Ryan/Jon #20 - The Tight T-Shirt Society

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  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Tight T-Shirt Society

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Togo Where No Thread Has Gone Before

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: We Want Skin!

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: All in the Accent

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: He's a Superhero in Training

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Waiting for the Comeback of the Purple Tee

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe's Den

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Dreaming of Wolfe Shirtless

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Ryan/Jon #20: Wolfe Gang

    Votes: 4 11.1%

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Check out Ryan's expression in this pic. :lol:
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: That's just great.

The lighting is weird in that scene because they did it like they do all the flashbacks in the show. They make the film a little more grainy and do the quick shot transition thing. I thought it made it even more funny. Like they were committing a crime haha
HAHA!:guffaw:I love that one, Jon makes up his face way too much sometimes. I think it's worse than Calleigh expression of the edible undies. hAH!
He's just gotten more buff over the years. I mean, if you've noticed his arms, they're pretty muscular. :lol:

Its hard not to notice those arms :drool:
He does pull some funny faces, its good- he's more into the acting than standing and looking pretty the whole time.

I was reading the episode review of wrecking crew, and the author has written about Ryan being separate from the team. Kinda not integrated fully. I haven't see the whole epi, but from what I did see he looked pretty much part of the team to me. Those of you that have seen it, what is your opinion on that?
He's just gotten more buff over the years. I mean, if you've noticed his arms, they're pretty muscular. :lol:

Its hard not to notice those arms :drool:
He does pull some funny faces, its good- he's more into the acting than standing and looking pretty the whole time.

I was reading the episode review of wrecking crew, and the author has written about Ryan being separate from the team. Kinda not integrated fully. I haven't see the whole epi, but from what I did see he looked pretty much part of the team to me. Those of you that have seen it, what is your opinion on that?
I think the author was showing some bias. She was trying to make a case that Calleigh was more trusting of Eric( Calleigh really didn't say any more to Eric than Ryan about being slapped.) I agree with you, there was no seperation from the team. He was fully a part of the team.I saw the bias as I was reading it. Don't tell anyone(whispering) I think she's a Hip Hugger.
Thanks to everybody for the pics :thumbsup:
I was reading the episode review of wrecking crew, and the author has written about Ryan being separate from the team. Kinda not integrated fully. I haven't see the whole epi, but from what I did see he looked pretty much part of the team to me. Those of you that have seen it, what is your opinion on that?
Well IMO he's part of the team. I'm pretty sure about it.
He has interactions with everyone.
I think she told Ryan was excluded just because Calleigh shut him down when he asked about the slapping.
IMO Calleigh wasn't excluding him as if she didn't trust him, but she trusted Delko. But, maybe, that's exactly where the reviewer wanted to get :p.
Calleigh didn't tell ANYONE her feelings about the whole thing.
Maybe she told Eric she wasn't ok (obviously after being slapped during such a bad day, you can't say you're ok;)), but she didn't tell him anything more.
Shutting Ryan down to me was the same as if saying "No, I'm not ok!". IMHO there's no difference between these 2 sentences.
Saying that Ryan is not part of the team basing on this scene is a little bit too much.
I could understand this kind of sentence if it was mentioned, IDK, that Ryan didn't interact with Natalia or Tara or if they mentioned the beginning of s6 when he was unemployed & when he just came back, but, probably, Ryan is the only character of the show who is interactin with everyone else.
It was also mentioned that "he rarely is taken into any confidences" which is pretty weird to me, especially after "Cheating Death", well even before it, but it's just a deatail.
I don't think that everyone has the right idea about Ryan:lol:
Well, some episodes I'm like, yay! They've finally considered him part of the team! But others it seems like he doesn't really fit in that well. :( It did make me a little sad when Calleigh shot him down in Wrecking Crew, but I kinda understood it. She's obviously more close to Eric, but with good reason. I don't know. I think we'll be able to tell a lot more easily when he gets his upcoming story lines. The thing that made me feel like he wasn't part of the team was the whole firing/re-hiring thing. Nobody mentioned anything about it except for Cyber-Lebrity. Of course, that was probably TPTB's fault.
To me, it didn't really seem like Calleigh was shooting him down, it seemed more like she just didn't want to talk about it anymore. Maybe through out the day she was asked a million times and tired of it. He seemed to understand too. I think the last ep showed that Ryan is definately part of the team and he's back in with his co workers on a good term. Delko and he played the joke on the new ME, the fact that delko chose him to help haze the new guy shows he's part of the team. I was a little upset that they didn't show the after effects of H's stupid fake death plan, seeing that Ryan was the one that took all the heat from it. I think they should have showed the team all together and H explaining the why's making them understand it wasn't Ryan's fault. I know they only have like 43 minutes of show, but to me showing the team making up would have been better than some of the cheesy stupid shots they do of the city or boobs and ass's.
To me, it didn't really seem like Calleigh was shooting him down, it seemed more like she just didn't want to talk about it anymore. Maybe through out the day she was asked a million times and tired of it. He seemed to understand too. I think the last ep showed that Ryan is definately part of the team and he's back in with his co workers on a good term. Delko and he played the joke on the new ME, the fact that delko chose him to help haze the new guy shows he's part of the team.
If he hadn't been part of the team we wouldn't have had him
-helping H with his fake death.
-investigating on the crane stuff right after Calleigh & Eric were involved.
-pulling the prank on Tara along with Delko.
-apologizing with flowers.
As for the slapping I'm sure 100% that thousands of people asked her the same question & the answer Calleigh gave him was pretty normal considering the circumstances. Seriously, you can't say he's not part of the team because of that answer:lol:.
Plus Ryan is a very sensitive guy & he can understand people very easily so I don't think he needs always good answers to understand whether the other person is ok or not.
Plus we don't see certains scenes, but we're still able to know he's part of the team as it happened with the flowers. We didn't see him sending the flowers (btw I can picture him sending a card like this just because he's a sweet guy :adore: ), but we know it just because someone (in this case Calleigh) told us;).
Saying this, I'm saying RYAN WOLFE IS PART OF THE TEAM:cool:
To me, it didn't really seem like Calleigh was shooting him down, it seemed more like she just didn't want to talk about it anymore. Maybe through out the day she was asked a million times and tired of it.
That's what I was thinking. I don't think it would have been any different if Eric and Ryan were switched in those scenes. I think if Ryan had asked when Eric did, she would have said she wasn't okay, and later if Eric asked she would have told him she didn't want to talk about it.

