Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

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  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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So this was a good epi then?
Has anyone got any screen-caps? Im liking the sound of this yellow shirt! Glad he has ditched the tie.

And gambling was mentioned. Yeah for continuity. Hopefully he isnt doing it again! But im glad it hasn't just been forgotten, these things just dont go away.

So, I was reading that there was a good scene with Eric, and that Ryan found out the truth about him and went to Horatio. Some people have said that Ryan was just being very nosy. I prefer to think that he was concerned for a friend. Those who saw it, what was your impression?

I wish I could see these new eps. I just saw rock and hard place, last night. I wish there had been a proper scene where Ryan said goodbye to Alexx. She always seemed like a mother figure to him. And I noticed that they were talking about the y2k tablets. They were all taken off the streets in 2000, and Ryan said he was on patrol wen they were popular. So, he was supposed to be on patrol in 2000? And he is supposed to have been to college before then. So that makes Ryan closer to Jon's real age, doesn't it??
So this was a good epi then?
Has anyone got any screen-caps? Im liking the sound of this yellow shirt! Glad he has ditched the tie.

And gambling was mentioned. Yeah for continuity. Hopefully he isnt doing it again! But im glad it hasn't just been forgotten, these things just dont go away.

So, I was reading that there was a good scene with Eric, and that Ryan found out the truth about him and went to Horatio. Some people have said that Ryan was just being very nosy. I prefer to think that he was concerned for a friend. Those who saw it, what was your impression?

I wish I could see these new eps. I just saw rock and hard place, last night. I wish there had been a proper scene where Ryan said goodbye to Alexx. She always seemed like a mother figure to him. And I noticed that they were talking about the y2k tablets. They were all taken off the streets in 2000, and Ryan said he was on patrol wen they were popular. So, he was supposed to be on patrol in 2000? And he is supposed to have been to college before then. So that makes Ryan closer to Jon's real age, doesn't it??
I think he was concerned for Eric more than being nosey... he just needed to be nosey in order to find out enough to tell Horatio about. And who knows about his age, the Miami writers probably don't even know how old he is. :rolleyes: He's only supposed to be around 28 or 29.
I think he was concerned for Eric more than being nosey... he just needed to be nosey in order to find out enough to tell Horatio about. And who knows about his age, the Miami writers probably don't even know how old he is. :rolleyes: He's only supposed to be around 28 or 29.
He know that something wrong immediately i have understood it from his first words :rolleyes: And it was good when he talk with H first about it. In my opinion, H and Ryan (a little bit Tara) worry about Eric. Calleigh was busy with pregnant girl, Nat... she just do her job, without any concern.

About age, i think he is 27-28, he the youngest CSI. :)

His shirt in last ep was yellow\white ;) And he looks :drool:

Some pics from last episode. He was so HOT in this yellow shirt. I hope you enjoying it!

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Hot damn! Thanks for all the delicious caps Orla_Dark!
He did look hot!
I notice from watching the episode again last night, that (in the last picture there) you can see the impression of Jonathan's glasses right above his ear. Take a look at him again.

:lol: That's what it looks like. I wish we could have an episode with Ryan in glasses but that'd be super weird, and with the way he dresses I'm not sure Ryan and glasses would go well together... :p Jonathan and glasses sure, but maybe not Ryan.

I put way too much thought into that.
I find it kind of odd, that in real life Jonathan wears glasses and for the show he has to wear contacts. You would think with TPTB having him shot in the eye and having further problems with his vision, they could have easily written it into the show that he needed to wear glasses now. I don't know if he needs glasses for everything or just driving or reading maybe, but many candid pics I have found, he's wearing glasses. That leads me to believe he needs them a lot or they are a disguise, so no one recognizes him. I saw candid pics of him back in season 3 wearing glasses, so it's not like it's a new thing about his vision. I've notice that Jonathan squints on the show. When I first noticed it, I thought it was him acting because it was after the nail incident. But he still does it at times when he's looking at things far away.

I do see the imprint of glasses in his hair, but those could also be sun glasses. I found pictures of him off the set wearing sun glasses. Jonathan seems to wear sunglasses a lot in real life too. Maybe he has sensitive eyes.
Frosty! I love your pic of Ryan in your sig! He's so focused and glaring!

Anyways...Wasn't the episode amazing!!

Thanks, miamifan!

I enjoyed the episode, but I was a bit distracted so really need to get a chance to watch it again at some point. I thought Ryan looked good in this episode. I think that the yellow does work for him. And I enjoyed seeing him have a bit of a bigger role in the episode. I think one thing I've been disappointed with the show lately is that the screen time really is not distributed more equally. So I enjoyed that everyone seemed to have a semi-decent amount. Especially Ryan. :thumbsup: I also enjoyed his scene with Eric. We really haven't seen much of the two of them at all in the last couple of years just talking and connecting in anyway.

eta: I wish he would wear glasses some on the show. Some guys really do look good in them, and he's one of them.
I notice from watching the episode again last night, that (in the last picture there) you can see the impression of Jonathan's glasses right above his ear. Take a look at him again.

:lol: That's what it looks like. I wish we could have an episode with Ryan in glasses but that'd be super weird, and with the way he dresses I'm not sure Ryan and glasses would go well together... :p Jonathan and glasses sure, but maybe not Ryan.

I put way too much thought into that.

I didn't know Jonathan wore glasses. :p
This is the only other one I could find. xD I did stumble upon many other very hot pictures though...


He reminds me so much of my grade 9 Drama teacher in a BAD way...
Thanks for posting that pic! So I guess he must wear contacts most of the time then? I prefer my contacts and hate my glasses. Look at that cute smile! *faints*
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