Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

What should the title of the thread be?

  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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Who is Sam Hill?

Ryan has been funny before. Remember the scene at that gas station? And the same ep where Calleigh says she got blocked by a truck with a boat on it and Ryan goes "a boat? seriously?" And the scene in that one ep where he was in the crane and freaking out. That was funny. "I feel like a Ringling Brother". :lol: And don't forget him helping Eric to play a prank on Tara. Ryan's not always serious. Funniest line of his was probably when he was imitating that Paris Hilton wannabe and said "that's hot". :lol:
Yea, but those moments are rare and they never last long. Although when they happen they are pretty good, seeing as they don't happen often. I think the scene in the crane is one of my favourites this season so far. :D

Sam Hill is one of the directors of Miami. Apparently when he likes something he yells "TOUCHDOWN!" or "HIYEAH!" etc. :lol:
The few times they've had Ryan do kinda funny things it was totally out of character but it was still cute.

You can tell he's a good actor though because it's so odd to see him when he's not being Ryan. His entire demeanor like...morphs into a different person. It's like none of his expressions or movements are the same...

I hate when someone that good gets so underutilized. Hopefully when Miami ends he'll end up doing something really big.
Hear Hear Hollyyo!

They are definately underutalizing him!

I have a feeling we'll be seeing Jon in a huge comedy movie in the future. He's just so funny...and the fact that he's amazing eye candy doesn't hurt either! :drool::thumbsup:
I don't think Ryan being funny was out of character. I think at first he wasn't like that cause he was new and not sure how the others around him would take it. Now he's more comfortable within the team and can make cracks every now and then. Oh, I forgot one. This one has to be a fave. When Frank said something about some plastic surgeon and Ryan goes, "Yeah, I thought you looked a little tight around the eyes." Then he just gave him that cute little smirky grin. Loved it! Ryan's always had a little moment here and there were he says something that either's funny on its own or funny cause its a sarcastic or smart alecky comment. :lol: So, it really isn't out of character... its just not something we get to see often. Mostly that's cause the writers tend to cater more to the core three (Horatio, Eric and Calleigh- though more to the former two than the latter).
The few times they've had Ryan do kinda funny things it was totally out of character but it was still cute.

You can tell he's a good actor though because it's so odd to see him when he's not being Ryan. His entire demeanor like...morphs into a different person. It's like none of his expressions or movements are the same...

I hate when someone that good gets so underutilized. Hopefully when Miami ends he'll end up doing something really big.
I find that even his voice changes when he's not Ryan. It gets less... deep and slow, I guess? I don't really know how to explain it. :lol: I think I may have said this before, but a friend and I (we often have very long talks solely about him... we're weird) think that he would be amazing in a stoner movie. Even if he's a little older, he doesn't really look it and could probably pull it off. I'd pay to see one of those annoying movies if he was in it. :lol:
I know I'm just sort of jumping in, but I just watched the special features on the season 6 DVD, and I love when Jonathan is imitating Sam Hill. "TOUCHDOWN!" Oh how I wish Ryan was more like Jon. :lol: I wonder if it's hard for him to act all serious as Ryan when he's really not like that. I guess that's why he's an actor though...

Are there any other good Jon bits on the DVD?
I also wish that they would make Ryan a little less serious. They seem to have been giving him more funny bits this season though, so thats a good sign.
Jon is so different to Ryan. I agree, Holly, he is underutilised and derserves something better. Luf - Jon would be the only reason I would see a stoner movie too. I hate them, but I would make an exception if he was going to be in one.
The few times they've had Ryan do kinda funny things it was totally out of character but it was still cute.

You can tell he's a good actor though because it's so odd to see him when he's not being Ryan. His entire demeanor like...morphs into a different person. It's like none of his expressions or movements are the same...

I hate when someone that good gets so underutilized. Hopefully when Miami ends he'll end up doing something really big.
I find that even his voice changes when he's not Ryan. It gets less... deep and slow, I guess? I don't really know how to explain it. :lol: I think I may have said this before, but a friend and I (we often have very long talks solely about him... we're weird) think that he would be amazing in a stoner movie. Even if he's a little older, he doesn't really look it and could probably pull it off. I'd pay to see one of those annoying movies if he was in it. :lol:

I noticed the voice too!
Are there any other good Jon bits on the DVD?
Not really. There is the one part where he's talking about how Ryan has never shot anyone, and one part where he talks about how Ryan had a bunch of different jobs before he was reinstated. I think everyone has seen that video though.

I can see it now. A girl sees him in his glasses and stares, thinking he looks familiar. He walks toward her asking if everything's okay. She says "I'm sorry, you just remind me of someone, though I can't recall who." He takes off his glasses and says "does this help?" The girl realizes who he is and just faints right there on the spot. :lol:
I saw a blonde guy that looked a lot like him once. I kept looking at the dude and I was trying to think of who he looked like. Then like half an hour later I finally got it haha....

That guy probably thought I was a weirdo, but it's ok. :)

If I ever saw real Togo on the street I probably would be too shocked to say anything. Then I would probably have a weird "twisted in shock" face.:wtf:

When I saw Ben Stiller once I was too scared to say anything. Partly because he had two giant body guards behind him. My face didn't distort too bad though! :cool:
If I ever met Togo in person I would probably be speechless also, and if I were to say anything I would probably make a real fool out of myself.
Oh I am sure most of us would fall into that category. I would probably have to mop the floor from drool. :lol:
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