I unno, I'm a DuDe shipper, and I love Ryan, but I'm not all worked up because "Oooh em gee, Calleigh told Eric she wasn't okay, but she told Ryan she didn't want to talk about it! She loves Eric and no one likes Ryan!" So yea, I think Ryan's pretty much part of the team now. There are sometimes parts where it seems like he's not so much, but not something little like that.

To me, it didn't really seem like Calleigh was shooting him down, it seemed more like she just didn't want to talk about it anymore. Maybe through out the day she was asked a million times and tired of it. He seemed to understand too.

Yeah, that's exactly how I saw the situation too. I also thought she'd had everyone asking her about it before Ryan got to ask her. Although it would have been nice if she'd said, "thanks for being concerned, but I don't want to talk about it anymore" instead of just the latter part. but, oh well. I didn't see it as her shutting him out. Its just like in Criminal Minds when everyone kept asking Spencer if he wanted to go through with investigating his father and he said "I really wish everyone would quit asking me that". he wasn't shooting anyone down, he was just sick of being asked the same thing over and over again. I'm sure it was the same case for Calleigh.
Ah I typed a semi long post and deleted it by accident, so this post is going to be kind of offtopic because I dont have time to retype it all :(
Delko and he played the joke on the new ME, the fact that delko chose him to help haze the new guy shows he's part of the team.
I really liked that scene (like we all did) and you're right, it did show that they perceive him as a real team member now and thats great. It was cute that Ryan apparently sent the new ME flowers, according to Calleigh. :lol:
Ah I typed a semi long post and deleted it by accident, so this post is going to be kind of offtopic because I dont have time to retype it all :(
Delko and he played the joke on the new ME, the fact that delko chose him to help haze the new guy shows he's part of the team.
I really liked that scene (like we all did) and you're right, it did show that they perceive him as a real team member now and thats great. It was cute that Ryan apparently sent the new ME flowers, according to Calleigh. :lol:

Oh goodness....I just had a thought. What if Ryan never sent the flowers but told Eric he did just to give a hint? :lol::lol: That would be hilarious!
So, general consensus is that Ryan is part of the team, and that the scene with Cal in wrecking crew was nothing :)
I agree with everything that has been said. Im sure if I were Calleigh and I'd have been asked how I was 50 times that day. I would have been a bit snappy too. (btw- Reid's Dad is dead in criminal minds? I wish I wasn't a series behind :()

Ah I typed a semi long post and deleted it by accident, so this post is going to be kind of offtopic because I dont have time to retype it all :(
Delko and he played the joke on the new ME, the fact that delko chose him to help haze the new guy shows he's part of the team.
I really liked that scene (like we all did) and you're right, it did show that they perceive him as a real team member now and thats great. It was cute that Ryan apparently sent the new ME flowers, according to Calleigh. :lol:

I hate it when you write long emails etc and they get deleted, I can never be bothered writing the whole thing out again.

About the prank- I think that it is a good sign that Eric and Ryan pulled the prank together. They need a bit of bonding time. And sending the flowers was sweet. I wonder if Eric actually sent any, in the end?
That was a good comparison GNRfan, about how Reid reacted over everyone asking. (Solitaire, Reid's dad isn't dead, it was a great ep, ya need to catch up) ;)

I'd imagine seeing that it happened outside the lab, everyone either saw it or heard about it and asked Calleigh if she was alright. I also think that they are showing the bond between the csi's without showing it. I said I wished they had showed H taking the blame and taking the heat off of Ryan, but I guess them showing Delko and Ryan doing the prank was their way of showing Delko holds no grudges on Ryan. I don't think there was ever any question if Ryan was part of the team, he was always part of it, except when he was fired, of course. But he's always been part of it, the question is was he liked on the team and I think he is. Sure he's butted heads with a few...ok all of them at time, but I think deep down they know he's human and they like him. This is what I don't like about Miami compared to Las Vegas. On LV you know they all like each other and hang out together after work and they know everything about each other. Miami it's like once they punch the time clock they don't know each other. It's only been mentioned a few times about them getting together after work for things. LIke Cal and Ryan once said something about getting drinks after work, but it's never shown like on LV. I think that stinks! :( It's bad enough we know so little about Ryan's family, but we don't even know if he's friends with the people he works with. :rolleyes:

Oh he went out with boa once, Yuck! and we had delko and cooper out together, wtf?
^^ HAHA when Eric and Cooper went to that volleyball thing...it was totally oddball. I was like, wha....they're friends? They...go places? And he introduces them to chicks in bikinis?!

Anyway, it would be nice if they could show them after work. I don't think we've ever seen Ryan outside of the lab. (or working for...whoever)
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