Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

What should the title of the thread be?

  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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Yeah, but for those who fear of heights it doesnt matter if its 10 feet or 100 feet...but you can be right, it was the unstable crane that made him scared. Still it was a funny scene....and i think the best epi in this season so far:thumbsup:
id be pleased to see more epis like this was. especially because the screentime of Ryan is starting to get equal with the others :D

All I have to say is Ryan's a lot braver than I am. They couldn't have gotten me up in that crane, not in a million years and not for a million bucks.

But it still was funny. I liked watching his expressions and when he tried to cover up his fear when he was talking on the radio :D I think he should get more funny moments, or just more screen time in general.
I think it was more of him being worried that the crane thing was unstable than it was the heights. :lol: Plus, in the window scene he wasn't as high up. They said that crane was a couple hundred feet in the air. :lol:

Im not surprised he was worried about that crane- there is no way I'd have been anywhere near it :rolleyes: I think you are right, its not so much a fear of heights, as a fear of being on something unstable that happens to be way up there.... I haven't seen the scene with the window, so cant comment on that.
I saw some clips from that crane scene. Some of the best Ryan scenes in ages. :lol: He does those funny bits so well. I mean, I wouldn't want him to turn into the comic relief or anything, but a few funny scenes here and there would be good.

I was reading the episode review of wrecking crew, and the author has written about Ryan being separate from the team. Kinda not integrated fully. I haven't see the whole epi, but from what I did see he looked pretty much part of the team to me. Those of you that have seen it, what is your opinion on that?

And thanks for the pics everyone. .. I like crime wave (apart from the dodgy Tsunami effect anyway) I really want to see Uncle Ron at some point, actually any member of Ryan's family will do :)

I just found this pic on a blog and i'm asking myself when this pic was taken and what event ? And does anyone have any more pictures from it ???
That is Michael Landes....he was in Special Unit 2 with Jon. He looks pretty young in that pic. Wonder if that was sometime when SU2 was airing then....

What is the blog if you don't mind me asking?
Where the heck was Ryan most of last night? I mean he looked good but he was barely on! I loved the prank they pulled and think the new ME got a bit nuts over it. Maybe they are trying to give her some screen time. And aww, Ryan sent flowers! :adore: His hair was really great last night too! Here are a few caps I did from last night's epi to satisfy your Ryan needs this morning. :D



He looks like he is concentrating really hard on that second picture!
His hair does look good. Its a nice length now.
That was sweet of him, sending flowers. He obviously felt guilty!
oh thanks for the caps CSI Stokes Girl :D

Even if he was in a very few scenes I loved him in this episode.
The thing I loved most is the fact he sent flowers to apologize :adore:
He's such a sweet guy, it's too bad we don't have to see this side of him very often.

Plus he looked great with these clothes, especially the pink shirt :drool:
First- Thanks for posting that pic of Jonathan and Michael. :) I just wish the watermark wasn't over their faces. :lol: Couldn't they put it at the bottom of the pic instead? :lol:

Second- Ryan had between 4 and 6 scenes last night (can't remember which). Yeah, I was counting. :lol: But, anyway, I am glad he's getting more screen time. Woo-hoo. The little flashback scene with Eric was great. Loved Ry's smile through out the whole scene. Looked like he was trying not to laugh. :lol: So cute. The boys having fun together. Love it!

Third- Thanks for those Ry pics, CSI_Stokes_Girl. I really really loved his tie. It looks like ribbons woven together. Very cool.

I only wish Ryan and Calleigh had both gotten a scene with Lucy Lawless. Only Horatio and Natalia did. :sigh: And it doesn't look like she'll be returning since she got arrested for conspiracy to commit theft or whatever.

A pic from Crime Wave.
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