portions? I personally love it! Just because it shows that Ryan got through all of that and look at him now! :D

I liked the black better in Presumed Guilty. But the green shirt in Won't Get Fueled Again was hot too. :shifty: I just watched Ambush. Hated the yellow shirt and yellow tie. :lol:
So, those of you who have read the spoilers from SpoilerTV, what do you think of teenager Ryan? :lol: Chubby, and lost his group because he stopped to use a vending machine? What about what Speed thinks about his chances of getting through the physical portions? I personally love it! Just because it shows that Ryan got through all of that and look at him now! :D
It's so cute, and it makes Ryan a more realistic character if he didn't have the perfect bod his whole life. AWWW he's a little chubby kid.
I am really excited to see a chubby Ryan. That sounds odd, but it's at least something new for his character that we never knew about him before, so I'm simply taking in all that I can get. :p
As much as I'm unthrilled about the concept of the episode, I am looking forward to seeing him & Speed interact. I don't think it's going to make a whole lot of sense, but all the same it should be a fun scene between them.
I am really excited to see a chubby Ryan. That sounds odd, but it's at least something new for his character that we never knew about him before, so I'm simply taking in all that I can get. :p
As much as I'm unthrilled about the concept of the episode, I am looking forward to seeing him & Speed interact. I don't think it's going to make a whole lot of sense, but all the same it should be a fun scene between them.
Ditto.I feel the same about at least
getting something different for Ryan. I always thought Ryan grew up and went to school somewhere else,or did I just remember incorrectly? I really hope we get to see a little more of Ryan than I read in the spoilers.
I am really excited to see a chubby Ryan. That sounds odd, but it's at least something new for his character that we never knew about him before, so I'm simply taking in all that I can get. :p
As much as I'm unthrilled about the concept of the episode, I am looking forward to seeing him & Speed interact. I don't think it's going to make a whole lot of sense, but all the same it should be a fun scene between them.
Ditto.I feel the same about at least
getting something different for Ryan. I always thought Ryan grew up and went to school somewhere else,or did I just remember incorrectly? I really hope we get to see a little more of Ryan than I read in the spoilers.

Nope, for some reason I also always thought that Ryan grew up and went to school somewhere other than Miami too. But I don't think they ever really said, so I don't know why everyone thinks this. :confused: At least I don't remember an episode where he says he's not from Miami.
I am really excited to see a chubby Ryan. That sounds odd, but it's at least something new for his character that we never knew about him before, so I'm simply taking in all that I can get. :p
As much as I'm unthrilled about the concept of the episode, I am looking forward to seeing him & Speed interact. I don't think it's going to make a whole lot of sense, but all the same it should be a fun scene between them.
Ditto.I feel the same about at least
getting something different for Ryan. I always thought Ryan grew up and went to school somewhere else,or did I just remember incorrectly? I really hope we get to see a little more of Ryan than I read in the spoilers.

Nope, for some reason I also always thought that Ryan grew up and went to school somewhere other than Miami. But I don't think they ever really said, so I don't know why everyone thinks this. :confused: At least I don't remember an episode where he says he's not from Miami.
We must have gotten the idea from somewhere.I'm sure we all didn't imagine it.
I'm still kind of laughing at chubby Ryan. Sounds cute.:lol:
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