Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

What should the title of the thread be?

  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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I love the paragraph underneath of them.

"Then, he appeared to do some sort of groin stretch while simultaneously dancing the robot." That's awesome. :lol:

Bahahaha! That just made my evening! Jon is such a dufus but ya hafta love him! I swear that man could do anything and he'd still look amazing!
Oh good lord, what is Jon doing? :wtf:
And what's up with his hair?

I do like his green and white shoes though.
He looks like he's about to beat up the crew member in that one picture. :lol:
Thanks for the link luf100, however, er, random the pics may be.
He looks cute no matter what he does! And Im liking the outfit- much better than that pink tie.
So, how was the last epi? Did the kid look anything like him?
I kinda forgot to look at the kid's face! I was looking at his hair...It just looks kinda odd for a young kid to have hair that's so...unkempt. And the video on youtube was too blurry....I'll just have to watch it again. He had dark hair, so that's close enough!

Ew. Those shoes in the pictures from above.... It looks like he's wearing loafers with bright green socks! Crazy wardrobe people...
I'm annoyed with the story line they are giving us. Well the TPTB are tricking us into thinking one thing, which I think would be cool. Ryan having a kid would be interesting. Maybe that's why he was gambling, so he could support him better. Everyone wants to give their children everything they want. Plus, it would mean that Ryan has some kind of family to go to when he's done work. BUT no the TPTB can't do that, they have to come up with some lame ass story line.

I thought the same thing about those shoes he's wearing in the pics. I was like ewwwww! bright green socks. I dont think the wardrobe dept. can be blamed for those shoes, I think those are Togo's real life shoes. He loves to wear loafers and sneakers, odd ones too!
I kinda forgot to look at the kid's face! I was looking at his hair...It just looks kinda odd for a young kid to have hair that's so...unkempt. And the video on youtube was too blurry....I'll just have to watch it again. He had dark hair, so that's close enough!

Ew. Those shoes in the pictures from above.... It looks like he's wearing loafers with bright green socks! Crazy wardrobe people...

Actually, I think the tennis shoes are actually Jon's. I noticed in a couple of the other pics that he was wearing dress shoes. So, I think the dress shoes were for the scene and the tennis shoes were what he was wearing while on a break. The pic with the kid was probably a meeting thing so the kid will feel more comfortable in the scene with him or something.
Twiztid4Togo said:
I thought the same thing about those shoes he's wearing in the pics. I was like ewwwww! bright green socks. I dont think the wardrobe dept. can be blamed for those shoes, I think those are Togo's real life shoes. He loves to wear loafers and sneakers, odd ones too!

Actually the bright green was part of the shoes/loafers if you take a closer look. His socks are black. Weird shoes though! Love the robot! :lol:
I know those weren't socks, I worded that wrong. When I first saw the pic, I thought they were socks then I realized it was part of the shoe. I'm glad to know that he has other shoes to wear in between takes and he doesn't have to wear those boots all the time, they look uncomfortable and I don't think it's his style. I did notice this season he's not wearing boots, now they have him in dress shoes more. Togo really seems to like loafer, sneakers and even sandles. Most of the candid pics I have of him he has on some kind of strange looking shoes.
I'm annoyed with the story line they are giving us. Well the TPTB are tricking us into thinking one thing, which I think would be cool. Ryan having a kid would be interesting. Maybe that's why he was gambling, so he could support him better. Everyone wants to give their children everything they want. Plus, it would mean that Ryan has some kind of family to go to when he's done work. BUT no the TPTB can't do that, they have to come up with some lame ass story line.

I thought the same thing about those shoes he's wearing in the pics. I was like ewwwww! bright green socks. I dont think the wardrobe dept. can be blamed for those shoes, I think those are Togo's real life shoes. He loves to wear loafers and sneakers, odd ones too!
I think I like the "lame ass story line" better than a "Ryan has a kid omgz" story line. Even if it wasn't a long lost child, like Kyle sort of was and Ryan has known the kid since he was born, it'd still be too much of a recycled Horatio plot. IMO, of course. And at least they're letting us know how it's going with the gambling, since we all thought that was just another thing that was done and forgotten about.

About the shoes. :lol: I didn't even notice at first, but then I was like "They're making him wear those shoes in a suit like that? Whoa..." until I saw the other pictures and realized the weird ones were probably actually Jonathan's. xD
I think I would like the "lame ass storyline" better if the TPTB weren't trying to trick us. Why make us think it's his kid, I'm just tired of everything they show looking like one thing, then turning out to be totally not it.

I understand what your saying luf100, about it seeming like it's a recycled storyline. When I first read the spoiler saying they were looking for a kid that looked like Togo, I was like wtf, now he's got some kid suddenly he didn't know about. It is nice that they are having some continuity of the gambling story line and showing us that Ryan did get help for his problem. I just don't like TPTB tricking us. The previews always look so good and seem like the show is going to be so exciting and things are going to happen, then bam, it sucks, nothing happens that you thought was going to.
Yea, that's very true about the promos. But hey, I guess they have to try to make it look better than it is to make sure people are watching. : / Or they're trying to get new viewers. Plus if you're not a spoiler reader they can trick you so easily because you don't know what's supposed to happen.
Oh yeah if you don't have internet or read spoilers, that would mess you up. Like if I didnt know about the kid, I would have been like OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Ryan has a kid!!! I'd been on the floor rolling around. My mom and sister watch it and don't have a clue about spoilers and my mom was like "OMG, that one csi got shot in the head and died" So misleading!
I kind of like those shoes. They look comfy, and I'm all about comfy. I never even thought they'd be for the show, but I'd guess they do a lot of standing around, and I know that I would want some shoes that were comfortable to wear in between takes.

I don't set out to read spoilers, but do pick up things here and there by accident. But even if not, I'd take most everything I see with a grain of salt. TPTB are notoriously misleading on this show. I assume whatever they trying to get people to think is going on has nothing to do with what is really going on.
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