Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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WWWTTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFF was that??? :mad: X 985268539658635. Holy f*ckin sh*t the gun dude had more time then him. Stetler had more time then him. Everyone had more time then him. H's Sunnies had more time then him...ok I'm done. :mad: :mad:

OK I'm not done cause i'm editing...but yeah blink and you miss him you west coast peeps. It was so fast I couldn't even tell you if he was hott, I'm sure he was..he always is but I don't know it was like a blurrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Twiztid4Togo said:
Shadow, Ali, Inge...holy crap the old gangs all in here..*squeels*

You can add one more to that, Twiz. :) I was suddenly feeling a tad nostalgic, so I decided to drop in, just to say hi. Judging by your comment, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who was recently struck with that wave of nostalgia? :p

I haven't been watching CSI:M lately (I know, I know, I'm a traitor. Please don't come after me with torches and pointy sticks :lol:), but I've still had the odd Togo!dream here and there. I guess some things just never change.

So, I can't promise I'll stick around long, but I did want to pop in and say hi. :) *waves*
QUICKIE...*tackles and huggles her* Hey missed you so much. PWEASSSEE come around more I miss you. It's ok that your not watching csim anymore because lately it sucks and tonight just totally pissed me off. BUT hey what else do I have to do on Monday nights??? :rolleyes:
hey guys i just found this video on youtube and i thought you all would like to check it out(p.s:jonathan togo is in it,lol)n tell me what y'll think. :lol:

sorry i forgot to include the link..here it is: jonathan togo :)
Quickbeam!!!!! :) missed you too.
Hope you're able to come here more often. please!!

Thanks for the clip togo2hot!
Jon is such a funny guy. :lol:
Emily: Jonathan Togo is crazy. :lol:

There's also the part with Ryan at the shooting range. So, this was his whole part?
So disappointing. It's time to get him back as a CSI. :(
He looked great though. short sleeve shirt. great choice.
I think Natalia is still a little bit angry with him? Or was she just embarrassed that Ryan watched the accident with the rifle? :rolleyes:

Did anyone see the previews for the next episode? Sadly, cbs don't put them online anymore.
anything about Ryan in the previews?
Inge, I saw the promo but I didn't see any Ryan...GRR!!

And I agree that he had abut 2 minutes at the gun range helping Nat because once again she can't listen! Arg!

I swear to goodness if he's not back in that lab soon we should be on planes to LA and stage some protests!

But he did look good for those 2 minutes. :D
I'll be on that plane with you Sara.

After watching it a second time and being prepared for the shortness of the part I can confirm now that he was hott in last nights ep.

Thanks for the video Togo2hot, it was very funny.

Inge, what you saw on the video on youtube was Ryan's whole part in last nights ep, sadly.
OMFG!!!!! @$#$^$##!!*&&^&%#^#$@%#$@%@!%@!%$#!@$@#$#%$!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!? What was up with Ryan!? he had like not even a minute of freaking screen time!!!!!!!!! i'm with you on this Twiz!!!!! the scenery had more screen time than he did!!!!! there was a rock on the ground that had more screen time than he did!!! A FREAKING ROCK!!!! A ROCK!!!! had more screen time than Ryan!!! WTF!!!!!!! I'm so POd right now!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

they better have more Ryan screen time in the next ep or i will start a petition to get our sexy Wolverine :)D :lol:) some more screen time!!!!!!
hi y'll.i was just watching some clips of ryan wolfe when he was in legal and i got to ask what happen to that guy who was in legal?where did he go?after crime wave he begin to change.(i didnt see legal/hell night full-only clips of legal from the net)i mean when he first stated as a csi in ynder the influence till legal(haven't seen hell night),he was such a good csi :(!what happen to him???! :confused:
togo2hot said:
hi y'll.i was just watching some clips of ryan wolfe when he was in legal and i got to ask what happen to that guy who was in legal?where did he go?after crime wave he begin to change.(i didnt see legal/hell night full-only clips of legal from the net)i mean when he first stated as a csi in ynder the influence till legal(haven't seen hell night),he was such a good csi :(!what happen to him???! :confused:
I know right? He was so adorable back then. I forget what episode I started to see the change in but I think it was Cop Killer. I'm probably wrong though. Anyways I want season 3 Ryan back! And another episode like Shoot Out. Ryan + baby makes my heart melt.

And where the eff are his sweatervests! He broke tradition last year because he never wore one.

ETA: Have they totally dropped the whole OCD storyline? They never refer to it anymore and he was gambling. Someone with OCD does not gamble. I mean, it's not that hard to remind the viewers he has it.
hi again.i just saw throwing heat and ryan winked in it!n he also shoot a gun and he ran(half -run but it was cute).anyways..the ryan in Legal was so dedicated, focused towards his job(even when callegih was talking to him he kept looking and focusing on the crime scence while answering her question.

about his change in character..it was in sex and taxes.(why did that have to happen! :mad:)
guys this is off topic but i had to share!!! im graduating officially from highschool tonight (they do the graduation here in kitchener now instead of spring time) and im soo pysched!!!
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