Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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I loved that pic too - **points to icon**
I am still mad he only had like 5 seconds in that last episode. Let's hope they make it up to use in the upcoming weeks.
Modern Day Gallery has some behind the scenes caps from Sunblock on their site. Have a look. :D
They are spoiler-ish of course.

Chain Reaction? Ooo is that Ryan back at work? Am I imagining things? Nice picture wolfesgamergirl. :D

ETA: Ah Random Scribblings has that picture as being from 609: Stand Your Ground. So we have a while to wait for that one.
Happy Birthday Rack! :)

I think Ryan will be back soon. :D

The promo pics from 'Chain Reaction' looked good.
He's back in orange. :D
He looks soo young in this picture.

I like your new icons Twiz and Kat! :)
Rack - Happy Bday - Hopefully your Togo wishes come true and we will see lots of Ryan tomorrow might! Love the gift you got from Twiz!

Inge - thanks! I just had to make an icon out of that pic!
Glad you like the present Rack and everyone else. I scanned pics for a while for that one.

Thanks Inge, Kat said she was making an icon from it and a light went off in my head, so I had to do one too. I'm really hoping that's light in his hair and he didn't lighten it...
OK I couldnt edit my last post since it's been too long so technically I dont thinks this is double posting but i dont care cause i'm too excited to care...

WOOT WOOT THE WOLFE IS BACK.. Ryan got reinstated on this ep YAY he was back to investigating YAY.. and he had way more then 2.4 seconds of screentime...

OK the board is being mad slow. everyone must be on here right now posting so when I went to post I actually did a double post, sry mods. I did delete it when it let me. Bad board being slow. :devil:
We should get some great caps, especially from the ending.. *drools on self*
OMFG i am super super happy that Ryan got his job back he is just sooooooooo hot and sexy. Mondays always make me smile and we get to see more and him than like 30secs for now on yay woot woot
YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I really hope they elaborate on Ryan's past. I mean Horatio said it again tonite "It's in your blood. Don't you forget it." And the way Ryan stood there and reflected on what H said - I really hope they bring more info on his character this season!!!!
OMFG!!!!! YYYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! our sexy CSI is back!!!!! it feels good to call him that again!! :D I'm just so extremely excited!!!! and i loved how they made him a "Hero" if it wasn't for him who knows what would have happened to Alexx!!!!! way to go Ryan!!! they finally made him a "hero" :D
Yeah Rack I thought the same thing at the end and omg it looked like he had a tear in his eye. I nearly cried. I wish Ryan would have apologized to H for lying to him, just clear the air, but I think H got it. I really hope we find out why it's in his blood and they don't string us along some more. My guess is it's his Uncle Ron. It was way kewl that Ryan was the one who found alexx and saved her on his first day back..YAY. I'm a little pissed cause we got promo pics of him w/ her by an ambulance and it was completely cut out of the show. WTF I was looking forward to that. SEE don't trust damn Promo pics. BUT, I did think that those were taken by someone on vacation and they weren't from the show. BUt then a site put them up saying they were from cbs headquarters so who knows. Either way woot wwoooot for CSI Wolfe, back in action!!!!
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